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His Seed...Part 2 of 4

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

12 Minutes

This seed becomes the kingdom of God which slept, slumbered, but rises up

to propagate intentional acts of faith to cultivate selected fruit to harvest from

with those same traits of character. Our Lord chose to compare the way His

Word works to a seed. There is a germination process of the Word of God in

our life that takes time and can’t be avoided. God has given us a job to plant

the seed of truth of the word. None are able to cause that seed to grow, it is

only God Who gives the growth. This is our experience as the nature of the

seed is to grow in the love of God. We don’t study the word of God

with the thought that, O’ I know this, or I have read or heard about this many

times before. We seek the growth into the full corn in the ear as we still study

and reason further that we not miss any precious life sustaining and fruit

nurturing ingredients. This so that we do not randomly sow scripture in our

hearts out of ignorance. God is love, Jesus is called the Word because he

declares God in every utterance. He is that essential wisdom that is thought.

And it is thought that gives conception to every operation. There is nothing

we are more sure of than that we think, yet nothing we are more in the dark

about than how we think; who can declare the creation of thought. This is

why we cannot fathom the eternal mind but we so adore the depth, the

height, the unreachableness of its omniscience. The Word is the Being that

never began. He is the essence and substance of the distinct Person of God.

And we are his seed. There are many desert places where reason and truth

may settle when blown by “the Wind”. May our righteousness be that infusion

which makes fertile the land. When we grasp and comprehend the revelation

of His love in His Word with the help of the Holy Spirit, that is the seed which

indeed sows the fulfillment of God’s promises, God’s purposes as we scatter

the word that gathers. We expect to harvest an orchard of generous love

when our love makes another feel loved.

Now the depth of our utterances must find deep root in the truth. Not only to

bring forth blades, but trees. Those who are now his seed are being

strengthened in him as they suffer such incomprehensible grief of seeing

other seed dampening off because of the soil-borne fungi. This seed was not

deep enough in the word. It was subject to becoming a natural offspring of

the world. These have not the full understanding of the most protuberant

affliction to ever come upon the world...sin. Sin is the most serious thing man

will ever deal with. Sin is a spiritual virus that invades the whole being. It's a

deadly disease that infects every part of the human: our body, our mind, our

emotions, our relationships, our motives...absolutely everything. We don't

have the strength on our own to overcome its power. Sin is inherited, it is

blood borne, it is contagious. What makes it so? Whosoever rejects the

healthiness of truth suffers from the worse form of cancer - apostate cancer.

It can only be diagnosed with the word of God. It is the cause of all trouble,

the root of all sorrow. All have this terminal disease. How is it that sin is both

transgression and disease?

Romans 8:2

We, every one of us, needs a cleaning and the blood of Christ is the great

cleansing cure. With this truth we come to reason why the enmity and “the

seed” are the cure. We who are that unique and privileged seed among the

nations, determined and chosen, are the blessed seed due to our proximity

to Christ, being born again by the word, by the water, through the blood of

Christ. The storyline of scripture reveals how the historical figures in the bible

bear witness to the coming Christ by faith. In scripture, all things are directed

towards him, and so only as we are made perfect by faith in him, do God’s

people find their blessing, as children of Abraham, as the seed of the woman.

There’s a reason the last day seed is that peculiar people. It has the spirit of

Christ, a spirit of full consecration to the Lord, and separateness from the

world and its selfish aims. It is peculiar in its adherence to the Word of the

Lord as its only law, the basis of all truth, of all reason. It is peculiar in that it

rejects worldly wisdom when it conflicts with the divine revelation of God. It

is peculiar in that it is in the world, but not of the world. It is peculiar in that it

has a decided faith and acts in harmony with its faith, and with zeal. It is

peculiar in that it is self-sacrificing and knows no will but the will of its Creator

God. It is peculiar in that it knows the truth and is able to give a reason for

the hope within, while others merely speculate and wonder and doubt. It is

peculiar because it avoids strife and contentions, except where principles are

involved; and even when contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to

the saints, this seed has been entrusted with the great work of blessing all

the families of the earth, and bringing them to the knowledge of the Lord, and

into harmony, if they will, with the new covenant sealed by the precious blood

of Jesus Christ. It is peculiar because it is determined to overcome.

Jesus is the seed. Jesus is the Word. The first prophecy pointing to the last

things declares that we are his seed...we are his word. His seed had to be

planted in us before conception could take place giving us our born again

nature. And God controls the law of seedtime and the harvest. God holds

special regards for His last day people. This seed has special characteristics

that will show as did that tender plant that is “the seed”.

Isaiah 53:2; 11:1

Romans 9:27-29

The “seed” reflects back to the “remnant”. The seed resembles the original.

When we reason with God’s prophecy, we should give ourselves fully to the

work of finding our lost brothers and sisters, as our Father does. He is

gathering. We should also love the seed of the woman, be patient with them,

and humble ourselves, so we can walk the path of faith tandemly. We

resemble and imitate Christ in life and inherit his characteristics. When we

have these characteristics, we are called the “seed of God”, “the children of

God. We are endowed with the very life of Christ.

I Corinthians 6:17

We must be Word minded, meditating on it to be continually planting seed

from scripture. It is a simple but profound truth that we are to do. If we are

God’s Word, we have a distinct part to play...

Romans 10:14, 17

No one can experience the new birth unless they have read in the Word of

God who He is or if they be of those who are convinced of His existence as

Supreme enough to lead them to their chief end and the glorifying of Him.

The God of nature imprinted common natural notions upon the contemplative

hearts of those who knew not the Word, but that they had a sense of Deity

and the regard and reason to know that this Deity made distinguishment

between them and lesser creatures. By this way they knew the invisible

things of God as He was not the object of their sense, but these things were

sensible as a work of creation. They could not come by natural light to the

knowledge of the three Persons in the Godhead, but they did come to at least

so much knowledge as was sufficient to keep them from idolatry. This was

that truth which they held in their understanding. The plant grows by

receiving that which God has provided to sustain its life, whether visible or

invisible but that it is available and the part they must play in its reception is

the determined faith. That part is to believe what God’s Word declares, and

is acted upon, then the Father places His imperishable seed within the

person and they become a child of God. As the seed builds up energy it

enlarges and breaks through the ground to compliment God’s generosity and

grace in giving the water of the Holy Spirit and the Light of the Son and the

miracle of life. It is the seed’s confession of being raised from the dead.

I Peter 1:23

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