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Human Thinking, Divine Reasoning...

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

25 Minutes

There is no place in the plan of God for human viewpoint thinking. Disunity

among God’s people stem from the mindset of the natural person. So, what

God allows me to write is for the few (faithful in every way). The word of God

must be the source of learning. Human viewpoint makes societal norms

standard against what the bible teaches. Homosexuality was once sinful,

distasteful, abnormal. Today, most think it is simply how a person is

born...that’s not biblical truth. There is an eternal distinction between human

thinking and divine reasoning. Human centered thinking rejects those parts

of the bible which they find above their ability to understand. Divine reasoning

embraces the wisdom of the gospel. Human thinking operates according to

a human-centered mindset, but the spiritual person operates according to a

divine reasoning centered mindset. This is a life transition. This is a transition

due to a strengthened faith in Christ that powers the response to truth.

If you seek spiritual understanding from God through the Holy Spirit, you will

come to recognize that human thinking is directly associated with

attachments. To reason divinely we must discard our attachments from our

humanness. Human attachments spring up from a universal human sea of

self-interest. And self-interest is a great deceiver. And though the Holy Spirit

is available, human attachments will seal you off from an awareness of the

higher realms. You have a vague belief that your thinking is in line with what

is truth. This does not mean we lose the reality of our interconnectedness

with every living being around us. Goodness and integrity are continued

exchanges with others. Now, this is not criticizing human thinking. It is in our

suffering, our sacrificing that we hold these two qualities together. We are to

know the greatness of God in human terms, but we are not to lack the divine

vision offered through the Holy Spirit. In this we recognize that we must re-

orient our focus to the path that the Spirit directs. We are to return to that

divine image where our thoughts reflected what God thought.

Genesis 2:19

This is why we are given a heavenly standard to guide us – the Word. Now

we come to see how our truth clarifying efforts are principled to more

efficiently spread the truth to reach minds and hearts that judge the word of

God not as being suggestive but rather divinely inspired. And now, both the

message and those who choose to hear are uppermost in our minds. With

divine reasoning there is an accompanying inner spiritual change –

calmness, heavenward focus. And what comes naturally to the human mind

will no longer stand in the way of God’s purpose. And divine reasoning will

present us with power and authority to understand things from the

perspective of the kingdom of heaven. Verbal communication will be by

revelation making plain what previously only been suggested. We will savor

the things that be of God, not those that be of men. Recall when Peter’s

natural tendency was to see things in human terms and made him an

adversary of Jesus...he contested the word.

Matthew 16:22, 23

Divine reasoning is returning to what we learned long time ago...we go to

the Determinate Counsel. We need to look up and see heavenly things, but

there is more to it than that, in a strangely contradictory way. In one way it is

the very greatness, even divinity of Jesus, which causes our limited

understanding of the nature of God, to think in human terms. But to

understand the nature of his divine sacrifice we need to see him as God. In

the Determinate Counsel we can divinely reason how the great and holy one

was to fulfill his mission of service to others and to enter into glory through

humility. And as he emptied himself, our attachment is made so complete in

him that his divineness is our consolation and with that the mind for divine

reasoning is presented us. And it is in this reasoning that we are to leave

ourselves behind, take up our cross, and follow him. Do not be deceived

about how difficult that is. To lose oneself is directly opposed to human

thinking when there is so much emphasis on self fulfilment. We are in the

times when the values of society dominate all fields of human endeavor.

Discussions of suffering, sacrificial service is likely to be greeted with deep

suspicion if not divinely reasoned with. It is this human thinking that blocks

the path in front of Jesus, rather than being his follower.

The human conception of the mind leads to social inferencing. Divine

reasoning embodies an extension of experience to interact with the unseen

minds of God. This is termed “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the

word of God”. Human thinking is the generalization and indirect reflection of

the essential attributes and interrelations between things, feelings and

behaviors rooted in the brain, observable physical cues. But to reason with

the word of God through the Holy Spirit is a broader process whereby

relational character traits of the human and the divine starts from the premise

that the mind is the origin of all behavior. If we be in the “our” image and the

“our” likeness of the Godhead then reason says that the very core of God’s

omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence must be His mind. And we are

rendered candidates to have the mind of Christ. And for what reason. That

we may have divine reasoning to be early arisers of understanding the intent

of the purposes of God. By this is gained the capacity to view God not

traditionally but intentionally. Human thinking details itself as God’s

interpreters. Divine reasoning features its judgments on proof-texts,

scripturally harmonious with the law and the testimony. If God can take a

lowly rod and use it to open a pathway through the sea; if He can take a

prophet's ass and use it to speak a message of rebuke to a wayward prophet,

then what is to prevent Him from having determined to alter events presented

in the gems of truth to show His entering into our realm for His people? If we

say what God cannot do, when all that He does and will do, is already

determined are we not limiting His omniscience and omnipotence? It is

possible that originality is expressed in inspiration. Are the thoughts of God

written by men? Can what is written in the spirit of prophecy be wisdom

written or spoken in earlier times? Then can the method of God's providence

as it has been written be more clearly and powerfully unfolded? Scripture is

given by inspiration means God’s Spirit worked in men to write in their words.

