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God is Always More...Pt 1 of 2

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

God is always more

God is the most dominant power of supreme authority, and He rests in His

exercise of love toward all His creation. He is Creator of the universe and

knows what's best for all things. He understands we are a three part being,

spirit, soul, and body, and that for us to be the healthiest and happiest, all

three of those parts need to be in harmony with each other and with Him!

With love, we are to celebrate this magnificent reality. And it is with divine

sight that we who love to learn to know Him, discern that He is more than

sovereign. He is higher than the heavens and though we use God’s

sovereignty as a monocle that does enhance our vision, even significantly,

it’s not enough, He is more. God is powerful and authoritative to the extent

of being able to override all other powers and authorities. The fullest picture

of necessary reality is revealed to His chosen in the cluster of divine

attributes, deserving special focus. He is the triunity of sovereigness: the

source of all knowledge, all understanding, all wisdom. This is formulaic.

Nothing is left to chance.

Ephesians 1:11

Proverbs 16:33

Any that deny His sovereignty, because they refuse His good, will come to

know unholy terror. But what we think does not matter unless it’s a reflection

of what the bible says.

In these final days, the word of God introduces and raises subjects we may

not think to discuss. The word that cast new light on our approach to reason.

God is increasing the value of His words to apply biblical truths to new

situations we may experience in this final world. When we study together, we

simultaneously gain a glimpse of God’s character through love in the act of

reasoning together. He shows us the qualities that make Him to be God. His

charge means that everything happens according to His plan and intention.

Authority means that all His commands ought to be obeyed. His Presence

means that we encounter God’s charge and authority in all our experience,

so that we cannot escape from His justice or from His love. We partner with

the text of every word, to incarnate the truth in His covenantal presence. God

is so much more...that nothing can prevent Him from accomplishing His


Psalms 115:3; 135:6

Isaiah 14:24, 26, 27; 43:13; 55:11

Daniel 4:35

It is also universal; that is, it covers all the events of nature and history. This

includes the natural world.

Psalms 65:9-11: 135:7

human history
biblical history

Human history.

Acts 17:26

Individual human life.

I Samuel 2:6, 7

James 4:13-16

God even governs the free decisions of human beings.

Proverbs 16:9

Our attitudes toward others.

Daniel 1:9

Ezra 6:22

More problematically, God even foreordains people’s sins.

Exodus 4:21

Deuteronomy 2:29, 30

I Kings 22:23

Romans 9:17, 18

II Thessalonians 2:10-12

But, as sovereign Lord, he also ordains that some will come to faith and


Ephesians 2:4-10

So, salvation is God’s work from beginning to end, doing for us what we could

never dream of doing for ourselves. We should always remember that God’s

saving grace in Christ, is part of His charge over creation, as the Lord. But

God is more. On the basis of who He is, even the winds and the seas obey

Him. He utters to us His commandments that we may obey Him, not

wavering in our obedience, that by His absolute sovereign authority He has

right to save us. God’s sovereign lordship is His covenant solidarity with His

creatures. The covenant Lord is one who takes us to be His own. And He

declares His intention in scripture.

Exodus 6:7

II Corinthians 6:16

Genesis 17:7

Exodus 29:45

Hebrews 11:16

Revelation 21:3

God takes us to be His people, He fights our battles, blesses us, loves us,

and sometimes, as a loving Father should, gives us special punishments for

our sins.

Amos 3:2

He summarizes all this by saying that He is with us. He places His name

upon us so that He dwells with us and we with Him.

Numbers 6:27

But God’s presence is not only for His chosen beings. For God’s whole

creation of beings is also able to be in covenant with Him. If they so choose.

He is the Lord of all creation. We should not think of God’s sovereignty as an

impersonal, determinism. God’s sovereign lordship is deeply personal. As

Lord, God has charge over everything, efficaciously, universally, and He also

utters words of life, that graciously govern the ongoing life of His creatures.

And as Lord He has made a sovereign commitment to be “with” those who

are His. God’s sovereignty is a broad concept, including all that God is and

all that He does, even embracing His love. The two vast truths of God’s

sovereignty that are more than we can grasp are the depth of the riches and

wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are His judgments and

how inscrutable His ways. Everything is governed by the deepest divine

wisdom. God never does anything or allows anything that is meaningless,

random or without an infinitely wise purpose. That’s huge. That is a big thing

that we must come to terms with when we think about God’s sovereignty. His

sovereignty is governed by His justice and His mercy. God never, never

wrongs anyone. All that He does is righteous and just, but even justice is not

the final and highest aim of God’s wisdom. The ultimate aim is that He be

glorified for His mercy, His goodness, His love, and His grace toward

undeserving rebels. He sovereignly planned and accomplished salvation for

sinners by the death of His Son. Because of that, we get an assignment

through Jesus Christ to go to all nations in order that any who choose might

come to God. In this truth we can have all of God that we want to have.

Reason with the statement that you can’t love someone you do not know,

and you might conclude that knowledge must precede love. That’s

profoundly why God wants us to know Him more…that we might love Him.

But God does not say “if you know me”, He says, “if you love me”… God

says this in drawing upon that image created in us. God is love. Suppose

that Adam would’ve loved God more than he thought of Eve. The deep love

of this relationship with God is the door to even deeper knowledge of the

Creator. Intimate friends entrust themselves and so disclose more of

themselves to each other. So, there is an intimate knowledge accessible only

through the deep love that results from and produces even more profound

trust. Would the seventy have left Jesus if they had come to know that he

was the Holy One of God? To those that were with him, this knowledge wasn’t

merely intellectual; they had come to love him and trust him, even when he

confused them. And because they trusted him, Jesus disclosed to them“mysteries of the kingdom of God” that he didn’t disclose to others. To really

know Jesus, is to really love Jesus, which is the door to knowing Jesus more.

John 14:17-23

Notice the simplicity in those words. The way to know the triune God

intimately, to experience the relational communion promised, is not complex.

As we more deeply know, love, and trust God by faith, and to persevere

through the difficulties, God will use these opportunities to manifest more

dimensions of Himself to us. We come to know that His grace is sufficient. It

is in our encountering the reality of these opportunities that God’s love is true

to His word. It is shown that His love, His word, is more than just proposition,

it is revelation…it is the Person Jesus Christ with whom we are coming to



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