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The Mask...

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

God measures the progress of our civilization by making Himself known to

us as a society of persons, existing eternally in mutual love and deference.

Knowing God rests in His love. In America today, we are living in a toxic

political climate that is the product of a very dangerous combination: a

backwards civilization of unthinking leaders and frenzied citizens.

Hate wears many different masks
Hate wears many different masks

Hate, as the bible says, stirs up strife. It is a toxic energy that wears many

different masks, and behind them all, dwells the same thing: self-hatred, fear,

cruelty, thoughtlessness, and selfishness. Hate is a heavy subject of attitude

and sentiment whose behavioral outcome will be death…death most

certainly to the hater, and may be also to the hated. Hate is gravely different

than dislike or contempt. It is the deadliest of all venom. In this country

particularly, too many are too comfortable with hate. There are isolated

groups in this country that experience the dimensions of hate of such

intensity and duration until their very existence must be a constant alert to

aggression. This is because in this land the truth of annihilating one people –

and enslaving another is a consistent theme in the history of our country. In

the book of the devolution of humanity, will be written this clause concerning

the people who constitute hatred: these were taught hate as a way of life.

This kind of hate is born in the fertile womb of fear, which showed up as a

sense of superiority, intolerance, bigotry, ignorance, and arrogance.

Malicious hatred did not originate with humans. It started when an angel in

heaven, who came to be called Satan the Devil, rebelled against God. He

has continued to instigate hatred and aggression among countless human

beings. Hatred thrives in intolerance. The world we live in, feeds hatred by

promoting harmful attitudes and behavior. Intolerance, prejudice, insulting

speech, bullying, thrive because the whole world is lying in the power of the

wicked one. The wisdom, the knowledge and understanding that is learned

in reasoning with God cannot release me from the awareness of the

devastating narrative that transcends history and geography. Humanity’s

existence today reminds us all of the veracity of hate. There is so much hate

in the world, I reasoned, because hate is hard-wired in the brain. Hate

commonly fills the void of a lesser intellect. Hatred has its origins in personal

stories that characterize one who has life frustrations. Hatred is based on the

perception of the other, but also has a strong relationship with ourselves, with

our personal history, and its effects on our personality, feelings, ideas,

beliefs, and especially our identity. Certain adversity in our lives can trigger

and intensify hatred such as jealousy or failure. These are often under-

achievers in the real matters of life. This leads to a deep-rooted inferiority

There is so much hate in the world
There is so much hate in the world

complex and frustration. In an effort to salvage some of their sagging self-

esteem, they try to compensate for it by latching on to something, which, in

their perception, is visibly, tangibly an ‘achiever’ – such as a political party or

some well-known organization. By associating themselves with that

organization, they feel that the prestige, recognition of the organization will ‘rub

off’ onto them and compensate for what they could not achieve individually. It is

a learned and practiced emotion. We are witnessing the time of a troubling

story of coercion, victimization, and devastating violence. We are

experiencing an ancient narrative of a politically motivated education in hate,

sanctioned by America’s political order, and enacted by a frightened and

rageful people. A certain people that regards hate as an extension of the

human tendency to form groups and for those groups to become the “us”,

who focus their hatred on the “them”. Characterized by blind adherence

and uncritical thinking, dilutes empathy, awareness of others’ suffering,

and feelings of guilt towards the object of hatred. Haters thus acquire

the ability to morally disengage from their actions and create excuses

for the hatred they feel, or the suffering that they consciously cause. The

facade of religion is used to conceal their conscience. Society is fueled with

such malignant divisiveness that it is seriously affecting the nation, besides

debasing our sense of humanity itself. God’s truth is the only source of hope.