The words were penned, the men inspired. Now divinely reason the impact

of God and Christ writing with “the finger”.

Exodus 31:18

John 8:6

Human thinking does not resource spiritual awareness. Inspiration is not

diminished by God using uninspired sources. The originality of truth is the

weight given to every word of God as He determined it to be written. The

Holy Spirit, He superintended the words and moved the men to produce the

scriptures as well as the prophets to speak them. Learn to divinely reason

with the word of God forsaking human thinking. You would be better attuned

to the wisdom occasioned by the impact and the effectiveness of

understanding the work of the Holy Spirit. Man’s intellect alone is not

sufficient to discern the truths found in the word of God. The divine scheme

of God’s word is to move us beyond our capacities that by His grace the

redemption of the power of the mind may open our eyes to the all-

encompassing reality of the boundless mystery and possibilities of God. The

reality of human experience and spiritual reasoning will expose undeniable

evidence that every word of God must converge into truth. Deviation from

God’s truth is a reality of human thinking making one vulnerable to narrow-

mindedness. Whenever we study the holy scriptures, we may be confronted

with divine and human wisdom. Human thinking can be enlightened by divine

grace through the gift of faith. There is a rich relationship between reason

and revelation. They are positioned by conviction. The conviction that one

must have an idea of God before one can have faith in God. These are

compatible avenues to truth. Building the kingdom of God requires more than

human thinking. Divine reasoning is our learning from a higher power.

Human thinking works under the limitations of a finite mind and shares in the

defects of a sinful nature. It is blinded by foregone conclusions, often

dominated by pride. It misreads the facts or misapplies the logic. Note how

God’s choice of reasoning is the mode of revelation. We find reasoning

consistent with what is revealed in scriptural writings enhancing our

relationship with God. We trust not the arm of flesh. Reason is a property of

both humans and God. There we find humans reasoning with God and God

reasoning with humans. And this event may be both a revelation and an

exercise of reason. Divine reasoning is so spiritually insightful in that it

understands that one thing is the case from the belief that one or more other

things are the case. It may be deductive, inductive, or abductive. If “A” is

truth and “B” is truth and “A” plus “B” equals “C”, then “C” is truth. If Ellen

White is a messenger from God and God communicates with all His

messengers, then we can know for truth that God communicates with Ellen


In our seeking to learn by study, we use the method of reason. In our seeking

to learn by faith, we rely on revelation. Being obedient to the heavenly

decree, we seek learning by reason and by revelation. One may not

understand the 4th commandment. But that one has faith in Jesus as

revealed as the Son of God. And that one studies based upon what is

revealed and reasons that living by every word that proceeds from the mouth

of God means obeying the 4th commandment with or without understanding

is the truth to be obeyed. We reason out what to ask God. Yet we do not

expect an answer unless we have studied the issue first. The answer will

agree with the law and the testimony, the principles of the gospel. Reason

prepares us for the revelation. There is no conflict. The truths of which we

are aware are because God has revealed them to us and we hold these

truths by faith. We know by divine reasoning that something is truth because

God shows it to be truth; and we have faith that something is truth because

God says it. Divine reasoning gives wisdom where God’s demonstrations are

available. If God infers a thing in His reason and alters that thing as was in

the counsel determined to change to influence our relationship with Him and

with others it is by reason. It is implicit that God is a reasoning Being and that

reasoning belongs both in human-human relations and in divine-human

relations. With certainty, God’s understanding exceeds ours, but that does

not prevent Him from reasoning with us in terms we understand. Now human

thinking may conflict with divine reasoning when faith is not manifested. Was

God willing to change based on Abraham’s cry for mercy for Sodom...did

Abraham reason that the judge of all the earth is right? His divine reasoning

was in defense of those who might not deserve the punishment that was due

the rest. Thus, in the divine-human relation, reason may not only function as

a mode of revealing God’s will, it may also serve to influence divine action in

the interest of the right.

