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The Heart Mind Unity...Pt 1 of 2

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

12 Minutes

Punctuated throughout this writing will be the concept of the heart of Christ and the mind of God and the power of the Holy Ghost. The truth of God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Ghost is most distinguishable in the Person roles they each possess. We may learn of the heart of Christ and the mind of God and the unity of the Spirit as we come to reason with the Word. The Spirit applies...what Christ accomplishes...what God acknowledges. But let’s first read a couple of verses declaring the power of the Holy Ghost as God. We will see the union of heart and soul or mind and that truth that the Holy Ghost is God.

Acts 4: 31, 32; 5: 3, 4

The unity in heart and mind was by the power of the Holy Ghost. How is it that God’s people are going to be united as faith, and that means by every word of God. “Every” means without exception. The Spirit is that empowering connection that establishes and confirms oneness. The heart is our compass, the mind is the control, and the power is in their unity. The Father’s election and the Son’s humiliation and exaltation brings salvation to the faithful. Yet, no one of us would enjoy the benefits of Christ’s saving life, death, and resurrection apart from the Holy Spirit. He is the vital bonding Agent, the glue of the gospel, securing sinners immediately and permanently to Christ Jesus. The bible contains a verse that says “I change not” referring to God. In actuation God has appeared in human form as Melchizedek and as Jesus. There must be truth bringing light to that truth because God does not contradict truth. We will come to better understand this purpose as we delve into the heart mind unity.

Malachi 3:6 Hebrews 7:1-4 John 1:1, 14 Hebrews 13:8

These truths complete one another in heart, in mind, in unity. Promises are only as good as the character of the person who makes them and the authority the promise rests upon. When we investigate God’s specific promise that He does not change, His promise is based upon His character and His authority to uphold it. When God says He does not lie, it is becauseGod’s nature is truthful and He has the power to uphold that truth. When God says He does not break His promises, it is because His nature and authority does not permit it. When God said He does not change, this promise is specifically in reference to His covenantal promise to Israel that He would bless all nations through them despite their disobedience. God has every right to judge us in our sin, but He does not justly judge Israel in this passage because He promised to fulfill His covenant of redemption for mankind through them. This covenant promise of God was fulfilled by the arrival of God Jesus in the flesh. When Jesus became flesh God was in fact, fulfilling the promise He gave beginning in Genesis just as He said he would.

If we were to reason with the statement “in the beginning” we would come to this understanding...what the bible is saying is “in the mind of God”. When we reason with God, with His Word of truth, we will rise to epic proportions of understandings upon which we may come to the spiritual wisdom that reflects the mind of Christ and thereby be obedient to the command to “let this mind be in you”. The bible instructs us to rise to this truth to narrow theseparation between God and man. With this mind we can understand the mysteries of truth as it impacts and broadens our biblical thought and intertwines our spiritual teaching and learning with God’s purposes.

Our minds are located in our brains and are sourced by the signals received from the brain. The brain creates images and sensations that are experienced in reality that are to be reasoned in the mind. It is here where recorded memories and experiences are stored and may be accessed for interpretation by the mind. The dilemma – with what mind are interpretations made...the natural mind or the spiritual mind. The mind is a discreet entity created by God to be subject to His judgment and laws. But sin caused a circuitous, devious, convoluted, tortuous, disordered deficit often causing conflicting intentions and desires. Every spectrum of the imaged mind created in Adam malfunctioned in its development. This insult ultimately affects our conscious to encounter the voice of God as did Adam in the Garden. And so, God gives us the pattern proposed to our imitation...the mind of Christ.

Simply stated, we in our human nature can partake of Jesus’ divine nature and again receive of the imparted image of the invisible God. This writing is for those who believe that there is a Creator of all that exists, and who have felt aware of, or connected to this Creator at times in the life and know the power of that conscious connection. Isn’t it a spiritual wonder of God how the mind of Christ can exist in His people at the same time? This is that One Mind! This is that open door that accesses infinite places at once all within itself. What does it mean to our life here to have a point of awareness or consciousness that connects us to that mind. That point is the heart. The heart is the first organ to form in the human fetus. When it starts to beat it generates an electromagnetic field that extends at least fifteen feet out from the body. This field contains energy and information that triggers cells in the body to perform in ways that create all the other organs and systems required for life. This is the heart that will send signals to the brain that will be reasoned in the mind. Depending on the nature of the mind, these signals will either be "coherent", creating healthy activity in the brain, or incoherent (like static), creating unhealthy and dysfunctional thinking and behavior. Oh, the mind of Christ! The heart activity influences and affects our ability to think, to reason. Can the word of Jesus saying the kingdom of God is within you be the truth? Recall the first sentence in this thebeginning, in the mind God created heaven and earth. Heaven is the perfect image or idea of creation. Earth is the physical manifestation of that image. So where is heaven...the kingdom? In the mind. The heart mind unifies to fulfill life’s experience here on earth as we prepare for heaven. Remember the spiritual aspect of the mind where there is only One Mind, the Mind of God. And that Mind exists simultaneously in infinite people of God within itself. That Mind is in us. And in that Mind is heaven, the perfect image for our life. When we access that image it creates feelings of joy, appreciation, well-being and infinite abundance, obedience, faith, love, humbleness. When we accomplish that task, the brain begins to create those images and feelings as our physical life experiences. And it is upon these experiences that our reasoning must meet with God to attain the wisdom of truth. Thecommandments are God’s law given to us because of sin. We were intended to be God’s law of creation.

So, for us to best understand the purpose of the heart mind unity we must reason with revealed truth about the omnipotence of God. We must understand the difference between nature and position. For God to be faithful and always fulfill His covenant promises, it must require that His nature never change. However, such promises do not necessitate that His position cannot change. Remember the promise of Malachi is that God’s promise will not change based upon His truthful nature. However, God can in His nature lower Himself in position, to the point of a servant in order to best fulfill His promises. He doesn’t have to change His nature to do this, rather He lowers Himself in His nature to do this. He takes on a different position. In truth we could take it one step further and say, “Jesus’s position lowers so that he can fulfill his promises in accordance with his nature as he is God in verity.” In nature, we cannot hold the mind, but we can grasp the heart. God is that mind, that Spirit Person. Christ is that heart, that Flesh Person. The Holy Ghost is that unity, the Presence Person. We have a purposed journey to be reborn. To reflect the character of Christ. To become sons and daughters of God. With the love of God in our hearts, the mind of Christ, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit our position will change. In our flesh we will partake of a divine nature.

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