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The Reality of Our Wilderness Experience…

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

the reality of our wilderness experience
The Reality of Our Wilderness Experience

How many of us know that one of the most basic cries of an individual is for

significance? It's a God-born drive. It’s a value that's not a wrong desire—it’s

just in us. There are certain essential ingredients that make up a pleased

person, and one is affirmation. Everybody needs to be affirmed and loved.

Every person needs to have some measure of significance. Now understand,

when I talk about significance, I'm not referring to being famous or popular.

You can be very famous and be totally insignificant. Significance has to do

with its effect on humanity.

Do we understand that the greatest tests you and I face in life, we don't know

about when we're facing them? When we are under pressure for a decision,

those are tests, but they're not as big as the ones we're unaware of. What is

really valuable is examining our values, for example, as David talked about

“being tried in the night.” How can we be tried in the night? We're sleeping.

It's just that the Spirit of God is working on the heart of the person, working

to discover what the makeup and the value system is, that's been ingrained

into that individual.

Some of the great tests that we go through in life, really have to do with how

fast we drive through town at night, when nobody's looking, or when nobody's

there in the room and we've got the TV changer to see what entertains us.

The tests are when we don't know we're being tested. When someone tells

us a rumor, what do we do with that rumor, what do we say to the one

bringing the rumor? It’s the little things that oftentimes are the most

significant. When God’s word tells us to hear that our temples may be fit, yet

we elect to not listen to God’s directions and instead listen to the preacher or

the friend.

As with David. Go to Psalm 16. There is a passage here that is also quoted

in Acts 2. Let’s read both of them. Verse 7: “I will bless the Lord who has given

me counsel. My heart also instructs me in night seasons. I have set the Lord

always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”

Look at verse 11: “You show me the path of life. In Your presence is fullness

of joy. At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Back to verse 8: “I have

set the Lord always before me.” And because of that, “I shall not be moved.”

I'm stable and circumstances are not going to move me.

Now in Acts 2 it’s quoted this way: “David says concerning him, I foresaw the

Lord always before my face.” Another version says, “I saw the Lord always

before me.” This is a huge principle. In this particular passage David is

saying, “I set the Lord before me.” But how many of us know, we can't set

God before us? What we can do is set our eyes on the presence of God,

who's before us. We can't bring Him and put Him here; He's here. What we

can do, is adjust our heart as we realize that He's already here. The ongoing

realization of the presence of the Lord is probably one of the most, if not the

most, vital elements to the believer’s life. It is the awareness of God in me,

upon me, and with me.

David became the great leader over Israel and led them into their greatest

hours of prosperity and blessing. They had the greatest military victories.

They finally got all the land that was promised to them through David. All the

years from Joshua onward, were just dormant until David came and brought

them into their inheritance. He was the greatest of warriors; he was the

greatest of worshippers. He wasn't even a Levite (the tribe in Israel that

served as priests), but he was the ultimate priest. He was at the top of his

game in all these important areas. Notice this one thing he said, “I always,

every day, I set Him before me. Every day, I set my eyes on the presence of

the Lord who is with me.” Now, the confidence level of people reaches an

unprecedented level, when the presence of the Lord becomes more manifest

to them. How many of us know that if we saw a fiery cloud above us and

heard the voice of God coming out of it saying, “I'll heal whoever comes into

the cloud of all maladies,” all of us would be praying for wings to get into that

fiery cloud? The more clear the manifestation of His presence is, the greater

the dimension of faith we operate by. To live by the theory of His presence is

wrong. It is not good enough to say, “Well, I know He's always with me.” No.

That truth must launch us into an experience or we're violating the truth. The

truth was not given to equip us with concepts and ideas to debate and to

discuss. The truth was given as invitations for divine encounter so we would

know by experience that God is upon me, and He is with me.

David's entire life as a warrior, as a priest, was focused on this one thing.

This is one intimation we get out of his life. Take time before Him, until you

can see Him. Can you think of a place where He isn't, then know He is with

you. So, David gives us the key, which was the absolute heartbeat of his life.

It’s kind of like he's saying, “This is how I make it. Every day I behold Him

with me.”

