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Sojourners Pt 1 of 2...

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

Sojourner's Way

God has a people on earth that He is making His own forever and ever,

whose hope is in the grace of God. These move farther and farther away

from the temperament of this socially conflicted, confused, spiritually

impoverished, and tragically paradoxical world. These are not to be anxious

about materialism, knowing that God will meet all their needs. These will be

given a divine calling. They will move with tender humility and quiet patience.

They will be faithful to guard the sweet harmony of the Holy Spirit. All

immaturity will end! These will not be easily shaken by trouble, nor led astray

by novel teachings, or by the false doctrines of deceivers. They will remain

strong and always sincere in their love to acknowledge and express the truth.

Unlike the world, God’s sojourning elect will not let the passion of their

feelings lead them to sin! They will have no anger controlling them or to be

fuel for revenge, not for even a moment. They will not give the slanderous

accuser any opportunity to manipulate them! Ugly or hateful words will never

come from their mouths. Instead, their words will be as beautiful gifts that

encourage others; this done, by speaking words of grace to help them. The

Holy Spirit of God has sealed us in Jesus Christ until we experience our full

salvation. We will never grieve the Spirit of God or take for granted his holy

influence in our life. Laid aside will be bitter words, temper tantrums,

revenge, profanity, and insults. God has graciously forgiven us, and we will

graciously forgive others in the depths of Christ’s love. God’s true people

must abandon feelings, and seek God’s comfort to sacrifice, allowing

reactions to rule their decisions.

Psalms 142:1-5

Proverbs 4:23

Feelings are self-contained expressions that live on selfish desires and

selfish will, that cannot obey God, nor does it want to. Feelings can be long

lasting. It is, however, about denying self. It is attempting to save yourself in

your own strength. Feelings don’t trust God. Feelings respond to thoughts

that lack confidence in reasoning. Thoughts are mental processes. Our

brains associate one bit of information with another and create frameworks

such as beliefs, perspectives, opinions, judgments, and ideas. A feeling is an

automatic and temporary reaction to a stressor in a part of the brain not

connected to thinking and reasoning. Thoughts trigger our conscious

processing of an emotion, where we assign the emotion meaning. God’s

people will have manifested emotion for discerning judgment toward the

mindfulness of purpose.


The world will walk in their empty delusions. Their corrupted logic has been

clouded because their hearts are far from God. Their blinded understanding

and deep-seated moral darkness keeps them from the true knowledge of God.

Christ was only here for a little while. Our time together in these final days

will be very different from what they used to be. We will have to follow Christ

all the way home, or we will be lost. Every day is as we are in a different world.

Greetings, hanging out with friends, dining out, and shopping are not safe

and don’t work any longer in this world anymore. The world we knew, seems

to suddenly have turned into a strange place in which invisible danger lurks

everywhere. So, we feel that we are standing in a strange wilderness. Earth

is not our home. God is using this situation to illuminate ignored or forgotten

truths. No matter how much you think you have achieved in this world, and

no matter how familiar you’ve become with it, if Christ is working in your life

the days here are but a shadow. We own no property in this world. We have

had certain things lent to us for use while we are here, and we have to give

an account of how we use them. And what of our character. It is not to be as

that of worldlings. We are born again, not of corruptible seed, but of

incorruptible, by the word of God. No longer a mere natural man, for we have

a higher and spiritual nature imparted to us. Our ways and manners and

customs are not as those of the people of the world who have their portion

in this life. Our speech is to have a peculiar sound. Expect to be treated as

though you do not belong here. Our motives will be misconstrued, and our

words wrested and twisted as we are slandered and abused.

For certain, we have various interests and occupations here, and we seek to

be a blessing in the land where we are, but our hearts are with Christ in

heaven and we can never be fully satisfied until we are there. We are here

in our mortal spirits with hearts full of anticipation of the time when we shall

be at home with the Lord, and find in Him, all that our capacious souls can

desire. We are very cautious where we go. That arch-rogue, the devil,

petitions to plot against us every day, and all his legions are constantly

seeking to rob us of our sacredness or of our peace of mind or in some way

or another to lead us astray. We are in enemy country. We must keep our

sword unsheathed, ever have ready for use that two-edged “sword of the

Spirit which is the word of God,” and hold as with a death-grip the great

“shield of faith. What is said to one of us, is said to all of us…watch. We

should always have our graces in active exercise. If we do not, we will bitterly

regret the folly and sin that besets us. We will find that we have no

sufficiencies here of material worth. Our adequacies must be our spiritual

dependency upon God for everything. In this waste howling wilderness, our

bread must drop from heaven day by day. Thank God, there is a short

duration to our sojourn here. Though the days of our pilgrimage should

be seventy, or eighty, or even ninety years, how swiftly they come to an end.

