10 Minutes
The two great commandments will be our job description for life. We will have a new illuminating view of the divine and the eternal. Divine love is in God, not as in a subject that receives it from another, but as in its original seat, where it is of itself. And from God, this love flows out toward all the inhabitants and of all the things that are sentient in creation. It flows out, in the first place, necessarily and infinitely, toward His only begotten Son; being poured forth, without mixture, as to an object that is infinite, and so fully adequate to all the fullness of a love that is infinite. And this infinite love is infinitely exercised toward Him. Not only does the fountain send forth streams to this object, but the very fountain itself wholly and altogether goes out toward Him. And the Son of God is not only the infinite object of love, but He is also an infinite subject of it. He is not only the beloved of the Father, but He infinitely loves Him. The infinite essential love of God, is, as it were, an infinite and eternal, mutual, holy, energy between the Father and the Son: a pure and holy act, whereby the Deity becomes, as it were, one infinite and unchangeable emotion of love proceeding from both the Father and the Son. This divine love has its seat in the Deity, as it is exercised within the Deity, or in God toward Himself. But this love is not confined to such exercises as these. It flows out in innumerable streams toward all the created inhabitants of God. We see that this love manifested in the new creation had its expresssion toward us from the beginning of the world. And as most reasonable, we learn that even the angels' love was exercised toward us in supreme unity in common with Christ.
Every heart is wedded to this once Bridegroom who is holy and spiritually now our Husband, and all rejoice in Him, while the angels join us in love. And every being in creation all loves each other. And all of the glorious society of creation are sincerely united. There is not a single secret or adversary in thought, word, or deed among us all. Not a heart is there that is not full of love, and not a solitary inhabitant that is not beloved by all the others. And as all are lovely, so all see each other’s loveliness with full complacence and delight. Every soul goes out in love to every other; and among all the blessed inhabitants, love is mutual, and full, and eternal. This love is perfect in that it is commensurate with the capacities of our new natures. There can be no contrary principle, having no pride or selfishness to interrupt it or hinder its exercises. Every one has not only a sincere, but a perfect goodwill to every other. Sincere and strong love is greatly gratified and delighted in the prosperity of the beloved object; and because the love be perfect, the greater the prosperity of the beloved is, the more is the lover pleased and delighted; for the prosperity of the beloved is, as it were, the food of love, and therefore the greater that prosperity, the more richly is love feasted. The love of benevolence is delighted in beholding the prosperity of another, as the love of complacence is, in beholding the beauty or perfection of another. So that the superior prosperity of those that are higher in glory, the 144000 and the great multitude, is so far from being a hindrance to the degree of love felt toward them, that it is an addition to it, or a part of it. Because these are the most loved of Christ, all will rejoice in their being the most content, having endured that which brought us to the likeness of Christ.
Having more of the spirit of love to others, we will so love those that are below us more than as if our own capacity and elevation were less. We, that are highest in degree in glory, will be of the highest capacity; and so having the greatest knowledge, will see most of God’s loveliness, and consequently will have love to God and love to all in creation most abounding in our hearts. And on this account, those that are lower in glory will not envy those that are above them, because they will be most beloved by those that are highest in glory. All will be equal in worth and dignity. But will we be equal in the sense of the same? God forbid! One of the chief pleasures of life will be the mutual sharing of different excellences, the pleasure of looking to someone who is determined higher and learning from him or her. There is a stunning carry over from humanity – emotion. But not like that which resulted from the fall. There will be no sadness. The past is no memory. Like God, we will live in the eternal present. Our heavenly emotions will be appropriate to present reality, not past reality. Our emotions will not drive us or control us. They will be no less passionate, but they will be less passive. Doing love, rather than just feeling love will result in a "voluptuous outpour" of pleasure.
Clothing in the new creation is not artificial and concealing, but naturally spiritual and revealing. Clothing will be a pure glory as was the woman clothed with the sun. Harmony is derived from the sound of different notes of different instruments. We will be the music of creation, instruments of God, sounding individual notes, sounding harmonious is every phase of being. There will be no confines to space. We will be able to transform space into place by humanizing it, spiritualizing it. There will be nothing too small or too large in creation. In a sense, it will be in us rather than we in it. Purposes and events will be measured by mind and will, not time. That’s why on earth there is never enough time to do the things we set out to do. We were made for eternity. We long to step out of the sea of time into the land of eternity, even though we do not really understand what eternity is! What is it to never grow old, to not age, to never die? Will there be in heaven the old and the young? Whereas on earth, in our witness for God, our words were of a purer speech having the outward expression of an inward grace. In our love for him our testimony was enlarged and deepened. In the new creation we will have a pure language void of judgment. Our eternal interests will come from a pure heart and the rich treasure of wisdom will flow in our words. The vocabularies of the new creation will be transparent as to be fully understood. With what words or sounds will we converse with God? What language did God speak with Adam, with Abraham, with Moses. We will have a divine language where the elements of speech sound the power that is as the mind of Christ.
Isaiah 64:4 I Corinthians 2:9
The light, oh thank God for the light, for it will be always, no darkness. The significance...when God said let there be light, He was infusing spiritual energy into the world. Light was the first created matter. The light was for our benefit. The darkness had to remain else the enemy would have accusational cause toward God’s fairness. There was no spiritual resource available to the angels that rebelled and were cast to the darkness. In the new creation, light will provide healing, balance, and spiritual awareness. We will be essentially, absolutely, and virtually light, with the polarity being drawn to God. Remember the impact that Jesus had on the world. As the angels of light are intuitive always of God’s will, so we will be powerfully engaged with the consciousness of God. Turn on a flashlight and immediately the light is where it is intended. Remember the necessary ascension and descension of the Light...
John 20:17, 19
Light embraces the cessation of darkness. That is why God’s people always reach for the light of truth. On earth we simply retain a spark of divine energy that aligns us with order in Christ. We build our consciousness through the skillful learning of his truths. We hear and are present with one another as we integrate our knowledge. But in the new creation our characters will determine the brillance and the variety of the colors of light shown. We will be radiant and luminous. The Spirit will be that light in and around us. We will forever be connected with the Source of Light experiencing the continual flow of information. Our light will not only shine, it will vibrate as we grow spiritually in loving relationships. We will be the soul material of God’s mind. And the wonder of it all is that wherever we go and with whomever we are with, there will remain our residual spiritual energy. God designed it so that everything would progress in a perfect marriage with all of the other spiritual entities that progresses here; aligning with everything that exists. There will be nothing artificial, no conflict. All emitted spiritual energy is a request for balance even among and with the beings that will live in other multitudes of dimensions in other worlds. We will have an eternity of lifetime to journey in enlightenment. In our being-ness, our closeness, our likeness will be so of God that as He is the “I Am”, “we are all of I Am.