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Assigned... Part 1 of 2

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

20 Minutes

Foremost in this last time God’s people who are assured of His word have

purpose without apology. We are to have no diversion from the great work

of preaching the word of God. God’s purpose in the world to come and His

purpose in the present world are intricately intertwined. We must situate

ourselves in the framework of confidence by reminding ourselves that the

God of the bible is a God of purpose. And not just general purposes but

specific ones. He is the supreme, strategic planner of the universe. He does

nothing in a random or haphazard manner. And His purposes extend from

eternity past to eternity future, encompassing not only the ultimate destiny of

His creation, but our individual personal lives, as well. God called Abraham

to assignment in establishing his people as the Hebrews. He later revealed

Himself in a deeper way to Moses to bring His nation, Israel. God’s last day

purpose is supremely set in Jesus who gave himself up that we may be

commissioned to display His grace and glory in this present time. We are His

workmanship, zealous for good works. We are called to the special

assignment to primarily manifest the change of heart and character that

comes from the new birth - the process of becoming holy in daily life through

grateful, spirit-empowered obedience. We are coming to the occasion to

employ all our thoughts, and cares, and time. There is the time coming

where, not when, we will abandon all except what is assigned.

Acts 6:2

We are assigned to glorify God. We are assigned to be like Christ. To exist

to do good.To expand the kingdom of God. We must come to reason to know

of the strong inner impulse toward our assigned course of action, especially

as it is accompanied by conviction of divine influence. Our purpose is broad,

collectively, our calling is specific, individually, because it lines up with the

gifts given by God and our abilities. Calling is something more than a

position. To be called is to accept and fulfill our God-given purpose.God calls

us to become the persons He created us to be, and to do the things He

designed us to do. He will partner with us as we prayerfully move forward.

This process is a spiritual journey on an apostolic level in which we will learn

new things about ourself and about our relationship with the Lord. We must

realize that we are named in being called. God called the light and He named

it day. He called the firmament and named it heaven. He called the dry land

and named it earth. The beloved of God are called to be saints. And God


II Chronicles 7:14

Acts 15:14

The truth is plain: God is pursuing with omnipotent delight a worldwide

purpose of gathering a people for His name from every tribe and language

and nation. He has an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the fame of His name

among the nations. Do we understand what God’s word and God’s name is

to do for us?

Psalms 138:2

As this scripture is reasoned with, remember, neither is there salvation in any

other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men,

whereby we must be saved. This text is not speaking about the specific

designation of God. It does not say “all thy names”. Its about the reputation

of God. The word “all” makes sense. It is referring to all of God’s reputation

and fame. Our assignment is “truth” and we must come to the truth in all

things...all things, especially the word of God. Do you agree? Let us reason.

Is “thy word” in this text referring to the bible as a whole, or is it referring to

something specific that God says or promises? What is the name being

praised for? Lovingkindness and truth. An unfailing loyal love, and a

faithfulness, a trustworthiness and a reliability that is of God. We are learning

of the promises of God...the covenant promises. God put His reputation on

the line by making this astonishing, unprecedented and undeserved

covenant with His people; and by keeping this covenant, He surpasses His

own reputation in the world as God. God’s covenant promise is so vast that

it exceeds how we have previously thought to worship Him. Please share

these thoughts with me. God has put His name, His reputation on the line by

giving out His Word, His promise. He has made a promise, a covenant in

particular: if He were to fail to keep it, His character would be besmirched. In

other words, His character is only as good as His Word. If God can’t keep

His own promises, then His reputation as an omnipotent and truthful God

suffers. It really is an incredible statement, and one that we frankly see

worked out in our lives all the time. We know God is faithful, but the extent

to which He actually keeps His promises in our lives is truly remarkable and

far beyond what we could even know, let alone expect of a God with such an

immutable faithfulness like His. Now I see why it is so very fundamental that

verse 1 be our praise, our worship for God with all the sincerity and zeal that

is within me, with uprightness of intention and fervency of affection, with all

inward impressions agreeing with my outward expressions. Our assignment

is to be this with all freedom and boldness in the presence of whomever,

keeping always the eye of faith toward Jesus Christ, the holy temple of God.

There is so much that God reveals to us by His word. God’s name...we are

still in the discovery stage of who He is...but this truth is sure...God has

made Himself known to us in many ways in creation and providence, but

most clearly by His word. When we come to reason the revealed truth of this

word, we become the chosen. Think about this...what came first, the word

or the scripture?

Genesis 15:1

John 1:1-3

In the beginning was the bible, and the bible was with God, and the bible was

God. The bible was in the beginning with God. All things were made through

the bible, and without the bible nothing was made that was made.

In the beginning was Christ Jesus, and Jesus Christ was with God, and

Jesus Christ was God. Christ was in the beginning with God. All things were

made through Jesus Christ, and without Jesus Christ nothing was made that

was made.

His name is called The Word of God. His name is not called Bible.

Understand wisely the power of the Word, and the assigned commission

given us concerning the Word. Are we to be like the bible or are we to be like

the Word?

Hebrews 4:12

Certainly, this is not referring to the bible. The bible contains dead letters. It

cannot discern the thoughts and intents of the readers. That is Jesus’

speciality. Jesus says: “I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts.” It is

Jesus, and not the bible, that is the Word of God. We are assigned to so

know the word of God as to have spiritual discernment to identify Jesus in

others. Too many are trying to live by the bible rather than by every word of

God. Eternal life is not in the scripture.

John 5:39, 40

John 6:63

But do not take exception with the bible, the written word of God. It is

produced by the Holy Spirit, who works primarily, though not exclusively

through holy scripture, which He uses to enlighten our minds and kindle faith

in our hearts. Jesus is himself the eternal Word and could produce the mind

of God without having recourse to the writings of the bible. But he puts honor

upon the scripture, and, to set us an example, he appealed to what is written

in the law; and he says this to Satan, taking it for granted that he knew well

enough what was written. It is possible that those who are the devil's children

may yet know very well what is written in God's book; the devils believe and

tremble. This method we must take when at any time we are tempted to sin,

or at any time we have the opportunity to witness. We rely upon the word...It

is written.

The full expression of the Word of God is that which we hear from God’s

mouth, not read. That is why so many fail to come to the revealed truth of

the word of God. The word is that which is said, is spoken. Inspiration is that

which is given to the mind.

Mark 14:30, 72

Jesus spoke the word. The Holy Spirit brought the word back to Peter’s mind.

Romans 10:17

Faith is determined by what is revealed by hearing the word. That’s why two

people may hear the same truth, but one comes away with a revelation and

the other doesn’t. Who of the Godhead guides into all truth?

John 16:13

The Word speaks the word. The Holy Spirit fulfills it.

Isaiah 40:3

Luke 3:2-4

Matthew 3:1, 3, 13

Comfort(?) was sent to Isaiah to speak of Jesus’ coming to John. The Word


There are some things in the scripture that God wants us to press for a

revelation of His specific word. It is the Holy Spirit that gives a deep meaning

to what is spoken. We are assigned to study to rightly divide the word.

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