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Discernment and Decision...Pt 2 of 3

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

Updated: Oct 16, 2024

15 Minutes

Discernment and Decision

In this last day God’s people must become more sensitive to movements of the Spirit in everyday reality. We must make our discernment more than a choice between bad and good; it must bear the weight of consolation and desolation as well as the movements away and to God, in order to make good decisions, right choices. If there is ever any distaste or hollowness in the heart toward others, desolation is the certain path. Consolation will be the peace and happiness in resisting self-serving superficial thoughts. When we allow the workings of God in the heart it is the special discerning the genuine sign of God’s presence. Wondrous insights into His word will be crucially exercised. In this we may clearly understand the movement of God. Knowing when to resist or go along is the essence of good decision-making through discernment for what brings us closer to God.

We must be aware of our thoughts. Beyond ourselves are inspired truths that God releases to us that are to bond us more closely. We must know wisdom from the inside of Christ. Discernment is not a natural method of thinking, but requires maturity, discipline, and faith. It is not the physical separation that defies unity, it is the circumstance of a differing approach to following Christ into the mystery of godliness.

Consider every action of God in terms of our cooperation or resistance. Our conscience should be alert enough to prompt us not to make a choice towards something which may lead us away from God. Discernment is that of waking our conscience... being aware of the ways of God. Our challenge is to look into the consequences of the sanctuary. By what events can we become better informed before making judgment on scripture. How about considering precept upon precept. Discernment should not be desired to support personal leadings. It is to seek unity in meeting matters. For God’s people, discernment is the act of searching for truth, remaining open to the light beyond the self. God’s people have faith that, for those who question and seek, there is always a way forward in seeking divine guidance. We do this by testing and affirming among ourselves what is the wholeness of truth in accordance with our understanding that there is that of God in each of us and that truth is continually revealed. What might be the result of listening deeply to one seeking clearness, and assisting that one in exploring the word of God and discovering a way forward in the perfecting of character? Can there be trusted “friends” upon whom to call? Where spiritual oneness and harmony are sought, the same is to be expectant, waiting for the guidance of the Spirit.

Do not let subtle differences in the language and approach used, deter the unfolding of truth. The search is for unity in the truth, not unanimity. We consider ourselves to be in unity when we share in the search for truth, when we listen faithfully for God, when we submit our wills to the guidance of Spirit, and when our love for one another is constant. Spiritual insight and divine leading are to be the measure of reasoned argument and lively debate. It is expected that personal convictions are outweighed by the reason of God and that His people remain always teachable to come to decisions in harmony with the Spirit. True discernment is the settling into the worship of God. This contributes to the power of discerning truth. Spiritual discernment tests our conviction of a loving spirit. The search for truth lies in our love for God and our suffering for unity among His people who say their love for God is shown in their love, one for another. Is God’s will for the individual to be saved different from God’s will for the people to be saved? Discernment threshes out all tares with questioning and answering. And holding one’s peace, as trusting to divine guidance, is acceptable to disagreement, uncertainty or discomfort.

We need every spiritual resource made available by God to faithfully discern how to find out God’s working with each of us in our hearts, minds, and souls through various interior movements – our emotions, thoughts, and desires. Especially those thoughts, emotions, and desires that are not caused by the Holy Spirit. Negative spirits can and do exist in people...sometimes even in those professing godliness. Let’s make this clear - discernment always involves choosing between “goods” and not between good and evil. If our decision is between something good and something evil, that’s not a matter for discernment. We just need to do what we know is right. Discernment is sound only in the context of a personal love relationship with God. That love expresses itself more in deeds than in words. If we love someone, we want to please them. If we love God and want to have a good relationship with God and grow closer to God, we will want to please God, serve God, and do God’s will. It’s only in this context of a love relationship with God that the question of how we know God’s will is meaningful. Discernment comes out of the spiritual warfare and struggle described by the bible itself. If there were no inner struggle, if God’s will for us was perfectly clear, there would be no need for the discernment of spirits. However, we all have to struggle with our false self, inner compulsions, selfishness, egotistical side, pride, anger, greed, fears, self-doubt, lack of trust, and being co-opted by the morally wrong values of our surrounding cultures. In biblical terms the cosmic struggle between good and evil is being played out on the stage of our hearts and our minds. We must take a side. Who are we for and who are we against? Discerning attitudes are to be in accord with prayerful patience. It is with open minds and open hearts that we are to enter into the realm of reason with the word of God and the mind of Christ. Our spirits must be generous letting the Holy Spirit guide us with truth. We must have courage, for God might be asking something difficult, challenging, and risky of us.

