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Spiritual Shift...

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

Spiritual Shift

There are the ones who take the Lord seriously enough to put aside their

own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, and yes, even their own

life, in order to follow Him as He commands. These are a new nation not

formed by physical descendants, but of those born of the Spirit. And these

are qualified because they respect every word of God. It is absolutely

essential that God has a nation prepared that could inherit the kingdom. It

has to be a nation bonded together with a deeper commitment than mere

family ties or blood relations. Being part of that nation is what being a chosen

people is all about this very day. Do not be puzzled about this notion of a holy

nation. Do not regard the biblical passages as merely symbolic. God has

placed you as a light for the nations, that you should bring salvation to the

end of the earth. God has a new covenant Israel united together by the Holy

Spirit. Hear the biblical reference…who is this writing to?

James 1:1

I Peter 2:9, 10

The bible is addressing a newly-formed people who were once not a people.

Something is changing in their life to warrant them being called a people, for

if they remain in their same old houses, working for the things of the world,

and only believed in Jesus, they would still be not a people. They would still

remain integrated into society as so-called christians are today. The

appointed time has come. No longer strangers, no longer rootless, a nation

is being gathered. No longer separated, no longer alienated. This is not just

some denominational titled group. This is a people actually dwelling together

in unity, so as to be a light to the nations, though living in every geographical

area on earth. Mark this as your learning…God has a unique people typed

as being scattered for purpose. These answered the call for who is on the

Lord’s side. God makes distinctions and divides and separates and elevates.

These are so exceptional that the Lord is their inheritance.

Numbers 35:1-8

Deuteronomy 18:1, 2

God is shifting us into positions for the promise that we’ve been praying for.

Sometimes a God shift looks like chaos. We will understand why we have to

go through what we’re going through. Wave after wave of tests will make us

feel like we’re being tossed from a cliff. In order for God to shift us “into”

position, He has to shift us “out of” conditions that prevent our shift. God is

putting exclamation points where we had question marks. God is closing

wrong doors to wrong plans, wrong relationships, wrong decisions, and even

some wrong places that have taken us on a detour from His plans. Put this

in your spirit…you know it’s a God shift because the Holy Spirit has been

whispering to you. Situations that would have made you break, are giving

you peace. You’re saying, “Yes God.” We should pray for the wisdom to keep

our shift on the divine low. What God is now positioning us for, requires

silence as we walk around the walls that need to fall. All drama in our lives is

to be put in timeout. Detach from relationships that God has shown you are

not validated by truth and faith. Cease allowing temporary emotions to make

permanent decisions. God sees the work you put in your faith and the faith

you put in His word. He sees the prayers and the hopes that you’ve been

watering with tears. We need to be true with ourselves. Because even in

the “wildernesses of our lives;” where we are, is “determined by God.” And

in His “governing sovereignty,” there’s a divine shift,” for our life is ready to

take place. In other words, this “spiritual shift” that must happen, must

extend beyond the good words we speak in order for us to receive

the permanency of God’s eternal promises.

We must cease complaining, disobedience, murmuring, and sinning. We

must move from complacency to spiritual contentment. This spiritual shift

advances our character, our conduct, to show as polar stars in the celestial

journey of inheritance. Because God is entirely consistent in His holiness,

His every change of mind is entirely consistent with His character. His

holiness nor His character cannot waver one iota. So, His treatment of us is

in response to our choices. The shift that we are to undergo is supported by

the truth of our obedience. This means divine qualitative and quantitative

empowered changes, consistent with the will of God. All that we do must give

way in the name of Jesus. Prayer is the platform for this sustainable

empowerment. Our every endeavor will dwell in the word of God. We will

teach and admonish one another with grace in our hearts. Nothing we do will

cause God to be stranded. God has given us the free will to make our choice

for life. We will be engraced like no other. New encounters, new revelations,

better understanding, increase of wisdom, outstanding testimonies, will yoke

our lives to the solitary family of God. All things are determined by the

counsel of God and still we are granted the power to participate by choice to

shift our destiny.

God’s time is moving forward and there are some who did not recognize the

time of their visitation. God’s time is the right time, right now, and they missed

it. Remember when God said “let there be light”, there was light. What means

He, when He says, “cease from sin”, “be ye perfect”, “love one another”? We

need to understand the timing that God ordains for our lives. The purpose

for study, is God wanting us to understand and recognize the spiritual shifts

in our lives, marked by a deeper understanding of the grace of God and the

cross of Christ. If reformation is about anything, it is about getting back to

what Jesus died for, and being true to the apostolic mission that carries it on.

