32 Minutes
Through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, we are being transformed into Christ’s image, both mind and heart. This is the promise of the new covenant and God’s eternal purpose for His elect, so that Christ would be over all and in all. With a divine mind and heart our intent is not just to talk more intelligently about God, but to “come to Him”, to encounter Him, that we may reason with Him. Too many read the word but never hear His voice in the silence of His expressed thought. We must “seek” the Word exposed in the word. The joy of revelation is acquiring interaction with God, through Christ, by the Holy Spirit. Let us always think of God as present and speaking with us, disclosing His mind, His heart, His will. Our God is articulate. He talks with us through His word. We are to reflect upon His words until His higher thoughts begin to take form in our mind. Oh let us pray that we be given a divine mind and heart to come to God. The power of the Holy Spirit reveals God’s word and the mind of the Lord is His thoughts. When we study His word, we are reasoning with His mind. He tells us what we are to know, to want. He tells us how He feels towards us, how He loves us. I Corinthians 2:16
We are to take occasion and measure to endorse all that He says that what He says may echo back to our hearts and our minds. Use spiritual deliberation with each word that we may negotiate what is truth with what we may not yet understand. Prayerful contemplation until God’s heart, His mind is revealed so that His word flows into the very recesses of our soul and our hearts and minds are exposed. As we see His faithfulness in reasoning with us through the truth of His word as He knows our thoughts we will see His unfailing love that motivates us to love Him more. We will savor His every word. So much of our pursuit to attain a divine mind, a divine heart depends upon our temperament, our character, our spirit. When we approach God this way He gives us more of Himself. We can never understand God through our intellect. His ways are too high for us. So He gives us the Holy Spirit who gives us insight from the purity of heart – from love, from humility, and from the desire to obey. Matthew 5:8
The more of God’s truth that we know and obey, the more we come to know. There are those who believe they believe in God, but by their willing ignorance they believe only in the idea of God, not in God Himself. You cannot make your heart love God. You cannot make your mind obey. Reason with God. This humbling will cause you to think more deeply, to respond more intensely. Esteem, cherish, regard your alone time with God, we can learn from, and find out God in our solitude. Making visible the invisible. Behind our whole spiritual quest to be like Christ must be our profound expression of the deep hunger we have for the Word. With a divine mind, divine heart, we come to divine sonship, what it means and why it matters. In the word we hear God speaking, in His doing we see God working, in His reproach we know God’s judgment, in His love we are His heart. If this be
not true, we know nothing of God at all. If it be true, and we know it is, then Jesus is God manifest in our flesh, unique and incomparable, bringing Christ in us as God is in him. We can be of a divine mind, a divine heart.
There is a purpose of God to explain why we need the Christ-self within us. It is for us to overcome our shadow that is our internal darkness that is caused by our blocking the light. The divine heart includes the lesser, to experience divine love to awaken our divine core to connect with the heart of God, the Heart of Hearts, and we can, with a divine heart, then love others with what is experienced. Praying together, studying together and sharing in God’s love can quicken the awakening of the divine heart within each human heart. God has an illuminated people whom He causes divine light to spring up in their minds, and He has taken them into His favor and covenant. He gives these the sufficiency of truth to reason with others. But there are some things that the thunders uttered that we are yet to know. The truth that God has revealed is sufficient, but it is not exhaustive. There are many things that God will reveal to us in the last time. Things that He will require of us and expect us to know. And for that, we need a divine mind that can hear what the Spirit saith. Adam and Eve were given insight into future salvation. Moses suffered for Christ. Genesis 3:15 Hebrews 11:26
A divine mind is key to trusting every word of God, revealed and being revealed. The bible is able to be understood, but will not be reasoned with for truth by the majority of the people. Every believer should study the scriptures for themselves. Nowhere do we find the scripture telling believers that they should only listen to some “teacher” to know the truth. The source of our learning, our reasoning, our hearing the truth is divinely appointed. John 16:13, 14 John 14:23-26
Please understand what Jesus is saying when he says “keep my words”. He is not only referring to the written word. Jesus is saying that there is a divine aboding with him and his Father based upon the love of a divine heart to reach a divine mind. He says he messages a word, a word that is uttered by a living voice, a word that embodies a conception, an idea, a thought which is continuous in its narration for discussion for a divine mind alone to reason to know the intent.
