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God Cares...

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

14 Minutes

God is transcendent; He is above all. God is also immanent; He is near. Very

near. It is in Him we have confidence. Whatever charge God gives His angels

to keep His people, He does not thereby discharge Himself. Think of this. It

is so that, whether every particular one of us has an angel as our guardian

or no, we are sure that we have God Himself for our God parent. It is His

infinite wisdom that contrives, and His infinite power that works for our

welfare. We must need to be well kept for the Lord to be our keeper. Even

when in affliction He is our keeper. This same God is He who is engaged for

the preservation of every particular believer, in the same wisdom, the same

power, with the same promises.God keeps His Israel. This God is our Jesus.

And the shepherd of the flock is the shepherd of every sheep, and will take

care that not one of us, even of the little ones, shall perish. He is a wakeful

watchful keeper. Our God has never slept. He never did, nor ever will, for He

is never weary. He not only does not sleep, but He does not so much as

slumber. Our God has not the least inclination to sleep, for He cares for us.

Psalms 121:5

God refreshes them that are His: He is our shade. The comparison of every

thing to God’s loving concern for us has in this showing a great deal of

gracious condescension in it. He is the eternal Being who is infinite

substance in what He is, in order that He may speak sensible comfort to His

people. He promises to be our shadow, to keep as close to us as the shadow

does to the body, and to shelter us from the scorching heat, as the shadow

of a great rock in a weary land. Under this shadow we sit with delight and

assurance. Oh, this is our God and He is always near to His people. He is

never ever at a distance. He is never far to seek. His hand is the working for

us whereby we turn ourselves dexterously to our duty, and we always find

God ready for us, to assist us and give us realization of our being to Him.

When is He not with us. He will have an eye upon us in our every motion: for

in Him we are immovable. God will provide that His people shall not be

tempted above what they are able, shall not fall into sin, though they may be

very near it. Shall not fall into trouble, though there be many endeavoring to

undermine us by fraud or overthrow us by force. He will keep us from being

frightened, that we neither slip, nor stumble, nor fall. God will protect us from

all the malignant influences of the enemy. Though the sad changes that sin

has made to creation, God’s favor will interpose for us that even the sun and

moon, though worshipped by a great part of mankind, and are often

instruments of hurt and distemper to human bodies will be a blessing of

warmth and comfort; God by them will show His favor to keep us safe in

every respect. We will know His creation and keep from the evil of sin and

the evil of trouble. God will so watch over us that whatever affliction happens

to us there shall be no evil in it for we shall see His working for our good.

Even that which kills shall not hurt. It is the spiritual life, especially, that God

will take under His protection, and He will preserve our soul. He, with a

peculiar care, will preserve us from perishing eternally. His Spirit, who is our

preserver and comforter, shall abide with us forever. It is by His Spirit that

we know how deeply God cares about our being converted. It’s a turning, a

spiritual turning away from sin in repentance and to Christ in faith. If we are

not converted we cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. This is a dramatic

change that completely alters one’s life. It is not a rearranging of things, and

it is not as gradual a change like sanctification. It is a dimension of

justification. It is a power that occurs much deeper within the soul of a person.

It is a decisive break with old patterns of sin and the world and the embracing

of new life in Christ by faith. It is so profound that it involves a change of

mind, and a change of view, a new recognition of God, self, sin, and Christ.

It involves a change of affections, a change of feeling, a sorrow for sin

committed against a holy and just God. It involves a change of will, an

intentional turning away from sin and a turning to God through Christ to seek

forgiveness. The entire person; mind, soul, and body, is radically,

completely, and fully changed in this transformation.

Listen and hear...being converted moves you out of the realm of that non-

saving faith - not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord. When there is true

love for God being converted is the crying need of the soul. Until one’s life is

turned from sin to Christ, nothing else matters. God cares.

God cares so dearly as to bear our anxieties and to replace them with His

peace and assurance. When we give God our concerns, we in turn, receive

His calming presence. God's system of care is countercultural. His system’s

values and norms of behavior differ substantially from those of human

beings. His is a movement that expresses the ethos and aspirations of a

specific divineness in this well-defined era. A span of time defined for the

purposes of chronology to draw attention to the prominence of His people to

characterize a definable determination to show in every detail of our lives

that God is sovereign. He is working to make us more like Him, and in turn

accomplishing His will for us and His kingdom. God transforms our cares into

what He cares about; and so we cast our cares on Christ. Our story

demonstrates the comprehensiveness of God’s care in the lives of His

children. God’s interaction in our lives is one of the greatest blessings of life.

If we stay close and attuned to Him through obedience and communion and

faithfulness, we can see His working in our lives quite clearly. When we do,

we see for ourselves just how magnificently comprehensive His love and

care for us truly is. We must never forget, never stop praying that God is

ordering our steps in His word, especially even in the most challenging of

personal, societal, and spiritual of circumstances.

Of a great wonder is knowing how God cares for us through relationships.

Think of the profound impact of our witness when we have devout love

toward others. When our witness brings forth this powerful

acknowledgment...thy God is my God. We are given brothers and sisters in

Christ who will be there with and for us in times of adversity. In Christ our

lives become an important blessing to them as theirs is to us. We influence

one another with word of truth. We are in the timed criticalness of God’s plan

and purpose. The beginning of harvest. We are now to be His kingdom

community on earth.