So, while some focus on still trying to predict every facet of the end times or

redefining what grace and the cross means, those who are truly

reformational will be about the Father’s business of advancing the good

news, making disciples, and bringing transformation to cities and nations in

the process.

There is this spiritual whispering being heard by God’s people who have ears

to hear. Spiritual shifting is the preparation, the acceleration, and the

expectation for the divine alignment for the harvesting of souls. We must be

in the right place to receive the scheduled outpour from God of the latter rain.

When we pray, when we petition God, we by faith know that He hears us.

That’s well and good. But do we remain for a time in prayerful mode to hear

what God says if He chooses to answer right away? And if we don’t get an

answer quickly, do we just forget the prayer? God’s answer may not be

audible. He speaks in different ways. Listen for the still small voice. Listen

with expectation. Discern situations brought to you.

The last day true faithful people of God are appointed for not only the

movement of the Holy Spirit, but also the moment of the Holy Spirit. In these

maturing sons and daughters, there is an intricate work of “overcoming”,

being released in them to bring forth the manifestation of true kingdom life,

power, and love, into the darkness that is covering the earth. The Holy Spirit

is revealing in us now, that the reality of Jesus’ return is at hand. This spiritual

shift is like God saying, “let there be light”. The Lord is making this changing

work available now to those who will hear what the Spirit of God is speaking

presently. Let none tell you that you cannot be like Christ. His mind is the

truth pattern proposed for our imitation. It is a mind that understands God’s

purposes. The mind of Christ stands in sharp contrast to the wisdom of man.

The mind of Christ involves wisdom from God, once hidden but now

revealed. The mind of Christ is given to believers through the Spirit of God.

The mind of Christ cannot be understood by those without the Spirit. The

mind of Christ gives believers discernment in spiritual matters. These build

their faith through the study of every truth in the word of God, to know the

deep things of God. They do not conform to the traditional assigning of the

word as does the world.

What in essence does spiritual shift mean? Spiritual shift is about the quality

or state of being one. What that means is that as Christ is in us, we are all

connected. Spiritual connection is our ability to intuitively understand

something that impacts our soul and gives meaning to our lives by having a

relationship to and with the Creator. There is a constant sense of

communication with spirits together. You begin to show up in the same

places. You are extremely secure in the truth. Your gratitude for prayer

reflects your recognition of just who God is. And the more like Jesus God

conforms you. It is here where the truest self is created. It is this work of God

that opens our minds to enable us to respond in a godly way - that is, by faith

- to the manifestation of Himself through His Word. It is God giving us His

wisdom to see as He sees.

We now begin to righteously connect with others who are assigned. Truth is

a crucial part of strong relationships based in faith. And the only way to

ensure what is the truth is to find truth in every word of God. The fact that a

great many people believe something is no guarantee of its truth. Too many

are satisfied with where they are and do not hunger for truth. Why? Because

they don’t like the taste of it. Let none erode your faith in the word of God.

We must refuse to disarm any part of truth. Once truth is removed or ignored,

separation results. To be in Christ, we must not only know the truth, we must

love the truth. Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding,

disbelief or ignorance. Relations will fall away as spiritual awareness shifts

connections, but you will recognize friends on the spirit and the soul level.

And there will be no gaps. Spiritual shift will keep happening to you in one

way or another on the spiritual journey, because truth and light are the

reasoned reality of the revelation of Jesus Christ. Truth and light remove the

shadow of ourselves. We navigate this journey by taking full accountability

of our every thought, word, and deed. We have deeper reflection with God

that aligns us to our higher selves. We work toward suffering into wisdom

and peace as we will encounter portals of grief. Yet, made able to live in the

present moment with the hope in our tomorrow.

Spiritual shift is one of the glorious things about God's secret purpose, which

is the restoring of the life of God to the spirit of man. It encourages us to be

sovereign and whole within, no longer deferring to other people's opinions,

ideas, and untruths. We willingly choose to choose, only in alignment with

God’s own personal truth, rather than the truths of our culture, families,

friends, and religion. We willingly choose to choose, based on our aligning

with Christ, in our highest knowing of the highest truth rendering the highest

consequence. We begin to realize a self that is different from who we thought

we were and what we thought we were. Our spiritual awareness is now found

in the utilization of the known truths of God. We reason with every revelation.

