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His Seed...Part 4 of 4

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

12 Minutes

Reason with these next few words to begin to understand on a panoramic

level. Again I say, God is love. And love is over faith and hope and reason.

Love never fails, but faith will one day be unnecessary, as it will be turned to

sight, and hope will be realized and be unneeded after that. Love, on the

other hand, will sustain throughout eternity. Yet as the seed of God, our faith

is vitally important, for through faith comes our being as the Word. And our

faith is as the object of that is Jesus. We fix our eyes on Jesus, who

is the author and perfector of faith. The power of faith, then, is not on its own

merits, for faith is temporary. Rather, the power of faith is in the One who

began the faith and who will complete the faith. Because He is trustworthy,

the faith itself is an assurance, an argument for and the evidence of things

not seen. Love is greater than both faith and hope. We couldn't live our lives

without faith or hope: without faith, we cannot know the God of love; without

hope, we would not endure in our faith until we meet him face to face. But in

spite of the importance of faith and hope, love is even more crucial. Without

love, there can be no redemption. Love is what determined God the Father

to send His only Son to die for us. Thus, love is the virtue upon which all faith

and hope now stand in Christ – the supreme act of sacrificial love. And we,

as His seed, send our roots down into the depths of the love of Christ, the

love of God that we may comprehend it. Not by standing aside and merely

observing it, but by rooting our lives in it. Drinking it up. Savoring it.

Depending on it. Taking some risks on the basis of it. God is producing a

character in us that in every way all ways will please Him. We are becoming

like strong trees planted by streams of water that go on bearing fruit, even in

the time of drought. Are we ready to see??

What must we have, to come and reason with God? Faith! And we please

God when we come by faith to reason with Him and that faith is our earthly

pursuit. Once we are united with the One who has created us in His Image,

some needs will simply vanish once we leave this world. We come to reason

with God to gain understanding for a cause, an explanation, or justification

for an idea, a thought, an action, or event. We come to think, to understand,

and to form judgments by a process of sensibleness and soundness based

upon His truth as He gives us wisdom to know His purpose. Reasoning helps

us deliberate about the consequences of our doing life as we sift evidences

that our conclusions may be in the will of God. With that, let the Holy Spirit

construct higher truth for our learning. What does it mean to move beyond

reasoning? Realizing the eternal consequences of our faith. Faith and

reason are compatible, but some things are strictly a matter of faith. There is

something about our experience as the seed of God in our inner life that

gives us the deepest reason to believe in God, to have an eternal faith that

ends with the appearing of Jesus. How can something eternal end? Faith

comes by hearing and hearing by Jesus, the Word of God. He is our eternal

evidence and when we see him will we believe it is him? He is whom we

have heard in all our reasoning. Jesus is the beginning, the progress, and

the strength of faith that comes by hearing. The word of God is therefore the

word of faith.

God is love and must transcend faith and reason. And both faith and reason

are gifts of God. Or we can say are gifts of love. Neither to be slighted. But

nothing is to reduce what pleases God and that is faith. And faith will

conclude truth transcendently beyond reason. And it is in Christ that we find

this planted rationality as his seed. Jesus tells us things before they happen

so that when they happen we believe. Oh, we of no faith. If we believe that

Jesus is God then what he says already is!

Let me get to the point. Reason alone is untenable. It needs faith to declare

it as truth. And it is God’s love and our love for God that impels us to act in

the reasoning of the truth of His word by faith. Our Creator stepped out of

eternity and was incarnated into humanity, only to be crucified as a

propitiation for our sins and that He did it out of self-sacrificing, self-denying

love is to accept a concept existing in a realm where reason itself simply

cannot reach without faith. The sacrificial atonement of Christ, who suffered

the second death in our stead, is not the kind of truth that one can find from

reason alone. Reason in and of itself can take us far in the quest for truth but

it won’t take us to Golgotha. That event determined in counsel is beyond us.

It is based upon a kind of love that looks like God. Who has seen God? I tell

you God’s love looks like Jesus. It is His Word, and that Word is to be the

seed in us that makes us so like him that we be as he is. And here is where

we reason to evidence the faith of our love for God. We cannot anymore do

sin...if we are His seed.

