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Love is the Word...

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

25 Minutes

Let the word of the One who is love tell us what love is. As God guides me

in this writing, I so want you to know that I so want to love you as God wants

us to love one another...and so I lay my love down at your feet as I attempt

to show us what love is. Just the idea of love makes it the most powerful

word of creation. It is an ideal that we must strive toward. It literally,

emotionally, ideally, and spiritually commands intimate faithfulness. Love

has no conflict because it is an enduring choice. It requires understanding of

and being for the other person more than for ourselves. The challenge to all

of us is to love others as part of our love of God and for God. “Of”, relates to

something coming from the original, from the cause. “For”, shows a purpose.

To bear the weight of this great word is critical in that we cannot ignore the

sheer scale by which we fine it difficult to grasp God’s love for us.

Love is a deep understanding of God which betokens an ultimate

togetherness of our commitments and directions. We lose the inner meaning

of love when we think about our feelings and feel about our thoughts. Love

is not all feeling nor is emotion its core. Emotions are basic drives that often

summarize areas of reflection and judgment which we crystallize in a certain

way that lessens the written word. Emotions locate feelings in the

subconscious, out of which it comes to conscious life. Feelings reflect our

past, our views, our motives, faith, our understanding of ourselves which

makes recognizing love a complicated task. What love does is remove such

contradictions as good or ill, truth or lie, in our thinking and atttitudes. Love

is to be bound up to thought and action as the whole response to truth. Any

falsity in any relationship, human to human, human to divine, is deviation

from principle. Love is a powerful experience of dependance upon God. It is

a powerful motive to examine yourself and to search the openness and

transparency of a spiritual relationship with others. The fulness of our

humanness unites to the divine sharing of ourselves without fear.

Love can look anything in the face and respond with care, hope and faith.

We live in God’s creation as He has created us. Love is the wonder of being

face to face with God and seeing the awe-filled beauty of who we are. We

are not alone. Love is conditionally responsive...”if you love me keep”...”he

who loveth God love his brother also”. God’s love is central to the bigger

truth. And that bigger truth is that love gives significant consequence to the

life of every person and their relationships. Love has its origin with God and

goes beyond our weaknesses and is the underlying reality of all our lives.

Love is the norm by which God commands us to live in our relationships with

one another and with Him.

Here is the hard side of the truth of love. The reliability of the words by which

it is expressed must be insistent on the need for uprightness before God

meaning that this love does not die on our failings. It outlasts our pettiness

and comes through our failures. This point is completely is given

by God, reflects the character of God, is written in the creation of God and is

exemplified by the conquering commitment of love in Jesus’ life despite the

sorrow that we subjected him to. Love, and I pray you know what it is, can

move us beyond fallible human relationships. It is evident that love has power

to image us not as objects of worship, but as an exclusive creation of God.

Psalms 82:6

John 10:34

We are to have the kind of love that we can trust. The kind that recognizes

and abides through our weaknesses, through our sin. That love cannot be

disillusioned, because in principle it has no weakness, no sin. The prime

conception of love is as our duty. Our duty to obedience to every word of

God. Our duty to faithfulness to every way of God, in all circumstances. Our

duty to doing the will of God as reasoned and guided by His Word. This duty

dissociates us from emotion, from feelings. It means giving priority to others,

putting the needs and problems of others before our own, whereby we

receive innner strength. Know of what source this inner strength is derived.

Remember when Martha chided Mary. Jesus’ love commended Mary for her

commitment to learning and at the same time allowed Martha to cool down.

Jesus refused to allow his disciples to be censored for picking grain on

Sabbath. Jesus loved people where they were. Even those he rebuked. He

loved a prostitute. He loved a leper. He loved a thief on a cross. His love was

tested in straightforward ways. Jesus is our central truth in God and is always

able to relativize our performance to our circumstances and situations. As

we seek an open loving heart and sincere commitment to one another in

Jesus, God so loves us. Love is a matter of knowledge, of understanding, of

reasoning, of wisdom, love is a matter of will, to do that which is the

determination of God. Love is founded in having a right conduct and carrying

it out as an act of the mind. Love is the power contained within, that is only

relevant when it is given as our whole self.