During the last days of this world, there will be times of great trouble. People

will be cruel and they will hate anything that is good. People will turn against

their friends. They will do foolish things. They will boast that they are very

important. They will not love God, but instead they will only want to revel in

a false privilege, purposefully constructed. This they hold to themselves

believing to be privileged from conception. Being ignorant that privilege is

not something you are born with, it is something society gives one that is not

based upon equal intentions. These people will think to be serving God. But

really, they refuse to accept God's power to help them. We must be spiritually

discerning of such people. These are people who speak against God's true

message. Human conduct, unrestrained by the law of God, will bring this

earth to the point of almost complete destruction. But there will be some

people—a very small group—who will not embrace lawlessness. In fact,

these people will be defined by the opposite, lawfulness. They will govern

their lives by God’s law, which will make them stand in stark contrast to the

world around them. These will be delivered up to tribulation and all nations

will hate them. There will be a great apostasy during the end times. A

rebellion, an abandonment of the truth. The end times will include a

wholesale rejection of God’s revelation, a further “falling away” of an already

fallen world. God is not yet done. Mankind has not yet been sufficiently

warned. Bible prophecies will come to be. The world merits God’s


Hate will be grounded in the realm of racism and prejudiceness, fear and

ignorances. It is the upsurge of self, the mind of the flesh over God. Threats,

Confiscation of Property
Confiscation of Property

confiscation of property, beatings, murder will be advanced in evilness. All

who reject biblical values, who reject that we are created by an all wise God

in His image, who reject God’s framework of the family unit, who reject

absolute truth, who reject morality, who reject the claims of Jesus, yet are

accepting of lies and false claims by supposedly leaders - it appears that

these are becoming bolder, louder, more powerful, and more willing to

silence those who disagree with them. Be warned that we will be hated

because of our faith and true adherence to Jesus’ teachings. Hatred is more

than just an emotion. It is a negative behavior with severe consequences.

America has always been fertile ground that breeds hate, persecution, and

silencing toward certain peoples. And now it is for those who proclaim hope

in Jesus and His word. Be strengthened to testify of Him no matter what the

result. Treading water is over. In the currents ahead of us we will have to be

stronger than ever to swim in the Jordan or we will drown.

Our hope is not in circumstances changing, nor is it in political figures. 

Don’t allow your voice to be silenced. Don’t allow for you to be forced into isolation.

Don’t allow your mind to be tarnished by news and social culture. Hate and

persecution will increase, we will need the counsel, input, and

encouragement of each other more than ever. Be wise, aspire to live quietly,

and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your mind and hands, so that

you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one. But

please don’t make a habit of spiritual distancing. We need each other

spiritually. Love one another as Jesus commands and then persevere

through being loved or hated in return. Bestowed prenatally upon God’s

people is His grace. And that, in His sufficiency. The bible always perfectly

corresponds to reality; whatever the bible says is in accord with reality;

whatever it says about God is in accord with reality; whatever it says about

man is in accord with reality; whatever it says about history is the way it really

is, and it cannot be denied. Humanity is getting worse and worse and worse

- and at the end, the explosion of things will reach epic proportions…the

worst of time ever that could be known. We’ve already faced the hostility

borne by this country. We’ve already seen their hatred and animosity. Jesus

was hated because of his inclusion and tolerance. The most intense,

murderous fury of hatred directed toward Jesus was because he proclaimed

“I am the Christ, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of

Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” They simply did not have the

eyes to see or the faith to believe that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the

living God. They hated Jesus without a cause. Not knowing that in Christ the

world hates God Himself. What do we proclaim of ourselves? And as did he,

we will upset their traditions and their scruples about the law. He was from

above. We are one from beyond.

Hate knows no bounds. It is in motion at every level. We are living in a world

that hates. We have seen violence prompted by hatred. Hatred will be carried

out against those who desire more than anything to preach the love of the

Lord Jesus Christ and demonstrate compassion for those who suffer. Hatred

gnaws at the vitals of people. It threatens the freedom of worshiping Jesus

Christ as witnessed on every continent. Hatred is rampant—a sign of the

Every Continent
Every Continent

depravity of the human race. The bible teaches hatred is sin. There is much

to be said for the contagion of hate. Fear and deception are reflections of it.

Love, as critical as it is, must possess a deep understanding of hatred.

Hatred begins its epicycle with human contact as devoid of warmth and

genuine fellowship, subsequently devolving into a stage of “unsympathetic

understanding,” by which “the first step along the road of bitterness and

hatred is assured,” and eventually reaches a crucial point at which this

“penetrating, incisive, cold understanding…tends to express itself in the

active functioning of ill will. Hate is the great insulator, making it possible for

