5 Minutes
I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. In the mouth of two or three witnesses...and these three agree in one. Their testimony is united in what God says He will do, and do it in so complete a way that He will remember their iniquities no more.
The truth that God teaches is firm as an adamant. And He teaches us the truth about sin. Yet, we do not take transgression as serious as was the severity of its causing God to give His only Son as the sacrifice to demonstrate both the love and the justice of God. This was not an event done to appease God. It was done for the purpose of reconciliation. And God Himself made provision for such a costly gift. And it is this perfect atonement whereby the infinite grace of God makes the wonderful truth of His never remembering our sin the essential element for our eternal communion with the Father. For it was atonement that required God to come out of heaven, and yet heaven was not left void of divinity. Because sin was perfectly atoned for, it will be perfectly not remembered. The eternal Son, the second person of the Triune, He who is the same in substance as the Father and the Spirit, He who is equal to the Father and the Spirit in power and glory, left heaven to assume humanity in order to atone for the sins of His people. And in this death of death, in the death of Christ, our victory over death is that fabric in the relationship between Christ and God and God and us that the highest aspiration and hope among the holy and righteous is to see the face of God. And as Jesus knew no sin, so our God will remember sin no more.
God remembering our sin no more...this is a wonder to me, a wonder of wonders, that God should say that He will do what in some sense He cannot do. That He should use speech which includes impossibility, and yet that it should be strictly truth as He intends it. For what is it that God cannot know? I write that there is impossibility in it, and so there is, because the Lord cannot in strict accuracy of speech forget anything, forgetfulness is an infirmity, and God has no infirmities. The Lord does not exercise memory as you and I do. His forgiveness is so true and deep that it amounts to an absolute oblivion. God’s forgiveness is so perfect and because God is always in the present, not the past, and our sins were in the past...
Sin in any fashion, even memory, is of such a pervasive depravity and so abominable to God that He will not store them in His divine archives. No thought of sin will ever cast a shadow upon any mind in heaven. What Jesus did for us will show in the marked emblems in his hands. We will see such a treasury of glory beaming from our Lord unfolding to us that ultimate holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, grace, hope, and God's revelation of all things transcendent to perfect beings. That light speaks to the inscription upon his hands...our eternal endearment of his love.
Isaiah 49:16
God who is greater than immensity, will lift up His hands with adoring wonder, and say, “thy love to me is wonderful.” God will receive our love as He is love. In remembering His covenant, He will remember our sin no more because He remembers His Son’s suffering in our place and stead. God’s love is a desire to display the grace which pervades His nature. How does God remember our sin no more...through His everlasting love and this...the contentment He has in us as renewed and sanctified creatures. God will remember our sin no more. He’s making a choice and a promise. He’s choosing to put it out of His sight and mind. God does not gain or lose knowledge, and His understanding is always perfect. Then how can God not remember if His mind cannot change? God acts in accordance to what He has already determined. With God all things are possible.
Isaiah 43:25
Do we understand why God will remember no more our sin? God states that He is the One who forgives our sins and blots out our transgressions. But notice the added phrase: "for my own sake." God specifically claims to remember our sins no more, but it isn’t just for our benefit...it is for God's benefit! When God forgives, He forgets. This is the great gem of God’s grace. God can remember no more because of what He is in Himself. Because of His glory and for the glory of the Lord Jesus who died and rose for us. Christ was made sin for us and there our sin died. By faith we must realize the awesome truth that at the cross Jesus, who knew no sin, actually became sin for us. There is this glory of God that is neglected...His forgetfulness is real. When God forgives our sin He puts it out of His mind; He erases it from the pages of time; He forgets it. This is the strength of His grace.
Jeremiah 31:34