When we are being led by the Holy Spirit it demonstrates in us a growing maturity in the purposes of God. The more we can do things God’s way the more we will experience the greater happenings of God in and through our lives. And we can only do that as we are sensitive enough to hear His voice to us, telling us what He wants us to do. And so it is with a divine mind that it is therefore absolutely imperative that we live in God’s Word because of the nature of scripture as God breathed and is profitable for doctrine or teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction or training in righteousness. The word of God is of divine revelation, which we may depend upon as infallible truth. Do we not realize how much power God invests into His word? Truth is the fundamental principle that absolutely answers all questions. And truth is that which conforms to the mind of God. And where we study about God’s thought, we are studying about the mind of God, and that therein lies all truth. Truth matters. This same word of God breathes reason into us while breathing revelation among us. With a divine heart the harmony of the word is received as accomplished truth, purity, and is transcendently impressive. And the wonder of God’s word is how He performs it. No spoken word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. God, Himself, stands over and watches over His own Word, making sure it is fulfilled. What is the performing that gives us confidence in God? Our having a divine mind and a divine heart are predicated upon where we stand with Christ. And to stand with Christ means to do absolutely nothing, not anything that is contrary to God’s will. And this entails us being in Christ as our eternal hope and Christ being in us as God’s performance of perfection. And so it is that God opens the eyes of the divine heart and the ears of the divine mind that we being His chosen may see and hear the truth of His every word. Every word is tested, tried, and proven... Colossians 1:27, 28 Romans 8:9 Jeremiah 1:12 Matthew 13:13
There is a spiritual seeing through and beyond natural seeing. There is a spiritual hearing through and beyond natural hearing. There is spiritual discerning through and beyond natural reasoning. The great majority of people have personal ideologies, deep self and beliefs they are not even aware of. Put two, three people together to look at the clouds and each say what they see. Different views huh. What rationale does one have in chosing a political party? Can there be intelligent people on opposite sides? People don’t always see the same facts, the same evidences before their eyes. And so, with similar logical abilities, they conclude different things. The heart, the eyes of the heart...our diverse experiences, our personality, our deep self. All of these are filters we have which make us see things differently. There is much power related to our choices - and sometimes, even if we understand reasonable arguments, it will take more than this to fully persuade us that what we hear, what we see, what we reason is the truth - very deep inside these make themself the Youniverse. Love for God should conclude reasoning to love the truth. The mind and the heart are to attune each other in the truth. When one hears the truth who is it from? John 7:17
Jesus is talking about a “heart-mind-reason” recognition where a just person hears the truth and says immediately, “yes, that is truth”. We have this witness in our hearts that we were made for His glory. When the mind becomes hostile to the word of God it reflects the hardness of heart. This is a deep aversion to God bordering on self exaltation. And so it is that those whom God chooses have a responsibility to realize the power of words and be mindful of their trajectory. These have a responsibility to pay attention to how words may land on the hearts of others. These have a responsibility to be aware of the potential consequences of words and use them as wisely as possible. How others hear words is of their choosing, but God’s people are to be ready always to present the evidence of the word to those who will hear with mind and heart letting one inform the other to mature reasoning. God’s people give forethought not to think what is truth, but to know the thought of truth. That is the mind of God revealed in His word.
The divine mind and the divine heart are the passionate products of divine faith. Divine faith is possible because God gives us the grace to believe. We are able to listen to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, who enlightens the mind and moves the will and therefore makes it easy for us to accept more than just what we read but also what God has revealed. This is a divine injunction into the spirit of every born-again believer that enters into the privilege to be born of the WORD of God, born into a divine nature of Christ in us. This faith changes hope into reality and acts in the face of contrary evidence because “We Believe God!”
His divinity bursting through our humanity equals divine favor, divine plans, divine ability, divine life, divine power, divine healing, and divine principles. All this and more of His divine will come through His Divine act. Divine faith is a violent force, spiritually speaking. Our faith must be aggressive.
Matthew 11:12 Luke 16:16
With a strength, and vigor, and earnestness of desire and endeavor, with fervency and zeal, we are required to strive. With a divine mind and a divine heart, the self will be denied. The frame and temper of the mind will undergo hard sufferings. We will be in an agony with a strong desire for the contention of entering into the kingdom as the divine life of Christ is the force within us.