There will be some who will enter their chambers sooner because God will

have them finish their service earlier. There are those who are here as

strangers to God and there are some who are here as strangers with God.

What is the difference?

Psalms 39:12

God is watching

Being with God is being under His constant eye and care. We enjoy peculiar

fellowship with God. We walk with God in hallowed and intimate union and

communion. He has told us some of His greatest secrets. He has given us

the high privilege of dwelling in the secret place of the Most High and abiding

under the shadow of the Almighty. In this world that God created, He too is

treated as a stranger. Here is His handiwork all around us, most fair and

beautiful, yet the fool says in his heart, “there is no God,” and proves himself

to be a fool by saying it. Here are signs on every hand of the working of God’s

gracious providence, mysterious but wondrously wise, yet worldlings cannot

see any traces of the finger or mind or heart of God, for He is a stranger to

them. And as God is a stranger here, we need not marvel that we, who are

His children, are also strangers on the earth. He was despised and rejected

of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief—spit upon, scourged,

hounded out from among men, and at last crucified.

I Timothy 3:16

This God, who is a Spirit, manifested Himself in the flesh. This is that

determined change that even the more enhances the honor, the praise, the

glory due God. And look what mystery is given us as sojourners here…our

life is hid with Christ in God. What can there be here for us? Nothing that

need trouble us. God wants us to be so dissatisfied with this world that we

long for a better one. This being the case, we long to get home. But we ought

not to long for home from any work-shy motives. We are to be as good

laborers for God, that we may be worn with carrying His ministry, that we

eagerly look forward to the joy of His Sabbath rest to renew our strength for

service on the morrow. Our rest here for God is to be a rest that shall know

no end…a rest in untiring service.

What a wonder that we who are all sojourning here, too often treat one

another as strangers. There is an essential unity to holy discipline. Quick

ears are so ready to misinterpret and misrepresent words seeking to find one

word awry, dwelling over it. Let us muzzle the mouth, open the heart, and

reason with the mind of Christ, that we may be nearer to going home. Ill words

make texts for sinners, and thus God is blasphemed out of the mouths of His

own beloved children. Let it not be so with any of us, beloved. Weep, if need

be, tears have ever had great prevalence with God. But do not restrain your

grief; find espression in reasoning. Only before the wicked, are we to have

nothing to say, we hold our peace.

If we are God’s chosen people, how should we relate to the world around us,

and, in particular, how should we respond to the world’s animosity and

rejection? In a habitable practice we are truly sojourners and exiles in the

moral and ethical sense. The lives of those who long for heaven are to be

nourished by and are to reflect, the principles and practices of that place to

which they are heading. And there is such a difference between this world

and that place that it is inevitable that each scene should produce a very

different way of life, a difference so fundamental that it ought to be distinctly

visible and impressive to unbelievers. This is one of the reasons why

unbeleivers feel such contempt against God’s people on many occasions.

While here, we must give life a different appearance. It is to show love, purity,

self-denial, kindness, and generosity, humility, courage, honesty, patience,

and integrity. These are the facets of a character dominated by the love of

Christ and a commitment to his kingdom. It is a life of bearing witness in word

and deed, to the love and holiness of that God who has called us out of

darkness into His wonderful light. We have a faith response to the grace of

God. We live now as though already saved. All that we do, should be in the

interest of our Father. Do we think about other people the way we are taught

to think about them here, or the way we are taught to think about them there?

It will make a difference whether our sense of heaven is fitful and weak or

clear and powerful, powerful enough to produce a living expectation to others

who wonder at a life of peace without hate, love without prejudice. Too much

of the time for many who say they are believers, the sense of the heaven is

vague, and so incapable of producing a powerful effect. Task yourself to

ponder what it means to be a sojourner here on earth. Is it truly a conviction

that you have to be in heaven? It is the great honor of Jesus Christ, and it is

the immense privilege of human beings and of sojourners especially, that

such a place exists, and that there is a way to it from this world. How will we

want to have lived and loved here when we are there? We should be daily

feeling our spirit leaving this place.


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