When God is silent He is still with us…

The story of the deluge begins with an awful roar and ends with an awful

silence. Genesis 7:11, 12 is a powerful statement of the beginning of the

awful event: “In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month,

the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the

great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the

rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.” Downpour and darkness

and the thundering of rushing water shook the earth, for forty days and forty

nights of awful, frightening uproar. Then it ended with silence. Look at 7:23,

24: “And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of

the ground, both man and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the

heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained

alive, and they that were with him in the ark. And the waters prevailed upon

the earth an hundred and fifty days".

The statement at the end of verse 23 is instructive: “And Noah only remained

alive, and they that were with him in the ark.” The text could have read, “Only

Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth and their families were left.” The statement

as written declares something about how it felt for Noah. Everything was

gone. Death was everywhere. Now there was only silence. Noah was left

with the awful difficulty of no movement, no answers, no word from God.

As Noah floated on the water in this great wooden structure, there was no

explanation, no prompting, no voice of hope from God. Noah faced what so

many face in their spiritual life: the period of wilderness and struggle that

comes after the great salvation, the great act of God, the great beginning,

the powerful word of release and hope.

Let's review a couple of things. First of all, the giant wooden ark in which

Noah found himself was closed in everywhere. It was thirty cubits high and

covered with pitch. Genesis 6:16 has an ambiguous phrase that is probably

describing a small window. It was covered over during the storm. The door

through which the animals and people entered the ark was closed by God

and covered over with pitch. Noah couldn't see out, he could look only

upward from himself.

Noah was told very little about what would happen to him as he began this

adventure. In 6:18 God spoke to Noah and said he was the only righteous

one in all his generation, the only one who had a heart for God. So God gave

him this word: “But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt

come into the ark, thou and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives with

thee.” The ark was the source of salvation for him; he would be protected

from the storm. But what Noah didn't hear was any word about getting out of

the ark, about the end of the story. Would he ever be allowed out? What

would be the conclusion of this adventure in following God?

So now Noah was in this period of silence, encased in a place where he

couldn't see out, or get information. He wondered what was going to happen

next, but he had no word from God as to what the end of the story would be.

Time went by. Noah was in a period of self-discovery.

One of the important questions to ask at this point, and at similar points in the

Scriptures is, why God allows for these silences, these periods in the

wilderness. Why does he set us on our way and then seem to withdraw his

hand from us? Why are there times when he gives us no answers? What are

we supposed to learn in those kinds of times?

Why was the nation of Israel allowed to experience the powerful, miraculous

salvation of God in the Exodus through the Red Sea, and then wander in the

wilderness, obediently for three years and then disobediently for 40 more?

Why was David anointed king and then driven into the wilderness by Saul?

Why was Jesus driven to the wilderness after the dove descended on him at

his baptism, and forced to undergo that time of testing and temptation? Why

did the apostle Paul, after his conversion, spend months in Arabia? Why this

pattern? What does God achieve in the silence when he doesn't seem to be

doing anything, and we're not sure that he remembers us?

We consider always the beginning of our hope…

We're going to come back to that question, but that's exactly where Noah

was in this story. That's why 8:1 is so powerful:

"And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that

was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and

the waters assuaged;"

There are a number of points in this account where God is described in

human terms. The Bible does that frequently. In fact, the Lord had not

forgotten Noah. But Noah's experience was that he had been forgotten, and

so he described what appeared to be God's renewed interest in him as a

remembering. The same thing will happen later in the story when we read of

God's smelling the aroma of the sacrifice that Noah offered, and making a

decision based on that. That again is a human way of describing something

much more complex--God's decisions and actions. But we can observe

important truths about God in human language.

Read verses 2-12:

The region in Turkey where Mount Ararat stands has a number of hills and

peaks. Presumably the ark landed on the promontory that had higher peaks

available around it, which Noah could see out of the window of the ark. After

floating silently for 110 days without being able to see where he was going,

having no idea of the conditions outside the boat, wondering if it would ever

come to an end, the hope began to come in stages. The first thing God did

was send a wind. Just the simple facts that the wind was blowing the ark was

beginning to move again, and the water would eventually recede, were

reminders to Noah that God had not forgotten him. As the water receded, the

ark came to a place where it rested. The ark moved by the breath of God,

and then stopped by the purpose of God. And Noah realized that indeed God

hadn't forgotten him, that there was going to be an end to this story, he didn't

know what.