The Holy Spirit reveals to ourselves what could have been known before this

moment, that we might find the comfort with the truth that we are 100%

potentially perfect in Christ. We are upleveling to knowing and being with the

existence of the Divine. We are chosen individuals who have experiences of

divinity, of sacredness, of the presence of God within all existence. As

participants in spiritual foundations, as well as some of us who are mavericks

in our own exploration of the big Truths, we ourselves have either directly

experienced the truth that everything is sacred and divine, or we are growing

ourselves toward that knowing. Faith is the practice in which we grow our

capacity to be with what is unknown, yet at the same time is known within

every one of us. Faith is here, because I believe it is at the core of the practice

of letting go of what no longer is in alignment with our highest knowing, and

our highest good. It is a necessary practice in order for the spiritual shift to

occur. I pray that each of us has this testimony…it has taken me pretty much

my whole life to come to the direct experience of myself as an aspect of the

divine as Christ is bringing me to God. God is love and that says, God dwells

in me, as me, as I am in Christ. We have practiced faith for years to come to

God, to know of Him through the reasoning He Himself offers continually to

those who want to be without sin. It has taken me decades to own for myself,

that we are continually awakening to the truths of our sacredness and our

union with all. And this testimony is found in my faith in the faith of Jesus.

Through our lifetimes, each of us, through every event we experience, grows

our ability to know ourselves more fully when we measure each moment of

each event with the truth and the faith of Jesus. Each moment is a

revelation…an ah-ha moment, an experience to realize that we are on the

path to the righteousness of God in Christ. In essence, in this final time, God

makes us the bridges on the path that allow for the integration of what is to

be known and proclaimed as the opportunity for eternal life. God’s grace

toward us is so sufficient that it is all part and parcel to the knowing of who

we are! It is all one extraordinary practice of waking up to our all-ness!!!

This is our deepening in our conversion. This spiritual shift is so profound

that it is a decisive break with every pattern of sin and the world and

embraces new life in Christ by faith. It involves many changes in a person. It

involves a change of mind, which is a spiritual approach unto the mind of

Christ; and a change of a higher recognition of God, a critical view of self, a

capstone discernment of sin, and a willingness to follow Christ. It involves a

change of affections, and a sorrow for sin committed against a holy and just

God. It involves a change of will, which is a deliberately, determined, decided,

and chosen volitional change, an intentional turning away from sin and a

turning to God through Christ to seek forgiveness. The entire person; mind,

affections, and will, is radically, completely, and fully changed in conversion.

God’s sovereign activity by the Holy Spirit in the soul causes us to embrace

the cross in its whole purpose to bring men and women into a right and

reconciled relationship with God. This matters! Now there comes the

anointing of the Holy Spirit that we might know all things…all things

concerning Christ. We are secured in his interest. Our hearts and minds are

enlightened and strengthened for understanding. We are true to Christ. We

know that in Christ there is no possibility of blending the truth with error. God

purposes in us a conscience of conviction.

We know we’re being called to something more significant and expanded. A

profound transformation readying for a spiritual shift on a sacred journey. We

are threads in the hand of God weaving us into the cloth that is the robe of

righteousness. We are as one…together in Christ. We are coming into the

stature of Christ and in this last day we are also susceptible to feeling more

of the world’s darkness too. There will be winters in our life - hibernation and

death. We will welcome the spring for growth, for rebirth. We will experience

the sun of summer to bring the light of truth to others. And we will embrace

the autumn of harvest in preparation for the coming of our Jesus. Everything

is happening in divine order and right on time. The rest of the sabbath is

intuitive to us in our devotion to God. It is woven into the fabric of our being

to remind us that we are image-bearers of God, called to emulate the pattern

He established for us at creation: to live within a rhythm of work and rest, to

be after His likeness. We come to hear clearly that still small voice that

speaks the power of truth. We come to better understand the meaningful

purpose that the spiritual shift holds in our lives. This is the real calling to us.

We begin to live by the unifying, creative truth within us. We set our every

intention to honor God. We give authority to the expansive will of God to take

full control of our lives. We let the authentic word of God resolve all

dissonance between how we live our lives, and the core truth found in every

word of God. By truth we free ourselves to be deeply connected to God in

Christ. By this we are led to trust Him, to follow Him, and to get out of the

way. We say “no” to the coercions of the world. We seek that which accords

with God as divine principle; that which is, has been, and ever will be; that

which eternally is. The verities that truth abides in fullness, at the very core of

our being when found in Christ. What we are to be is but the unveiling of

what was determined. We are placed on the straight and narrow path along

which the Spirit directs, and as we are in Christ, proves so smooth and safe

that we refuse to allow ourselves to be misled by habit into trusting sense

perception. God is a special, personal Father to all His children. God's

thought projecting into our mind, builds spiritual consciousness like that of

Jesus. The Spirit of truth watches every detail of our life. When we ask and

by affirmation proclaim its presence, it moves us to the spiritual shift. God

has made us for something more, and His truth has given us the way to real

freedom. Now, with a quiet mind and deep breath, we answer the call of God

to come to be higher in Christ.


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