15 Minutes
Psalm 102:27
God has a people who will continue to grow in their knowledge of who God
is and, hopefully, in their intimacy with Him. There is a God that worldly
wisdom wants, and there is a God who is as divine wisdom teaches...and
they are not the same God. Dulled spiritual senses lead to a harden heart so
that these become comfortable with or complacent about studying to show
themselves approved. Overwhelmed by God’s divine candor, and lacking
humility, too many reside in ignorance. Prayerfully looking at the passages
studied again and reflecting on the different aspects of God presented with
care and concern under the guidance of the Holy Spirit will transform natural
views by conceptual evidence of truth. See God’s power, God’s authority,
infinite power, unlimited authority. Almightiness applies to the God of the
bible. The faculty of God is such that He can perform all things in polarity,
having two opposite or contradictory tendencies or aspects according to His
Deuteronomy 32:39
Isaiah 45:7
Romans 9:13
God is the Most High who is the Creator who by His word and through His
wisdom gave the vast universe its form, stability, and regularity. Have we
learned that God’s intervention generally consists in the reestablishment of
order, arranged according to a plan, is the same for all people: the Israelites
of the northern kingdom, the Judeans of the southern kingdom, the
Arameans of Damascus, and the Assyrians and others for His performance.
God’s elect knows the God of the last judgment. Our faith in God is to sum
up all the attributes of the Being who is ruler of all the universe, perfect in
power, wisdom, and goodness, who is worshipped as the very source of all
things visible and invisible.
Let’s try to reason with truth. We were created not according to “man-kind”
but according to “God-kind”, according to the image of God. God desires to
gain an image, an expression, in humanity, and for this He created man
according to His character image inwardly and bearing His behavior likeness
outwardly. The fullness in the understanding of the word of God speaks of
how God will gain His image being expressed corporately in man. We need
to ask ourselves as we reason with God Is there any difference between
image and likeness? What is the image of God? How can an invisible God
have a visible image? Who can be the image of God? How can we as human
beings have God’s image and bear His likeness? We are to be God’s
expression on earth. We are made in such a special way that even our
redemption required a change in heavenly things...a different expression.
His change was necessary that we might be changed that at the time of his
manifestation we will see him as he is and be like him.
II Corinthians 3:18
Is our God omniscient...all knowing? Did our God know that as man we
would fall? Why did our God create man in His image, His likeness? We were
not created as a hopeful experiment for God. We were created to reflect the
beauty, the goodness, the creativeness, the holiness of God. We were to be
so like Him, not in His omni spheres, but in attaining always unto godliness
in every revealed realm of life. God is so creative that diversity is innate within
His power to inclusively connect and unite all creation in uniqueness and
interrelation. Creation is so organized that whatever we do has universal
repercussions. As we reason about God's good creation and our place in it,
we come to a great starting point and important truth. God expects us to
change. It is as His likeness was determined to show all more of His glory as
He condescended in the form of humanity that was determined to give us
the power to ascend unto heavenliness. Be not obsessed with God’s
changing from Spirit to flesh and blood to flesh and bone. Rather be
obsessed with the reasoning of how and why God created us with the power
to effect outcome by choice as a “likeness” of His attributes. God expects us
to change; He expects us to think differently, and therefore to act differently
from the world, and from the way we have been in the past. And it is because
we have Jesus that we count everything as loss because of the surpassing
worth of knowing Christ Jesus. Look at what we choose to do for his sake.
Philippians 3:7-14
Things that we choose to leave behind are more than the things we failed in.
They more meaningfully are those things whereby we were highly successful
in. We reason that clinging to what we perceive to be the best part of
ourselves is to lose Christ. With pride as our motivator, we might be tempted
to look back on our lives to our own perceived successes and dwell on the
way things used to be. It certainly is not wisdom that we seek to return.
Ecclesiastes 7:10
We reason that the most important thing is our soul’s salvation. Everything
else in life, past successes in particular, are not adequate at all in succeeding
in what matters most. God’s priority is to save us. What “likeness” is in us
that we set our minds on things above? We change our minds about what it
means to worship God as coming to His likeness shifts our mindset and
anchors our perspective on the sacrifice of Christ that provides our salvation.
We reason the essence of true worship is not external, but internal, heart
and head, sentiment and thought, spirit and truth. Worship will push us into
our destiny and cleanse us of our past and we will change our behavior by
doing what we know is right in serving our brother and sister. God loves us
just as we are and better still God loves us so much that He will not let us
stay there. God does not want to make us like Him. He wants to make us like
Jesus...human with an indwelling divine spirit. That is why we need no more
proof of God’s love...look to the cross.
Luke 2:52
Romans 8:28, 29
God designed this destination for us long ago before we were created. And
it was on purpose. Why did God determine all things before ever bringing
forth anything? God does not change our circumstances. In His likeness He
wants us to reason through our circumstances to begin to transform back to
the “image”. Peace, wonderful peace comes to us as the reason of and when
we learn from Jesus, we find rest for our souls, no matter what our
circumstances are.
God’s greatest change was from the Spiritual to the accommodation of the
indwelling the human body. The Holy Spirit made his body a “meet
habitation” for his holy soul, every way ready and complying with all actings
of grace and virtue. The Spirit preserved the divine nature of Jesus as pure
from all defilement of sin from the stock of sinful flesh of common humanity.
And so we know that God does not change His mind, not in an eternal sense.
However, He does in a temporal sense.