In trying to discover what the world outside was like, Noah sent these two

birds off as an experiment. He was using them to get information, and

reading that information for knowledge. But this is also a parable. Bible

students see the story of the two birds as instructive of spiritual things. The

raven was a member of the family of birds that were carrion-eaters. It was at

home with dead things. Noah wondered whether death and destruction still

reigned. The raven went out, and there were enough carcasses floating in

the water that it could survive outside the ark. The death bird didn't tell Noah

anything about what was out there. So he sent out a bird that needed life to

survive, a living tree to set its feet on, fruit growing from the earth to eat. It

came back with no information, but at least it came back. Then the second

time, it came back with a leaf in its beak.

The dove of Noah with the olive leaf in its beak has been one of the most

profound symbols of peace in every place, and every age, where the Bible

has been known. Something good was going to happen. You can imagine

Noah's relief to know that the end of the story was not destruction, and that

the ark was not going to be his home forever.

We consider lessons learned in the wilderness…

Read Chapter 8 verses 13-22:

There are two important comments about Noah's behavior that we ought to

look at, and then we'll try to answer the question of why God had required

this period of silence.

Noah removed the covering of the ark and saw that the ground was dry. That

was on the first day of Noah's 601st year, ten-and-a-half months after the

flood began. But he didn't come out. Then a month and twenty-seven days

later, he could see that it was growing increasingly dry. But what he saw was

devastation. The result of the flood was not a cleansed, beautiful, green,

thriving world. He sat in the ark and realized that the lessons he had been

learning gave him no information about what would happen next. Noah would

not come out of the ark until God spake to him.

The first thing Noah did, upon disembarking, was worship God with a


Cover chapter 9:1-22, we won't read it here. I ask you to read it in your own

Bible and reason with it in the presence of God. In this passage we hear

language that recalls the creation to us. Noah knew that as Adam, his great

forefather had been, now he too was the man whose family would populate

the earth. Now he too was the one who was caring for animals as Adam had

been told to care for the living things of his day. Noah knew on some level

that what God had done in Adam, he was going to do another time through

Noah's family. But Noah knew, too, as he examined himself in the dark,

repetitive, quiet, forgotten days that he had nothing of the innocence of

Adam. His flesh, his sinfulness, his capacity for anger and lust and lies,

became increasingly apparent to him.

Think about what it must have been like as Noah built the ark. He was the

only righteous person on earth that would go through the deluge, the

preacher of righteousness, as II Peter 2:5 says. And as long as he had all his

wicked contemporaries to compare himself to, he would never see his own

heart. He must have felt that there was something special about him. He was

also busy building an ark, the first, only and last one of its kind. It was difficult,

and it required attention. He was so obedient to the cause as his custom was,

that he didn't discover anything new about himself during that period. But

when he floated in the ark with nothing to do except the repetitive work of

feeding animals, when he seemed forgotten by God, he realized the tensions

that existed between him and his sons and their families. He thought on the

great burden placed upon him of showing forth the truth of the word of God,

and our life’s dependency upon always being faithful unto His word,

regardless of the obstacles, regardless of the jeers snorted from those who

say they are family members or friends, in spite of our feeling a need to

succeed and bring about individual accomplishments; we must recall God’s

purpose for us every moment, knowing that we must watch, and be sober in

all our doings, we must be ready now to give up all and every thing, and trust

God. He realized all his capacity for anger at God, for feeling sorry for

himself, for when we pray and beseech God for that which we think we need,

and He in our understanding, does not grant it, we think ourselves slighted

because we see the material reward of the wicked. But the flood was for the

cause of the wicked. Where now should we stand, seeing the tempered wrath

of God. The awful realization dawned on Noah that the world was going to

be started again by him, and his heart was as much in need of grace as

anyone else's. He was not a good specimen from which to build a new earth.

He was as capable of tawdry and angry and embarrassing and godless

behavior as anyone else.

Doesn't God often teach us that lesson about ourselves when he's quiet? As

long as we can compare ourselves to other people, we can fool ourselves.

And as long as we can be active in God's work, we don't have to discover

anything about ourselves. But when we are put in some kind of wilderness,

and there's nothing but the spiritual reality of who we are on the inside to

occupy our thoughts, the awful discovery begins to take place: “I'm capable

of anything. I'm not as great and courageous and godly as I thought I was.”

We discover weakness and inadequacy. We discover our undoings. We

search for something, anything good in us, and with each assessment we find

filthiness. We discover that we know good, but are incapable of good, we

know right, but prefer wrong, we speak goodly words, but harbor ungodly


When the day finally came to see the world, Noah was a man who had

discovered his own inadequacy; and he was looking out on a world that was

still suffering the effects of a terrible destruction. This had to be an

extraordinarily low point for him.

