11 Minutes
God has prepared something incomprehensibly beautiful for those who love Him and trust Him. Something that lies beyond time, something so beautiful and vast and breathtaking that only Eternity is big enough to contain it. The Heavens are those essential dimensions that eternity reveals itself in the revelation of love as revealed in Christ.
But our joy of the new creation must begin here, because Christ is our joy. We do not now fully appreciate that joy, but it is here, because the very life of Heaven, the very life that flows from Jesus is here. This is what grounds our confidence and courage as we face the trials and pressures of the present time. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. We are at the ultimate end. We are the only creation whereby the breath of God brought forth a living soul. And our breath is but an exhale on earth. It is releasing what the living, indwelling God breathes into us, for the building of His kingdom and the honor of His name. Whether by word, act or presence, we breathe out that spiritual readiness that comes from God that others may have life in Christ. But in the new creation it is our God-filled spirit that touches the spirits of the other beings, and they encounter the Spirit of God. We thank God for giving us inside information about His new creation so that we do not have to speculate. In reasoning we receive divine revelation. I think God wants us to use our reason and also our knowledge, for why should we neglect any God-given faculty to explore the treasure of tantalizing hints in scripture. We are in a position very different from that of the one who doubts or denies any of the word of God. The difference lies in our willingness to come to God to reason with every truth to come to the truth. And with our reasoning with God, we acquire the timelessness of truth.
We vindicate God’s original creation purposes. We are like the sighted compared to the blind, who can only speculate about things visible. We can do more than speculate about things invisible. None has experienced the new creation, but we have a very good Friend who knows. He came here to give us a view. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The world to God’s people are mountains of nonsense. But the word of God are nuggets of wisdom. This is why we ask God to allow us to help to arrange for others salvation as He has arranged for ours, because there are those persons who are a real part of us, and for us as a whole to be saved, we want these persons to come along. This is a prayer of a simple presentation of the fact – we love these persons. We trust God to do His thing: it is always more loving, more gracious, and more effective than our thing, more than we can ever imagine
or desire. God put that burden on our heart for a reason: for us to fulfill His desire to want to save all.
Glimpse through the eye of God. The wonder of heaven cannot be described in our dimensions or any multidimensional wonders. There will be such a glorying of motivation in loving absolutely everything that is possible to be. Every invisible thing will be visible. Whatever is probable will be and there will be no impossibilities. Every science will exist with no effect upon the minds, the hearts, the bodies of the untold mixture of beings living with God. We will have a more intimate relationship with nature. We will know the essence of every form of life. There are no secrets in the new creation. We will be able to literally touch the innerness of all things natural in their spiritual vapors to come to know the richness in the vaults of their essentiality. Where gravity is, it isn’t. Love is the power of all attraction. Where distance is, is nearer than thought. Where you want to be is where you are. What you think, all have thought with you. Every stream of wisdom is the reality already known. The power of our will can turn a universe. Where heaven is high, there is higher with Christ. What we will love about life with God will be experienced with His Spirit filling us, so that His will, will will in us to do all His will. In every wonder that is beheld will be seen the face of God. And God has as many faces as there are numbers. And each face is God in all His glory, all His holiness, all His loveliness. And here’s the scene – all things will not just be real, tangible, and beautiful, all things will be most real, most tangible, most beautiful.
Heaven is not yet what it is meant to be. For we only know in portion what is heaven, for the word of God declares there are heavens of heavens. And this is certain...none, not any angel, not any other being has traversed the entirety of the heavens. Only God has His going forth from the end of the heaven, and His circuit unto the ends of it. All creation is waiting with fervent expectation for that future day when God will reveal who His children really are. Know this concerning the divine endowment that we will receive in heaven; there will be no immaturity in heaven, nothing will be left to the imagination, our faculties will be of the highest resourcefulness in their creativity. We will have intellectual and spiritual co-ordination with every world as we enter upon an eternal exploration of a giga-trillion times a yottabyte of worlds created. What gratification of glory there will be as we tour these gigantic spheres which are superinfinite in splendor. We know of water, wind, fire, and the finite elements in this universe. But we will come to know of elements rarer than astatine. All things, everything that can be will be alive in God’s creation. Even the created universe where we now live is alive. It is still growing.
Telescopically our universe extends 46 billion light years in every direction from the earth. And the observable universe reaches further since the universe is expanding. There is a destiny-heaven of phenomena for us to enjoy. Life in the Father’s eternal creation is a ceaseless progression in grace, truth, and glory. The celestial personalities will invite us to new experiences. Their comprehension of reality is the equivalent of approaching God. Their perfection was not threatened by their watching us from heaven. They cared to see how we fared on earth. They witnessed the liberation from the reality and effects of sin and death. They’ve always been living witnesses to how God so loved us and what Jesus did for us in coming to us. Their logic pivots on the solvency of reason and wisdom enabled by a spirit indwelt mind that is revelational with fact, idea, and relation. Their communication is unconditional reflective loveliness. The unity of truth, beauty, and goodness is realized in the spiritual experience of their God-knowing personality. Their love is more than just sentiment. It is a spiritual progression in the continual search of God. It is the highest motivation to be like God. They are ecstatic about the actuality of resting with God’s redeemed and simultaneously learning what God means by creating all things new.
Are the current unfallen worlds a pencil sketch for God? Will the things that are now be dwarfed by what life will be where all harmoniousness exists? What possibilities of God might be the most stunning panorama ever seen conceived? The beauty and grandeur of the new creation will be so staggering that we won't even remember this heaven and earth. A new design in His glory will both stun and astound all eyes. Man has never seen unblemished jewels, pure metals, transparent gold, living waters. And hold on...the continual light of the continual presence of God. Amazing bodies! Spiritual bodies: imperishable, glorious, and powerful, not restrained by the physical dimension. We will have transformed bodies, but real, physical bodies, as Christ had after his resurrection. His body could be touched, and he could eat. Yet it could come and go as he pleased, with neither walls nor distance as an obstacle. We will be radically more mature, more spiritual, more developed. Life will not be in the blood. It will however be of the blood.
All things being new, we will be new also. You may say that we will be “perfectly” recognizable. We have no way of comparing or even imagining the “forever” newness of God’s creation. But we can and do know from reasoning with the word that we will be glad and rejoice forever. Our minds will be entertained with the sweet contemplation of the pure holy excellence of every world. And that not all will be the same yet all will be tending toward the holiness as it is of God in the highest. We will flow into God’s infiniteness as streams flow into the ocean. And let us not evade this truly great thing done - we shall have company with the patriarchs and fathers and sacred persons who in a special manner were made perfect because of the divine qualities awaken in some through communion with Jesus. These all were conversant by faith. This is a divinely designed, essential part of our joy. And there, above all, we shall enjoy and dwell with and shall be filled with all the fullness of the Godhead forever. The only work we will have in the new creation is love. For love is a work and work is a love. Love is a work, for it is something we do, not something we just feel or fall into. And work must be a love, for if not, the new creation would be boring.