It takes courage to give up control and trustingly put the decision in God’s hands while seeking God’s will over our own. There’s no telling what height of truth God will lift us to. We must have the freedom to know the central issue and have total commitment to move in God’s truth concerning that issue rather than to move God’s truth. God’s word in every respect must hold the prominence of logic. Everything else in our lives must be kept in the subordinate position. Experiences, and relationships are to be valued and chosen as they contribute to our ultimate goal in discernment of the truth. Our always love for one another must be held in proper perspective by the light and strength of God’s grace. Discernment is never to accommodate disorder or self-centered opinions. With much prayer we ask God to enlighten and move us to seek only what is conducive to His will and purpose.

Whether discernment is individually or communally situated we are to follow God’s leading by His word of truth only. If we truly believe we love God that doesn’t mean that where God leads us will be easy or won’t involve sacrifice and even some suffering. But it will lead to a truth that matters, that makes a difference, that has great meaning, and that involves more joy than we began with. Let our discernment go past the mere perception of something. Let it bring us to virtue in possessing wisdom and good judgment, especially so with regard to subject matters often not understood by others. God’s desire is that discernment permits us to transcend the limiting notion of human concepts. Individual discernment using the head and the heart, weigh decisions that decide what is most important to God. Communal discernment uses the same head and heart aligning with the principles of God’s word, keeping in mind what is best for the group as a whole, as well as the individual when making a decision that will bring unity of mind with emphasis of Jesus. Let all arrive in accord with God’s will. The focus on God and Jesus when making decisions is what separates spiritual discernment from secular discernment. The people of God are gifted with the spirit of discernment that they might make life choices based on God’s determination to bring salvation to all who love the Lord.

Unity, arrived at through spiritual discernment is more powerful and less divisive than a majority-rule process. Once unity in truth is reached, we move forward together as one, equally praising God for His responsibility in giving us the sufficiencies to meet all our needs. Spiritual discernment gives us confidence to persevere in faithfulness to the commitments we choose while greatly increasing our moving in the wisdom of God rather than the wisdom of man. Discerning the will of God is more important than making decisions for the sake of expediency as it allows for an examination of conscience in preparation for reasoning with God. It opens one’s sensitivity to the Spirit and ability to hear from the Lord. Spiritual discernment of the faithful eliminates biases that are usually hidden but may substantially affect one’s perspective and ability to listen to God and others. Any personal bias does not allow room for God to lead in unexpected ways that are for our good. However, let none risk their salvation for the sake of unity.

Decision making and discernment of God’s will, may vary from person to person and even from decision to decision based on the context and the circumstances. Discernment should be centered upon biblical themes and scripture as it considers the life and teachings of Jesus. Ask for the promptings of the Holy Spirit in times of silence and solitude. Use biblical witness as preferences and understanding of how God works.

This moment in time urgently demands a discerning approach to our present challenges. If we cannot discern truth in the word of God, what must the position be for the sweeping consequences for justice be as we are faced with trial and tribulation. We must discern how best to present the word of God that others may gain insight as to weigh the evidence and information gathered in situations where God’s people will be placed to be heard. Let there be no doubt about it...the end is here. The wise will hear and add to their learning as God’s people are guided by discernment. God’s word must be final. Remember, Israel was split because the discernment of counsel was discouraged. Not all will be spiritually empowered with wisdom and discernment. If there is no pursuit in the word of God for truth the wrong path is before you. We must apply biblical principles to the situation where discernment is warranted. Biblical solutions are certain for the one who reasons rightly with the word of God arriving at decisions that are “pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

What discernment did Jesus use in choosing his disciples? What discernment did he use in condemning the Pharisees who tempted him? What discernment did Jesus use when wrath overcame those in the synagogue? What discernment did Jesus use while in the garden? These conscious, uncomfortable, loving, difficult decisions were always made in order to fulfill the will of the Father. The impression of Christ and adherence to God's will, are integral to the process of discernment. We must adhere to the word of God rather than human prudence. God’s people are watching from afar as the living abandon life and we bemoan the social conditions of the day. Remember that it is the most holy will of God which put us where we are and that it is for the accomplishment of His will that we must work here as His ambassador. The effects of our faith and prayer are to be evident in our actions, which are the results of our decisions. How do we discern those decisions so as to know God's will? Reasoning with God has taught us that discernment is a prayer-filled process through which each of us can discover the difference between what is my will and what is God's will. Every event that God allows in the life is because of the cross. When we discern matters in that light we grow. If the events of rejection, denial or other sorts did not occur how different might have been our path to wisdom through reasoning with God in His word alone. Did God will for some to deny the search for truth or did He know by their own free-will they would choose to misuse this freedom. God does not renege on His gift of freedom of choice. God permits you to misuse your gift of freedom of choice. God offers the gift of discernment which enable us to be wiser, more insightful, and more sensitive and compassionate than we were. God turns the crosses and the injustices to our benefit.

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