He would not come out until God invited him out. There wasn't presumption

in Noah. He didn't leap into the arms of his Lord, because his own failures

were ringing in his thinking. He didn't dance around on the newly dried earth,

because it was still reeling from the destruction, and it was not a place of

beauty and splendor.

So Noah sacrificed to God. It may have been a thank offering or a sin

offering; it was probably both. At the invitation of God, Noah walked out into

his presence and said, “I need help. Thank you for saving my life. Now please

save me from the sins I've discovered in my heart.” He was the man on whom

God would rebuild human experience, and he was a man who was not up to

the task in his own strength.

God’s loving commitment is always present with us…

The Lord had been silent but now we hear him speak again. At the end of

chapter 8 God reveals His thoughts to us and in chapter 9 there's a

conversation with Noah and his sons. God's thought of the human

predicament was contemplated. He had judged them and brought Noah, the

only righteous man, with his family into the ark, and now as Noah offered a

sacrifice for his own sins, it was clear that there was no fixing the human

race. Time wasn't going to fix them. They weren't going to educate

themselves to become righteous. Each generation would repeat the

problems of the previous generation in a deeper context. In the context of

the sacrifice, the Lord made a promise: “I won't destroy them again.” But he

didn't say how he would answer the problem. What could God do for a race

like this?

This counsel of God with himself is instructive. The problem of a righteous

God and a sinful population, and his refusal to destroy them completely,

leaves him ultimately with only one determined choice - its the greatest story

of all, the story of how God would take our punishment on himself.

The conversation God made with Noah and his sons is in 9:1-17.

He was using the same language that he had used with Adam. He was

deliberately saying, “We're starting over now. You be masters of the earth as

the first human pair were.” But it’s an awful dimming down of vision. In the

first case, when God made everything, he saw that it was beautiful. At the

end of every day of creation he said it was good, and finally very good. God

delighted in the things he had made. Here he would only say, “I refuse to

destroy the things I've made.” He told Noah to be the master of the animal

kingdom that was coming out of the ark, but he gave him permission to eat

designated animals, whereas he had required Adam to care for them. And

he assumed that human beings were murderers; it was impossible that this

race would not be; so laws were required to deal with killing. And so we have

the re-establishment of human life, but with a broken heart. This is a broken

people who will live far below the beginning point of the first human couple.

Then, contrary to all the discouragement, the bad news, Noah's discovery of

his sinfulness, the blight on the earth, the need for an animal sacrifice to

atone for Noah's sins, and the unfortunate commentary about the human

beings who would replenish the earth, eat the animals, and kill each other;

God interposed this promise in 9:8-10:

The promise of God, standing in marvelous and immense contrast to the

hard news and the struggle, is the basis on which we live our lives. That is

the way every generation has survived since, not deserving God's mercy but

being given God's mercy. The covenant with Noah was only the first one.

God would restate in better and better terms his unwillingness to destroy us,

his compassion, and his insistence on love. It contradicts all expectations.

He shouldn't have acted this way, and yet he did. What he had to work with

wasn't worth it, yet he had fallen in love with us. He cannot, and will not, act

destructively toward human beings that choose His way again. We can

choose destruction for ourselves, but he means good to us.

Though this account doesn't tell us what will come after, it’s the beginning of

the story that leads to the cross. God would take on himself what we

deserved. He made a promise with a beautiful witness (the rainbow) because

the story was going to be beautiful. His refusal to judge us meant that in the

long run, he was going to bless us. The promise of the love of God is the

extraordinary thing in this story. The dove flew back with a leaf in its beak,

and it was offering a hope that has inspired people ever since. The rainbow

repeats the theme of hope.

Peter refers to “His precious and magnificent promises” (II Peter 1:4). Do you

reflect very often on God's word to you? Do you read the announcement of

his love and believe his commitment to people who are broken? Are they

love letters to you? Do you believe God can intend good even when we don't

deserve good, that he can bring blessing in the lives of people whose self-

discovery is of tragic insides? Are the promises of God believable to you,

though they contradict everything we know about ourself?

This love story of God for failed people began as Noah disembarked the ark.

God made a promise. It was only the promise of God, not the beauty of the

earth, that Noah had to cling to. It was enough. And we have the same



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