12 Minutes
Think of the appearance of the heart mind performing as intentioned, as purposed by God. When we reason to know, not just remember who we really are, and reconnect with those qualities in ourselves that are powerful and creative, it will transform how we think, how we bear and how we behave in the world. In short, it will change everything about us that we might be like Christ. I pray that we agree that the brain receives signals and transforms them into images and feelings that we experience as reality. If the heart is our connection to our Creator, and the heart sends signals to the brain, what should we reason will happen when we unify the mind with the heart? Creating a heart mind enables us to access that perfect image for our life that we call "Heaven", and the heart will send signals to the brain that cause it to create our personal "heaven on earth" - a real life experience. God allowed Himself six days to create the heaven and the earth. How long it takes you to come to this source is your choice. If there is anything in your life, any truth that you fail to reason with that separates your heart from the mind, then you have some work to do. What we must avail in the power of the heart mind to access infinitely more resources, is how to manifest our spirituality.
Hebrews 8:10; 10:16
There is so much wisdom found in reasoning with the word of God. The heart is the only organ that can function for a while without the mind...a short while. And the mind needs the heart to ensure the flow of life (the blood). And the heart needs the mind to advance signals for proper functioning. Fearfully and wonderfully made...the intricately and intimately connected heart and mind. And when the mind dies, death appears. Judgment is in the mind. Let this be in you. Compassion is in the heart. Blessed are the pure in this. Reasoning to understanding requires judgment and compassion. Judging separates. Through understanding, we grow. The heart mind unity allows for a peaceful, thoughtful attitude to exist by always asking the question, “how’s that like me”.
Our spiritual makeup is made of the heart and the mind. Both are necessary for the fulness of faith. The mind and heart must both be engaged in this process because to have faith in God, we must believe and trust God. Believing requires the mind, and to trust someone requires the heart. Because of our faith, we believe every word of God. If your faith stops with what your mind thinks, you have no trust. This is how and why reasoning requires the heart and the mind, faith and trust, to be in every word of God. We must know the atonement, the resurrection, the humanity and divinity of Christ, the covenant and upon what it is established. When we study, if there be even one word of unbelief, there is no faith, neither trust. Then how could there be understanding? And in choosing how we study and who we study with, requires both judgment and compassion...how’s that like me.
To have an intimate relationship with God, we will have to engage our heart. To have a true relationship with God, we will have to engage our mind. We can passionately worship a false version of God, and we can lifelessly believe in a doctrinally accurate picture of God. God desires us to love Him compassionately and truthfully. The more we passionately love God as a person, the more we will desire to know the truth about Him as our God. And the more truth we learn about Him from studying the bible, the more we will passionately love Him. In our relationship with God we must rejoice in our heart because God is near. We must be reasonable in our mind because God is. We must pray about specific things in specific ways. And when we do this, a peace that surpasses understanding will rest on us which will be sourced in the mind and impulsed in the heart. Overall, when we have a relationship with God, the bible says Christ Jesus will affect our heart and mind. The mind is primary. God goes through our minds to get to our hearts. We must know some content in order for us to love rightly. Just knowing facts, however, is not enough. We must have the truth. Faith speaks of the primacy of the heart. The heart is primary in importance. We can know all the facts about Christ but yet if we do not accept his every word, we do not love him. Knowing the truth and loving the truth of Christ are both essential to salvation. The heart mind is the whole of the innermost person.
Job 38:36 Matthew 15:18, 19
The mind has many things which we know, but are not the better for, because we do not reason them, we do not apply them to ourselves, nor draw proper inferences from them through consideration of the heart. This is a truth so evident that it cannot but be known, and so influential that, if it were duly considered, it would effectually reform the world...that the Lord God, an infinite and eternal Being, and the Lord Jesus Christ, the fountain of all being, though distant from the throne of his glory, and the Holy Spirit, the power and motion, are One. If we would but consider every word closely, we would have this wisdom.
Genesis 1:1, 2 Colossians 1:15, 16 Deuteronomy 4:39 Proverbs 23:7
Judge of the man as his mind is...deliberate decision. Where was Adam’s mind when his heart went out for Eve. Where was the wisdom of Lucifer
when God said to him, “for thou hast said in thine heart”? Our heart should be the determination of the mind. It is with our minds that we focus our attention and choose to obey God, and it is those actions that first are decided with our mind in consideration of what we focus on. That is what God holds us accountable for. Neither conviction nor friendship is worth anything further than as it is sincere. The heart mind unity, centered in every truth of God, associates life’s activities with the will of God.
Acts 13:22, 23
It is as we still our hearts that a tranquil mind is activated for spiritual expression. We share truth in the mind with the heart. This is when we find deep thoughts rooted in love for God that will flow through our voice and work through our hands. Discernment of spiritual things, partaking of the divine nature, aligned with Christ in purpose – this is the transforming. And we stir the passion of Christ as God’s truth is written in our human hearts. It is in the heart mind that truth becomes far more than a moral guide, it’s inseparable from God’s own person. If we get anything wrong about the God-Christ relationship, it doesn’t matter what else we get right. There is reason why we are admonished to have the mind of Christ. That our minds are not taken up with our own hearts. That we first look wholly out of our selves unto Christ. In this there will be found no barrenness of the knowledge of God and His heart is set upon us. The Spirit causes us to actually feel Christ's heart for us. With the heart mind we are drawn to Christ’s tenderness that comes in fact from the Spirit, who stirs us with the very love of the Father. The heart of Christ in us is the express image of the heart of his Father. And with this heart our minds are given a knowledge of God the Father. I think with this heart mind we can love Christ more than we do...with a mind for truth and a heart for God.
Jesus is not just that son of God born of a woman. Jesus is the eternal God in the Person of the Son. The Holy Spirit is not just that power that moved upon the waters at creation. The Holy Spirit is that eternal God in the Ever Presence in the Spirit. And God is our Father who is confirmed by God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. These are the heart mind unity that ultimately will include all beings, men and angels, without a single exception. It is the destiny of each and every being and each and every angel, to enter the Eternal Kingdom of God of the New Heaven and the New Earth to be part of the one huge Family of God; the Elohim Family of the one true Father God, Yahweh Elohim, and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Elohim, and the Spirit, Ruwach Ha-Kodesh Elohim. This is indeed God’s plan for all, the glorious Grand Family Plan of our heavenly Father God.