Our God is our God all of the time, in all places, and among all situations.

The true believer’s life is a transformative life. We are no longer our own. We

have a Savior who has taken our life and completely made every part of it

new from our relationships, to our beliefs, to our perfecting of character, it is

all His. In all extents of life, God cares for us, He is accomplishing His will

and His pleasure. God’s care for us is so filled with righteousness until He

gives to all the measure of faith. The measure of faith is that capacity given

that you may have a complete reliance upon God’s grace for every encounter

in life...spiritual or otherwise. But there is also a power that strengthens this

measure. It is hearing the word of God and sharing what we have learned

from Him with others. This is because God knows that there will be some

who may never hear the name Jesus. The complexity of the world around us

tells us that there is a God (even though people can suppress that knowledge

in their heart). Even those who haven’t heard of Jesus are accountable for

knowing that God is. These have the word of God in all of nature. All our faith

is to be in His promises, in His all-sufficient grace. Consider how God equips

us spiritually to fit perfectly in His determination. We ask without doubting.

We receive instruction in confidence. Our testimony of Jesus is beyond

expectation. We have every way to escape from temptation. He gives His

angels charge over us. The Holy Spirit is there for us. God takes account of

all our tribulation by putting our tears in a special bottle. How precious is that.

God so cares about our sadness that He bottles up the reasons and turns

them into our joys. And Jesus...

Romans 8:34

Hebrews 7:25

We can boldly say God cares for us. He reveals it in His words, His life, and

His love. We must be so comforted by this revelation that we never battle

wisdom against our feelings. Nothing, no hurt, no confusion, no deep

insecurity, no disillusionment, no circumstance is to threaten our trust in

God’s love. We must rest in the knowledge that His thoughts are toward us.

Jesus is our greatest comfort during the darkness of our struggles

where faith may be tested. Experiencing his presence draws us closer to

God, especially during difficult circumstances that may extend for long

periods of time. God loves us in a life changing way...He loves us

extravagantly. In God’s care we grow more confident in our identity in Christ

and form a deep abiding relationship with the One who formed us, who

knows us, and cares infinitely about every aspect of our being. God is giving

us such a self in Jesus that we find identity in being totally loved by God in

the ordinariness of doing life. The true self is grateful for spiritual highs

without craving them, and...without making too much of them when they


Recount how our God has brought us to learn to reason with Him in His word

for the discovery of the depth of His truth. This knowing God is possible

through spiritual growth and by weaving our testimonies and experiences as

reminders of Jesus’ faithfulness through answered prayer, encouragement,

and grace overflowing as we are transformed in how we think, we love, and

we we see ourselves and how we relate to others. God gives us

rest on every side. He is not blind to our circumstances or our choices to

confide in Him, entrusting our every breath to Him. Because of God’s care

we have a confident certainty in Jesus Christ. We are confident and certain

of his very near return. We are confident and certain that it is impossible to

be separated from the love of God in Christ Jesus. We are confident and

certain that in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved

us. We are confident and certain those whom he predestined he also called,

those whom he called he also justified, those whom he justified, he also

glorified. Because God cares, we are certain. Certainty is rest, peace,


God cares for us in His hereness, in His nearness, and that presence is

punctuated in Jesus Christ.

Psalms 139:7-10

God is not a being that can be moved away from. His people have a constant

awareness of His presence and the attentive acknowledgment of His

workings. Please do not confuse feeling close to God and being intimate

spiritually with God are the same. What is it when you ignore Him, or when

your humanness falters? How good it is to know that every moment of our

living is filled with His meaningful care. God has deep affection for us. There

is no care of ours that He does not care about. And He so loves us that He

wants our cares to align with what He cares about the most. God cares most

for His people and whether we love Christ and whether that love is expressed

in our love for others. That is the beauty of the circle of care.

Pause for a moment. Consider the God who upholds and guides the stars,

the planets, the worlds unseen. Who controls the winds, the rains. This God

cares about you. In your consideration, consider first the person Jesus

Christ. Then consider how God cared so much that He sent His only begotten

Son into this world in the form of a man to die because He so loved the world.

Now consider the love, the forgiveness, the compassion, the mercy, the

justice and so on...God cares.

God cares because He wants to be in an eternal relationship with His

children. He cares because He wants His children to love each other. Jesus

showed us the way. God is watching the misery of His creation. When we

love as He cares or when we care as He loves, we too will reflect on such

suffering. Why does He care? The pain and fallenness of humanity have

entered into His own heart. Scripture confirms this incredible truth...Jesus

wept. His caring is so much experienced with us until he allows evil to

exhaust itself that the power of sin is so completely drained that there cannot

even be, there cannot be even a thought of it. It cannot be a thought, a word,

a choice. God will finish His plan in today’s age and save the people He

knows wants to be saved. He cares for those who follow Him, the ones of

His salvation, the ones who have been made complete by Him in Jesus. He

cares so much that He will wait for us as long as He possibly can as He has

determined. God’s care is so abundant, it is so essential that it will be for the

full salvation of His people. God cares...

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