Divine reasoning is a consciously deeper awakening into the wisdom from

God. The perception of truth is more determined. The thinking, the reasoning

process is attitudinally invested with the will of God. The expressions are

continuing in the mentorship of the Holy Spirit. The approach to truth is

holistic and absorbed in spirituality. The mind is powered with greater

visioning purposing brilliant light from the scriptures. The abundance of

understanding grows the love for the truth. Divine reasoning changes the

way we think...we think with a spiritual mindset that is completely under

God’s control. With that the output is as the input from the Spirit of

God...divine. And having spiritual influence on those who choose to hear the

word of God as though nothing could ever matter again but that which is of

the Determinate Counsel in its eternal purposing. This renders our greatest

source of wisdom showing in the bible’s solutions to all that challenges our

searching. And we experience peace in unhindered likeness of mind with

Christ. The word is brought to the graces whereby it is the book of our life.

It’s the book we live with, the book we live by, the book we are willing to die

for. When divine reasoning is sought in God our repentance is deep seated,

our forgiveness passionate, our love dedicated, our faith is unfathomable.

Difficult circumstances reveal our gratitude for God’s amazing grace. Divine

reasoning becomes the relevancy to discern the essence of what is revealed

in the word of God. The consistent message throughout the gospel is

covenanted in the life and death of Christ. Divine reasoning accepts God’s

appointed sufferings as disciplines to bring about greater spiritual

mindedness. Divine reasoning is a gift. Human thinking is so limited in its

reasoning, it fails to recognize how the Spirit of God is guiding us into spiritual

wisdom. One aspect of the function of divine reasoning is acquiring divine

image. And this derives divine character. Divine reasoning affects the whole

personality. It produces peace, which is reconciliation with God and the

tranquility that comes as a result. It is being in the will of God and knowing it.

So, as we consider divine reasoning from the perspective of coming to

understand the thought of God, we see the thinking of God as the word by

God uttered that we might give place to all that is impossible to be inherently

purposeful by the Determinate Counsel. We see this divine reasoning in the

sacredness of human life as we encounter the Lord through his word. Faith

and reason are considered to be sources of justification for conscientious

belief. With divine reasoning we remove theorizing all the particulars of

learned knowledge. We ascend from effects to a cause, and we descend

from a cause to effects. We have an evidence altogether independent of our

confidence in the veracity of human thinking. The scripture scheme of

reasoning is true in the nature of things; and self-evident, so that it needs

nothing besides its intrinsic verisimilitude to compel our assent to it. We are

offered the view of God operating on our characters through a manifestation

of His own character, in order that by leading us to participate in some

measure of His moral likeness, we may also in some measure participate of

His happiness. Come, let us reason together. The reasonableness consists

in there being a direct and divine connection between believing every word

which the bible inculcates, and a being formed by the principles, to the

character, which the bible recommends. Divine reasoning removes

assumptions and it harmonizes the end of ends, the arriving at the place, the

situation, or the condition, as a result of a course of action of His providence,

and subjects everything to it. It savors resolve through revelation rather than

rejection by human thinking. Truth and right prevails while viewed in itself as

it runs up to the mysteries of God. The mystery of the kingdom of God, the

mystery of the wisdom of God, the mystery of His will, the mystery of Christ,

the mystery of the gospel, the mystery hidden for ages and now made

manifest, the mystery of iniquity, the mystery of faith in a pure conscience.

These measured by a divine reasoning through revelation, not by human

standards. We arrange and contrast these to our understanding that we be

made confidently dependent upon the Counsel’s purpose that God intends

us to partake of. Without divine reasoning we are wholly ignorant of what

degree of new knowledge it were to be expected God would give us by

revelation, upon supposition of His affording, or how far, or in what way, He

would interpose miraculously, to qualify us to whom He should originally

make the revelation, for communicating the knowledge given by it; and to

secure our doing it to the age in which we live, and to secure its being

transmitted to posterity.

It ain’t over, as divine reason enhances our belief in, and conformity to every

comprehended precept. For the moral character of God is to be exhibited by

impress and influence upon our minds. There is a great and important

difference between human thinking and divine reasoning. Human thinking

stands as an isolated, strange and unintelligible nature, and is apt even to

suggest the idea, that the word holds out a premium for believing

improbabilities. Divine reasoning stands indissolubly united with an act of

Divine holiness and compassion, which radiates to the heart an appeal of

tenderness most intelligible in its nature and object, and most compelling in

its influence to reveal truth through the wisdom of God. Surely this speaks of

the transcendent expediency of apprehending Christ.

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