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His Seed...Part 1 of 4

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

11 Minutes

One thing was made most certain in God’s dealing with the situation that

occurred in the Garden. Satan’s judgment was fixed. He knows there will be

a deathblow.

Satan would have this eternal dread hanging over him that with the birth of

every male child this could be the very one who would be his end. And Adam

and Eve heard it as they all stood before God. At the time of the giving of this

promise no child had been born to Adam and Eve.They learned of their

generations to follow. Adam and Eve were so impressed with the message

of hope that they reinforced it in the minds of their children and their children

passed it on from generation to generation. This is the first prophecy of

Jesus. It is impossible to see the fulfillment of this promise without reflecting

on and seriously considering the Word of God.

Isaiah 7:14

Luke 1:30-35

Because of Adam’s sin this would be completely impossible without a wonder

from God.

SOP - There is not, and cannot be, a natural enmity between fallen angels

and fallen humans. Both are evil. Through apostasy both cherish evil

sentiments. Wicked angels and wicked people are leagued in a desperate

confederacy against the good. Satan knew that if he could induce the human

race, as he had induced angels, to unite with him in his rebellion, he would

have a strong force with which to carry on his rebellion. {CTr 28.3}

In the hosts of evil there is jarring and discord, but they are all firm allies in

fighting against heaven. Their one aim is to disparage God, and their great

numbers lead them to entertain the hope that they will be able to dethrone

Omnipotence. {CTr 28.4}

When Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden, they were innocent

and sinless, in perfect harmony with God. Enmity had no natural existence

in their hearts. But when they transgressed, their nature was no longer

sinless. They became evil, for they had placed themselves on the side of the

fallen foe, doing the very things that God specified they should not do. Had

there been no interference on the part of God, fallen humans would have

formed a firm alliance with Satan against heaven. But when the words were

spoken, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy

seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel,”

Satan knew that although he had succeeded in making human beings sin,

although he had led them to believe his lie and to question God, although he

had succeeded in depraving human nature, some arrangement had been

made whereby the beings who had fallen would be placed on vantage

ground, their nature renewed in godliness. He saw that his actions in

tempting them would react upon himself, and that he would be placed where

he could not become conqueror. . . . {CTr 28.5}.

God shall see His seed...and only God can bring forth beauty from

is He that can make us new. God’s Word is itself a divine action. For us to

come to God reasonably it is vital to see how God’s earlier revelation

prepares the way for His latter purposes. If we consider that God stands

outside of time and created all things for the purpose of putting them under

His Son’s feet, then we must study the Bible as one unified but unfolding plan

of God’s will, God’s providence, God’s determination. We must put together

the fact that the One God has related to His people in divergent ways. The

study of last things reasoned in the most crucial verse in the Bible shows

God’s purpose in the first sermon prophecy of Jesus’ sacrifice to redeem his

people. The whole of scripture is packed into every word of this verse. And

we may allowably and reasonably expect every scripture to prepare and

make room for the truth deliberately creating the fulfillment of God’s covenant

in this single verse. It was the establishment of the covenant of grace. It

establishes the principle that runs throughout the word, creating an

expectation of not only “this seed” being actively opposed to sin but showing

the intense hostility that will come in the very end between those born by the

sperm and those born of the Spirit. This verse establishes a cosmic

explanation for the disorder of the world: Satan’s work begins on earth. It

even shows us God’s attitude toward Satan. God doesn’t call Lucifer Satan

by name, He through inspiration insinuates the depraved character of the

fallen angel by speaking to the instrument of his use, the serpent. This being

done to discount the notion of Satan being capable of contending in power

against God. He is just a representative of evil having a high aptitude for the

element of deception. Satan is not the opposite of God. Nothing can be the

opposite of God. God is not bound by anything. There is no tomorrow for

God. There is no yesterday. There is only ‘now’. He is right now at the

creation of the world, right now at the crucifixion, right now at the end of this

age. Right now. Why do people give this adversary recognition. God is all-

powerful, everywhere present, and all-knowing. Satan is none of these. He

does not have unlimited power, he cannot be everywhere at once, and he

does not know everything. He is a created, limited being. He depends upon

God for his existence. Without God's permission, Satan is not able to do

anything. He cannot create or search the human heart. Therefore the conflict

between God and Satan is not really a struggle between two great equal and

opposing powers with the outcome still in doubt. All power and authority

belong to God and Him alone. This adversary morphs from the serpent to

the great red dragon and because he has read the bible, he knows his

eventual future end. The principle of the victory of the kingdom of God over

the kingdom of darkness is established from the beginning. Let there be light.

Last things are purposed. God’s prophecy already declared triumph. The

enmity premise will be of such a devious nature that true hatred will be

concealed until the first human crime. That one act will set the temperament

for those who think to please God in their way as opposed to His way, by

their words and works, rather than through obedience to His commands as

reasoned in His revelations. Unpleasant feelings are created which

subsequently generate the enmity. But in this prophecy God promises a

Savior and at what cost to Him and the whole of creation. Pause to consider

the significance of the price God paid. God gave the life of the Creator to pay

the penalty for us. Nothing else would have been sufficient. The cost would

have been paid even for one human being. God reasoned that with this

payment it was not merely adequate to meet the cost of one person's

redemption, but is so great it satisfies the cost for all the sins of the whole of

mankind for all time! This One was the Only One who could be exactly as is

God. This One is more than life. This One is the very source of all life. God’s

glory, majesty, and exaltation is greater than life itself. No matter what

happens, God is greater than life! How can we understand God’s sorrow?

How can we not love Him with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all

our might, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength, with all

our mind. Considering the spiritual perspective, so, what is man...? If we are

not moved with compassion for the hurting, the lost, then we need to pray for

God to remove our heart of stone and give us the heart of Jesus. He tells us

of the earth mother of His Son and those who are in Christ, and how in enemy

occupied territory His plan of redemption is worked out within the context of

the assurance of victory, rather than the prospect of defeat. We are to be

equipped and ready for battle, but with the certainty that the decisive battle

with the enemy has already taken place and has been won. We teach this

passage as the reasoned truth, as the first evidence of God’s unfathomable

love for man.

Genesis 3:15

A seed has all the ingredients of what it will be when fully grown. This is to

be our faith, our trust in God’s promise to have everything we need to be

completely godly and fully effective as His servant. It was after this promise

was given that Satan engaged in a relentless but futile effort to destroy the

ancestral line of the coming “seed” and then to kill the Christchild himself. In

the garden and on the cross, Jesus saw each of us, and therefore the

Savior’s atonement in the garden and on the cross is intimate as well as

infinite. Infinite in that it spans the eternities. Intimate in that the Savior felt

every person’s pains, remorse, desire for, or lack of repentance, sufferings,

and sicknesses. Under what time and circumstances will he see us? It was

after the cross that Jesus’ seed was prominently germinated. Dormancy was

its condition since the Garden. It was in the state of suspended animation

until conditions were right for its coming forth to grow in the fullness of time.

It is the blood of Christ that anchors the root of the seed as the water of the

Holy Spirit is absorbed whereby the seed emerges up into the rising of the

Son. The seed struggles to break through that which is the dust of the

ground. And the air of life gives the seed resilience to the environment. This

“seed” is that of God.

Mark 4:26-32

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