7 Minutes
Stand firm in the truth. Putting the truth constantly at the forefront of our minds is crucial. It is a challenge to understand precisely the vastness of what God's wisdom contains. The wisdom God gives is not just a scholarly or intelligence thing. God’s wisdom is so much richer than that, and the best part is if any person who is willing to ask God, will receive it. God's wisdom gives us an inner knowing on what is right. This inner knowing is our advocate, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide us to understanding God's wisdom in using the bible, the scriptures, God's word. We have to understand what the bible says and what it means if it is going to produce growth in us. We must soak our minds in the scriptures. In using the word of God, we will find solace and the answers to solve issues of concern. It is the absence of biblical knowledge that retards spiritual thinking and slows spiritual growth.
As the truth of God’s word begins to occupy our minds and shape our thoughts, it will produce principles that we desire not to violate. This is what sanctification is about...being inwardly compelled to obedience.
II Corinthians 4:13
Our beliefs must be our convictions. There can be no alternative. It is the testimony of our conscience in holiness and godly sincerity. The word is our spiritual sustenance. Worry not about any accusations made toward you. As you stand in truth a perpetual cycle of opposition and oppression will find you. You will have much solitary longing as Christ is revealed to you. He is transforming you into his likeness. We will garner knowledge by study, and gain wisdom by prayer, thought, and effort. Hearing others reason in the truth of the scriptures brings wisdom. Sometimes we are too close to a situation or have already decided what we want to know, but we’re wise to listen to the thoughts, insights, and suggestions of godly people in our lives. Even if the advice is unsolicited, wisdom will consider it anyway and decide if it’s worth heeding. Too often people think they truly have all the answers, but even the people we consider to be wise receive counsel from God. That’s how they continue to grow in wisdom! All have room to grow in spiritual wisdom if they humble themselves before the One who is wisdom eternal. God is not mocked. He will not allow His precepts to be set aside with contempt due to the willing ignorance of a created being...terrestrial or celestial. There is a bold witness in the heart of the one who has passion for gospel experience. Progressive maturity for a true faithful believer is in yielding to the Holy Spirit. One can only be full of faith when belief in a sovereign God to accomplish His eternal purpose is revealed as was at the cross; an inward experience of grace flowing outward into a gracious spirit toward others, even as they do us harm. When unbelieving believers see us in trials of persecution maintaining love it provides the platform for the powerful witness that we know God in a personal way. Blinded believers often see truth as a threat to their pride. So, they refute it, attacking the messenger. Be not hindered, conflict is the opportunity for grace. When you are certain in the truth, as was Jesus, relational conflict is not something that should surprise us as true believers. We need not be ashamed that it exists, and that we’re involved. We should expect it. The world is complicated and fallen, and we are complicated creatures, and fallen. Conflicts will come. They are unavoidable. Truth frees the mind of conflict while those who reject reason fester in faults. God’s love and grace take hold and enable us to rise above and forgive rather than retaliate.
Being one of God’s elect is a high calling. He gives us a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the true knowledge of Him as we come to deeper understandings of crucial truths. As a believer, we are always in need of the Holy Spirit to enlighten the eyes of our heart to the great truths of the bible. Many professed believers have a “no” attitude when it comes to coping with the difficult truths of the bible. They think it spiritually dangerous to question the letter.
With every revelation of truth, the faithful of God, with a heart that is full and a mind on fire, hold a doxology. God opens to us rare expanding truths to be embraced as joy for the renewing of our minds advancing in obedience of the faith of Jesus. Under this banner of seeing God for who He is, is to open a window in our mind to the infinite expanses of God, His causes, His purposes, His providences. We are brought higher to obey Him more consistently. God is infinitely wise. Unpack that for a moment. Flowing from His truth is wisdom and that is the greatest purpose for discernment to bring to light His will. This will performs the best possible results, by the best possible means, for the most possible people, for the longest possible time. Weigh that in the balances of the sanctuary and our lives become a veritable benediction. God’s wisdom constantly spreads around us providential circumstances where we repudiate our own wisdom and take instead the infinite wisdom of God...knowing that God has charged Himself with full responsibility for our eternal being.
God takes us out of the limited philosophies of the world. The limited vision so that we can live in closer union with the Lord. We taste the life of Christ. God is testing us with truth to see how we respond to Him.