Deep within this meaning of love is the idea of being good enough to be

loved. This vulnerability is because the measurement standard is not Jesus

Christ. Too many are aware of things about themselves which they “feel”

make them unworthy of love. God treats the past as justified in Christ. Let

nothing paralyse the ability that God gives you to love and to be loved. The

things you cannot talk about to anybody, talk about with God. Your love is of

such value to God that He gave His only Son who was willing to come as

you are. You are inestimably valuable. You will not fail in your love. And in

Christ, you will learn to love better. Ask God to give you a new heart. Do not

ration out love. Give, as was given you. Love is not to have an agenda

separate from the fulfillment of the law.

Galatians 5:14

Our hope is to move into the enjoyment of God’s love which is not an

individual act of the will, but encompasses the whole relationship in grace.

This begins with the undeserving commitment of God to us as persons. As

Jesus took his disciple through the many failures to love and give, we too

may take that journey. It validates our response to God to love one another

however pathetic are our present abilities. These relationships penetrate

deep, locking us into individual performance, keeping our focus open instead

of self-regarding. There will be times your love will suffer for good. You will

mourn for the ones you know are troubled in spirit. Your heart pains will drive

you to your very knees. But you have a joy that is God-given. And you hang

on to the God Who gives it, not the joy “itself”. It is those who truly love God

and one another who experience joy. Joy is at God’s disposal as a fruit of

His Spirit working in our lives. It is not a possession we can claim for

ourselves. The big challenge for all of us is therefore whether we work at our

own agenda of happiness, or whether we open up our lives to God and to

the provisions of His love. Then it is that the richness of those with whom we

live becomes evident and blesses us. God knows better what and how to

bless us. Jesus loves us so much that he desires to live with us for life.

Love, as God’s intent for love to be, offers deep communion. Bible truth

shows that we are created, we are born again to grow in relationships which

express who we are. We can be ourselves before God in solitude, but we

are to love one another in communion. This is no illusion. The heart of the

matter is whether in God’s hand we are willing to be shaped to commune


What a most generous give love to another. Christ did this, and in

doing so, God bought us with a price. And he is ours, and we are his. He’s

our Song of Songs. God’s love is the very ground of our existence. This truth

reinterprets us as God’s care invested in His creation. His love is direct,

personal, open and unmanipulative, and can be seen in every way of Jesus.

The sheer transforming vitality of his love is amazing. A woman, kissing and

crying upon his feet and drying them with her hair. One who touched the “him

of his garment”, a rich little man in a tree, a deaf and dumb person whose

friends brought him to Jesus, one at a well who could not contain her joy,

and the children who were made well by him. Let us be encouraged ever to

show love. And to those who know not what they do...Father forgive them.

Love for God opens up our hearts with longings for the revelations of the

patterns of purposes concealed in His truths. In this we come to the

spirituality of love. The recognition that there is something more to being

human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are

part is divine in nature. In our communion with God, we achieve and manifest

higher levels of development than the ordinary person. The greatest of those

levels is love. We have a surer faith in Christ in knowing to God we have

worth, and a capacity for love and generosity, that opens our hearts to

essential and true spirituality.

God’s word not only reaches spiritual highs but renders the truth that Jesus

was touched with the “feeling” of our infirmities to share with us the human

lows that we encounter. Loving and being loved are not “givens.” Love is not

something we always knew, we do not automatically know how to do it well,

especially when it comes to loving ourselves and feeling worthy of being

loved by another. There are internal conditions that sets the cornerstone for

us to enter into loving relationships with others. Though God places in the

heart the ability to trust, and to have faith, it cannot be assumed that the thing

called “love” will be experienced. It is something learned through conscious

intention with a reasoning and mature mind that permits reflection and

expanded life experiences that make room for a broader social and spiritual

circle, where people are able to observe themselves and others with

curiosity, attention, compassion, and kindness.

I John 4:20, 21

We see beneath the surface to the quiet underneath richness to the core of

sharing self. We elevate our intention to invest mindfully in one another. With

empathy we recognize imperfections made perfect in Christ. We move from

emotional energy to a spiritual momentum fueled by the will of God. We gain

wisdom beyond the illusion of physical vulnerability. With thoughts of peace,

we show nurturant behaviors that acknowledges the consequence that love

is an outward worthwhile truth that honors and give glory to God. This is the

love wherewith we become like Christ. We share our lives to evolve. We, in

truth, navigate our mutual trials and triumphs, and in tribulations we come to

appreciate other’s wisdomed strength and we too grow from them, creating

a unique bond. Our lives show no empty spaces, for our passion for our love

of God in Christ fully engages our faith in our divine existence to be ever

mindful that we are the pleasure of God of whom we each are one. We make

large God’s principle of love.

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