one man to deny the existence of another, or, will the other’s nonexistence,

that violence is the act through which such a will is implemented, and hate is

its dynamic. Periods of national crisis make it seemingly necessary to

discipline men in hatred of other human beings. Hate corrodes unity as it

presents an illusion of righteousness while it remains essentially and

ultimately destructive. It guarantees a final isolation from one’s fellows. It

blinds the individual to all values of worth, even as they apply to themself

and their fellows. Hatred bears deadly and bitter fruit. It must be borne in

mind that hatred tends to dry up the springs of creative thought. Hatred

Hatred bears deadly and bitter fruit
Hatred bears deadly and bitter fruit

means death to the mind, death to the spirit, death to communion with

the Father. Hatred indulges deception and dishonesty. Americans hate in

such unprecedented proportions based on race, religion, gender, culture,

caste, country, or nation. This selectively perpetrated by fear. They hate not

just a specific individual but the entire category whom they have positioned

themselves against based upon artificial differences. The differences, if any,

arise because of our cultures and not our genes. Every person, first and

foremost, is a human being. Our common humanity and unique individuality

must be shared from the perspective of cultural understanding and

inclusivity. The thing that the enemies of God continues to use, is hatred, in

the attempts that God’s people will hate in return. In their ignorance they

know not that this turns to be a great asset and blessing to us. For they know

not that we love our enemies and are made stronger than ever in Christ, for

love expresses our faith in God. We come to a complete and unqualified love

for every single person everywhere, no exceptions. Not just a momentary

love, but a sincere, honest, heartfelt, substantial love. This does not require

us to accept the things people do that are hateful and selfish. We strive to

love as God loves us, knowing that, through the unchallengeable,

incontestable power of God’s love, anyone can ultimately be cleansed of sin

with finality. There is a peculiar people of God who has been spiritually

revived to come to Him to reason with His purposes for all things. The souls

of these have no color, no national allegiance, no loyalty to ungodliness.

These know that love conquers every act of hate. No matter the barrage of

hate, love will prevail. There are too many herstories and histories that arc

the truth of love as the only light that drives out darkness. God’s truth

heightens our own spiritual purity by welcoming the cleansing presence of

God’s love within. We can then affirm that love is in authority everywhere,

and is operating effectively and inevitably, not only within us, but even within

those whom we could suffer for. We take refuge in the love of God illumining

the way for others to do the same. God’s people are born of the spirit and

borne by the spirit having always the propensity for faith in God. This land

thinks itself to have been predisposed to greatness. Thinking itself to be

exceptional. There is a just spanking that is coming. And with it no

forgiveness. Hatred will boomerang in the end.

God’s people understand the purpose and power of love. We are familiar

with biblical prophecy foreshadowing the end of time. And we hear this

sounded from the mouth of Christ…and because iniquity shall abound, the

love of many shall wax cold. Because of hate, many people will stop loving

each other. We who live in the last days witness, and may even be affected by,

these huge social movements in which we have absolutely no control.

Yet what follows is a sign and implied expectation that is totally within our

control…we hold fast to our love. Because of sin we are limited creatures

here. But God fashions us after His likeness, transmittable to us, His image-

bearers, to reflect the attributes of our Creator. When we consider love,

whether a human or divine attribute, we must always do so in correlation with

God’s full character. We must first ponder God’s love as integral to His moral

perfections and then consider the exercise of His love. There is no distortion

to God’s love. God’s love obligates reciprocation. His redeeming love for us

is conditioned on obedience. It means that God set His love upon every

human without exception. But God has those whom He calls His elect ones.

God’s unconditional, electing love establishes His covenantal relationship

with these, which stipulates conditions concerning how His people are to

come to Him. God requires our belief, our obedience, and our steadfast

faithfulness. This obligates us to apply these truths thoughtfully and carefully

to ourselves and our relationships.

We hear the truth that “God so loved the world” and picture the vastness of

God’s love. We hear the magnitude of His love. But do we consider the “so

loved” to mean “of manner, or how”? Read this…“God loved the people of

this world so much that He gave His only Son”. Now read it this way… “God

loved the world in this way, namely, that He gave His only Son.” What is the

way God shows His love toward the world of sinful humans? Now that

stipulates a reciprocal response of love. God knew of the hatred that would

inflict destruction upon humanity. He sent His Son into a world that hated him

so that wicked humans would indict His righteous Son, condemn him to

death, and execute him. They did not realize that they were carrying out

God’s purpose and design by which He would redeem everyone who heeds

the call of the gospel’s command to acknowledge His risen Son as the only

savior of the world.

Hate distorts God’s implanted image. Knowledge of God restrains human

wickedness. Excepting for God’s purpose, hatred would utterly expunge

humanity as did wickedness to the antediluvian society. The world indulges

in hate today, and with all determination is setting itself against God by hating

His people. Because of hatred, many who are not of color have become

irrational people – inhumane people – indeed “crazy” people. These people

are suffering from amnesia and anesthesia. But they are also unaware of

God’s justice and equity. This is a state of being that involves choices,

behaviors, and thoughts. The further away from God the world strays, the

more hate will motivate decisions. This will only lead to violence and

prejudice. While there is truth to this idea, it will also manifest in hating truth

for lies, hating godly wisdom for man’s foolishness, and hating God’s justice

for man’s injustice. Hate is dangerous, because when taken to its logical

God's Justice
God's Justice

conclusion, it is the desire to eliminate the humanity of another. It is the most

destructive affective phenomenon in the history of human nature.

Jesus makes the love-ethic central in the lives of his people. His people

never hate their haters. Only by a right understanding of the cross can we

truly love God and love others, and to that end we must labor as long as we

are on this earth to save a soul.


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