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It's Called Wisdom...Part 2 of 3

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

25 Minutes

It is with much textual warrant that God gives us inescapable understanding.

And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth

unto me from the ground. Literal, or was this to help Cain to understand the

nature of sin.

Revelation 6:9, 10

God’s exact word must be reasoned with wisdom to understand God’s exact

meaning. Is blood articulate, and capable of speech? The woman is from the

man as the man is from the woman and brings forth the true life’s purpose of

fulfilling in him what all are to become in Christ.

Galatians 4:22-31

Knowledge is the accumulation of facts, whereas wisdom is the ability to use

those facts in a responsible manner. Wisdom is the skill to live in a way that

is pleasing to God and knowing how to and when to apply our intelligence to

our surrounding environment in a way that results in the desired purpose for

our calling. We are called out to raise our voices for wisdom. In raising the

voice there is an urgency, there is a longing, and there is a passion.

Searching for wisdom requires intensity. True wisdom is God centered. True

wisdom means we know God and that means we know Christ for he is the

only way we can come to God. True wisdom means that we have an awe,

respect, and even a holy reverence before God. This isn’t a fear that

paralyzes us, for perfect love casts out all fear. But it is a fear that reminds

us that we are creatures and that God is the Creator. If thought is the sixth

sense, then wisdom is the seventh. Because wisdom produces the thought

that is wise that we understand righteousness and justice and equity, every

good path. We cry out for wisdom to indwell us. A major problem in today’s

society is that man’s knowledge has surpassed his wisdom. Remember the

“eyes” of Genesis chapter 3. God tells us how this plays in the sifting of the

people in both the everyday and the mystical awareness.

II Chronicles 16:9

Amos 8:12

Daniel 12:4

The first step in becoming wise is to listen to wisdom. And wisdom is listening

for truth and when heard it is confirmed by the Holy Spirit. Listen to how

God’s word opens up with a big “if” and follows up with commanding us to


Proverbs 2:1-11

Proverbs 1:1-7

Receiving, treasuring, attending, inclining, calling out, raising your voice,

seeking, and searching all boil down to one weighty concept: hearing the

word of God. It is by the marvelous grace of God through the teaching of the

Determinate Counsel that we submissively receive His counsel and

vigorously seek out its hidden and intense wisdom. We are to listen for

powerful statements, kind reminders, insightful thinking, good counsel,

unbiased judgment, compassion, balance, inner discernment, belief

challenges, contemplative reasoning, open mindedness, experience,

spirituality, and prayerful consideration of love for the hearer.

The central focus of wisdom is how truth is obtained, revealed, and

understood. As we are learning we listen to the inner voice, we hear with the

ear, we live in a relationship with Jesus in our suffering and liberation, finding

providential help as the word speaks to the depth and breadth of our spiritual

search. There is the need to incline our hearts, our minds to be open and

receptive to truth when it appears. Hearing the word of God is an active

process to be prized above all other things. Our passion in this life is to seek

wisdom from God that we might be of the same mind as is Christ in

obedience, in judgment, in prayer, in witnessing. Wisdom will furnish us with

the strength to overcome when exposed to temptation. Wisdom will cause

us to hate sin and lament our transgressions. Wisdom will cause us to cry to

God for His deep and complete searching to know our hearts, to try us that

we may be led in His way. Wisdom will purpose the convictions of our

consciences, which is our spiritual essence, to unite our behavior to the law

of God through meditation, contemplation, so that it focuses on the oneness,

the transcendent situations, and ultimate concern for the awareness of God’s

presence always in our life. Wisdom will enhance our will to believe and

accept all that is truth so that our pure potentiality characterizes the kind of

love that is of the “so” nature that grows stronger over time and eternity.

Wisdom will take us to such a high consciousness that we will be conscious

of a consciousness higher than our own. And we will be conscious of how

that consciousness is conscious of us. It’s called wisdom.

Man’s desire will be to search back and forth from one bible verse to another,

and from one bible chapter to another, as they compare scripture with

scripture in reading the words of the Lord that had previously been sealed.

Something wonderful happens. Knowledge shall increase. The reason

knowledge increases is because in “the time of the end” increasing numbers

of humans will have the unprecedented opportunity to read for themselves

and to understand the words of God. Those three words, knowledge shall

increase, begins an amazing journey considering that this does not only

apply to the Holy scriptures. There is a knowledge tsunami in the world today.

But God’s intent was for biblical knowledge specifically. However, this

additional knowledge does not necessarily mean we are becoming wiser.We

need humble hearts, a sincere desire for truth, a willingness to turn from sin,

and an openness to the deep moving of “the Spirit of truth”. So God gives us

additional insight.