This is our assertion to the life of Jesus. Brothers and sisters, friends and

strangers, the salvation event is radical! It was designed with deep-seated,

profound, uncompromising love. It ain’t a thing to play with. The other side to

reckon with is sin. If there was no sin, salvation would not have been

necessary. To manifest being a child of God, to remain being a child of God,

we, if God’s seed remain in us, cannot sin. And that does it. We move beyond

reason to evidence our faith because we not only love God, but we love one


I John 3:1-11

Verse 5 is understandable because Jesus is the ‘only Son’ who came from

the Father who sent him. The remaining texts are ejaculatory articulations of

divine involvement and enablement of the seed, between being born again

and the day of judgment. These statements create the impression to

compare the status of the children of God with that of the Son of God. Is our

faith truthfully founded upon the evidence that when Jesus comes we will be

like him? It is through reason that we are to investigate these things that we

may resolve the truth of them that our faith is of Jesus and our obedience to

cease from sin changes the conditional “if you love me” to “because you love

me” keep my commandments. “If” is conditional. “Because” is the stating of

a truth.

How deep is the seed of God planted in our life? We must be a community

not torn apart by doctrinal differences. God’s principles, instructions, and

revelations are to resolve any matter of discord when faith is centered in His

every word. Not just the word you want to hear, but in the preceptualization

of every word that things to be understood may be truthfully regarded. Let no

one think they have illumination above ordinary morality except it be in the

light of the word of God. It is not God’s people who claim to be without sin. It

is faith in the word of God that says if His seed remains in us, we cannot sin.

And if we are born again, we have godly sorrow that brought repentance for

sin and if we are His seed we will not sin, and having faith in hearing the

word, says now we are the sons of God because of the love He bestows

upon us, and He has taken away our sins. In this the divinity of Christ

minimizes our humanity as we experience fellowship with God. We have

assurance of the indwelling of God through our abiding relationship with Him,

through His Son Jesus Christ. He has, therefore, given us His written word

to show us the pattern of His Son that we might build this temple according

to what He reveals to us...the perfect holiness of His Son.

The latter truth spoken by God in the Garden is now before us, “the seed” of

Christ. And the beast, that seed of the serpent dragon, knowing that he was

thwarted in his every attempt to destroy “the seed” turns his wrath against

those men and women all over the world, who keep the commandments of

God. The reason the dragon must make war with the remnant of her seed,

is to cause them to die. Especially those refusing to worship his image which

is being installed in the minds of the wicked. God’s seed will have to endure

the sorrowful twinge at the edge of a memory of what would have been had

sin never been. For believers, the combined taste of joy and sorrow is a

familiar one. It’s the taste we live with every day in this fallen world. Even on

days where we experience deep joy, there’s always the accompanying flavor

of sorrow. And then on those days where we experience profound sorrow,

there’s always joy right there in the midst of it. Our sorrow comes from an

awareness that things are not what they should be. There’s sorrow over the

fallenness of this world, it’s depth and breadth. There’s sorrow because we

know how things began and what happened to bring us to this place of

brokenness. There’s sorrow over how the curse of sin affects the world

around us and that of our own hearts. There’s sorrow over how the fall comes

to bear in our individual life through conflict, illness, heartache, and loss.

There’s sorrow over injustice, tragedy, abuse, and death. There is sadness

in the spiritual path. And yet there will be buoyant joy in the knowledge that

the last day trials are only for the moment. God’s willing sadness and joy

given us is mingled together. We acknowledge its presence as we move into

so great a cloud of witnesses claiming God’s promise. There is no one who

is a greater picture of this astounding effect of joy and pain than Jesus. He

is called the man of sorrows. He bore the weight of the pain of this world and

looked to the joy set before Him, the redemption of all things. We will

remember His intent and purposeful pleasure in structuring our lives in His

divine pattern. We will sin no more in perfect obedience to all of God’s

commands and we will bear the testimony of our faith in Jesus Christ. We

are the true spiritual seed of the woman, the remnant of her seed. We have

learned to accept Christ’s righteousness instead of trying to establish our

own. And we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our

testimony and some even by a victorious martyr’s death.

Revelation 12:11

The passage of time will be but a solo moment as faith sees across the portal

to the roundest, fullest happiness which will never fade, filling the everlasting

ages with His praise.

Jesus is God’s opposition to sin. His appearance was for the offering as us

in him and him in us. We have faith that we are children of God enlivened by

the activity of the Spirit. And that is the metaphor of ‘the seed of God’ being

analogous to ‘being born of God’. The content of our faith must be pregnant

in this, that Jesus is the Son of God, and as such we are paralleled with his

prayer in John 17. We have no excuse, no reason to sin. God the Father

sends His Son into the world to give to those who believe in the Son, eternal

life, enabling them to be sons and daughters. Jesus is the essential

forgiveness as the atoning sacrifice for our sin bringing us to be sons and

daughters of God. The Holy Spirit becomes the guiding influence in our life.

We become the seed principle of the Holy Spirit. And then it is only through

faith that we receive God’s light of salvation and be born into the family of

God giving us life ‘through’ him and continuously ‘in’ him. His seed is His

salvific event reasoned by faith in the beginning of His love.

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