Daniel 12:9, 10

God’s purposed plan is that in the time of the end, when a knowledge of His

words shall increase, such knowledge shall draw, impress, convict, cleanse,

and purify human hearts from sin, selfishness, and falsehood. Open the eyes

of your heart. The evidence is overwhelming of a most fearsome event

getting closer.

Too many people are reluctant to study the bible and find out what it really

says. They might find some things in their lives that need to be changed or

conflict with what they thought they knew. And they don’t want to change

because they feel comfortable, so it’s easiest just not to learn what the word

of God truly means. A wise person continues his search for truth. The

combination of knowing and doing makes for true wisdom. A wise man is

humble enough to hear and so he’s able to increase his knowledge. He’s

constantly seeking truth everywhere. He realizes that we never get to point

that we know it all, we never exhaust our potential to learn. If you try to teach

a wise man, he’ll become even wiser because he has a desire to learn. He’s

also open to the corrections of others. He takes criticism well. On the other

hand, the foolish man has a closed mind. He gets upset if anyone tries to

correct him or show him that he may need to consider more

evidence. You’ve probably known someone like this – someone who just

says no to something they don’t know and they stop looking for truth. The

open mind sifts what it hears to discover what comes from God and what

doesn’t. Test the spirits, whether they are of God. The open mind will always

examine the evidence to be sure that his conclusions are justified. It’s called


I Corinthians 2:6, 7

Jeremiah 8:9

When you reject the word of the Lord, what wisdom do you have? And the

answer is, none at all. And being chosen is not the same as election unto

salvation. Make distinguish between the following passages. We know what

we are today, yet we know not what we are to be. There will be Ishmaelites

mingled among the called.

John 6:70, 71

John 13:18-28

II Thessalonians 2:13-17

Herein we fail not in our consideration of all the truth of God...every word,

even that spoken by God of God Himself. In that His word reveals to us of

the beginning, our understanding predestination duly considered does not

shake our faith, but rather affords the best confirmation of it.

The word of God is given for us to have the understanding, the wisdom to

enter into right choices, right decisions. Wisdom is not smooth words, neither

does it embrace or endorse self. Wisdom recognizes what is covenantal.

God talked with Cain. He counseled him to do well, to be accepted. This

allowed Cain to make his own decision. The same opportunity God gives us

to make choices regarding what we will do. It’s called wisdom. God in His

foreknowledge already knows what choices we would make. It is the truth in

His word that gives encouragement to know that it is God who is performing

our growth into godliness from His calling. The genuineness of this calling is

for us to determine that for to us to live is Christ. We know that we belong to’s called wisdom.

Brothers...sisters...friends...strangers, pray that the Holy Spirit will

accommodate his language to our feeble capacity. There are words of truth

that simply indicate the abandonment of those who seemed to have a chief

place among the elect. How do some choose not to hear His word? As the

Lord by the effectiveness of His calling accomplishes towards His elect the

salvation to which He had by His eternal counsel destined them, so He has

judgments against the reprobate, by which He executes His counsel

concerning them. Those, therefore, whom He has created for dishonor

during life and destruction at death, that they may be vessels of wrath and

examples of severity, in bringing to their doom, He at one time deprives of

the means of hearing His word, at another by the teaching of it blinds and

stupefies them the more.

Ezekiel 13:9

May we consider the following truth.

Ecclesiastes 1:18

Now let’s consider the man of grief and sorrows...Jesus Christ. And while

we be found in him and he in us, we too will suffer like grief, like sorrow for

those we know who avoid reasoning to come to truth. If sorrow and grief is

the result of true wisdom and knowledge, what was the wisdom and

knowledge Jesus had that resulted in His sorrow and grief"? The same must

be for us. It is the knowledge that people were rejecting Jesus, rejecting truth.

The king of heaven gave his life to save people from death, and the vast

majority are choosing to die. Yes, die within the reach of help. This

knowledge, this understanding, this reality brought great grief and sorrow to

the heart of the Son of God. Does your heart go out for those who may be

just one reach from grasping hold to Christ. When your wisdom gained is

divinely given you too will be touched with sorrow. But because of the

wisdom given by God this sorrow and grief does not overwhelm our spirit

and turn us into disheartened people. Rather it drives us, with a powerful

motivation, to minister to the hearts of friends, to share the truth of salvation

to souls. This wisdom means that we will be serious and sober, with a deep

inner-peace having no jesting of any sorts about the plan of salvation. This

wisdom is a treasure that we are to share. The infallible scriptures provide

teaching and grace and power in order to experience wisdom, perpetual not

periodic. Wisdom prevents us from judging the bible, instead is allows the

bible to judge us. How readest thou? For the bible says he is made unto us

wisdom. And God’s wisdom is Christ himself. Do we with wisdom know


Luke 11:28-31

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