God breathed in us the breath of life, His spirit. It was the image of God
coming into us. In the beginning we had flesh, but we were born of the spirit.
And it is through our breath, that our words take form. Our life is to be God
speaking. Our God is ever close with us, for us, and to us. He is the air we
breathe, His holy Presence in us. We can literally breathe in the Presence of
God and be filled with His Spirit, with our every breath. This is not a one event.
Have this thought with you…if you are breathing, what moments are you not
filled with the Spirit? Read the very last verse of the Psalms.
Do we not understand why God says, “that from a child thou hast known the
holy scriptures”?
I Corinthians 2:11
Though the fingerprints of human cooperation are throughout the scripture,
all scripture is given by inspiration of God, divinely breathed in. This was
breathed into us from the beginning. The scripture, the Word of God is our
life as we take it in. When you breathe it out and it does not return, you are
dead. When we are being taught the truth of the word and the word does not
return to you in truth…you are dead. Locked within our life, locked within the
black and white and red of the written word of God, is the very heart and
thought of the purposeful God. And even greater love is given us…
John 6:63
We derive from that word, strength and comfort in our approaches to God, in
our oppositions to sin and in our preparations for an eternity with Christ.
Please do not mistake God’s word for the sake of satisfying what you think.
The literal sense of the word does us no good, unless it is reasoned with God.
We are the wiser for it, and the spiritual meaning when received, is instructive,
it is powerful, it is the intimate knowledge of God made real. Spiritual minds
relish every word of God…it is to the sensual mind that spiritual things are
senseless. The mind is being parched when you hear not His reason. You
are short of the empowering water of life…dry bones. When you fail to hear
or choose not to hear, the experience and enjoyment of God, you reject the
spirit of wisdom and understanding. Be leary of sinking into a cesspool of

There is this part within man, inclined toward and that seeks after, God. It is
the innate longing for truth within man’s human spirit. Fallen nature tries to
hold it down, to suppress it. Spiritual reasoning with truth gives us insight into
the unseen and spiritual matters of God. Exercise the mind…we take in
deeper breaths. Use the faculty of understanding to look past the affliction of
our environment to see the eternal weight of glory that is being added to us
according to God’s purpose, when we reason through the spirit. When we
exhale, speaking the word, giving of ourselves, we fan the flames of truth to
burn brighter. Christ gave up the ghost that all of God became available to
man. Our breaths are measured in moments, even moment-by-moment
living. And in His essence and element, in union with His life and nature, God
is now within us and progressively, as much as allowed, unites more and
more with us. He is uplifting, sanctifying, and transforming the faculties. This
is possible because of the joining together of the two spirits, the spirit
breathed into us by God and the divine Holy Spirit, who intercedes for us,
given unto us by Christ. An exceedingly profitable transaction! By these, we
are empowered and equipped to live a life that glorifies Jesus. Think about
life without the Holy Spirit…void, without form, darkness. This is that
Comforter that without, we would not have the illumination of the written text
whereby God’s will and His truth are demonstrated.
John 6:53, 54
This is the “one blood” that unites all believers with God and Jesus as
members of a family. It is the partaking of the Holy Spirit. Without this spiritual
nourishment you have no life in you. It is of Adam that we share of the natural
blood, and of Jesus that we have life through his spiritual blood. Natural blood
cannot sustain spiritual life. Understand this – it was not the blood that gave
man life, it was the spirit of God. Since it is the spirit that gives life, the “blood”
that sustains eternal life must be spiritual. That “blood” is the Holy Spirit.
The feast of Tabernacles is the last day feast of God’s people.
John 7:37, 38, 39
Why did the people not understand? No reasoning with scripture.
Genesis 9:4
Leviticus 17:10
And the results…
John 6:66
There is a causal nature of understanding as it relates to the truth. Truth must
be the primary goal. Proper appreciation for its importance must exact an
obsession with faith. That is why God beckons us to come to Him to reason.
Reasoning is the power to recover true beliefs from false or partially
inaccurate inputs. Some inquirers, even if they happen to be unaware of the
falsity of the view they have, may overcome error by having their position
challenged with scripture alone…if they willingly reason. A natural starting
point for investigating is to unrestrict attitudes while practicing patience.
Accept points that are true enough to endeavor discussion. Presupposing the
truth does not allow for preceptual explanation to refer to relevant texts.
Had those spoken to by Jesus considered the relevant texts they would have
gained understanding.
There is this cause for astonishment for what seems strange…the aspect of
God’s adoration providing new life, that together we might embrace this
intimate oneness more fully by faith and experience. There is no joy in this
world like union with Christ! And the confidence, power, and soul-satisfying
joy of the presence of our exalted Redeemer develops a deeper grasp of
what it means to be born again. This work of God is our spirits being
composed into a very reverent and serious frame, our thoughts gathered in,
and all that is within us charged in the name of the great God carefully to
attend the solemn and awful service that lies before us, and to keep close to
it, we must, with a fixed attention and application of mind and an active lively
faith, always set the Lord before us, seeing his eye upon us, and setting
ourselves in his special presence, presenting ourselves to him as living
sacrifices, which we desire may be holy and acceptable to God. It is in this
spirit, because God is the Lord, that we must bind this sacrifice with cords up
to the horns of the altar, while calling to remembrance our faith, love, and
hope, being assured of our election having received a favorble report, waiting
for the advent of our Jesus.

This is God making us that new seed, setting a new principle of life within us:
the hatred of sin is the spirit of God residing within us. We are drawn into the
parallel with God’s grace. In this, God’s eternal purpose toward us surpasses
our limited human understanding. And now our walking in love, forbearance,
humility of mind and heart, is more important than visible exploits. We
become more teachable, having the controlled strength of the spirit. As
believers we are to exert this strength to maintain the unity which binds us to
Christ and to one another. This unity is worked out among us by the power
and grace of the Holy Spirit. If we belong to Christ, our unity in the bond of
peace is familial, spiritual, and eternal. God is not the Father of everyone. We
must learn how to deal with turmoil we often find in the life. We must learn to
focus on the strength of God moreso than the evils in this world. We must be
reborn crucified to stay in death to our natural man. This is the reason we
can understand the deep things of God. We are brought to the divine life in
Christ, while in the spirit of humanity. We are to let go the things of the natural
man, as we should turn to our spirit and live a life in the spirit of God. Christ
as our faith is also our genuine righteousness. Therefore, we have the
freedom to not go on sinning and we will not sin with deliberate intention,
because we are born of God with His divine nature. Just as God is
three in one, so made He us. God made us body, soul, and
spirit. Our body is the part other people see. Our soul is the way we feel and
act and think. Our spirit is the part of us that can love God and worship Him.
The spirit of God that dwells in us is not personal. It is prepersonal. And it
exudes a flavor of divinity, which is personal in the highest and infinite sense.
It is this spirit that aids us in adjusting our thoughts. We need the Spirit of
God to understand His Word, His truth, and all things that pertain to Him. We
need the Spirit of God to give us wisdom for the moment because life is so
often about the gray and not just the black-and-white, about the choice
between two upright opportunities, not between the good and the bad
options. It is the Holy Spirit that bears witness of this spirit, that we are truly
sons and daughters of God. And if we are children of God we have the power
to overcome all doubt, and this is the victory that overcomes all uncertainty,
even our faith. This is that which is imparted from God.
The spirit of God in us accords us discernment in the word of God regardless
of where it appears to take origin. Divine truth must not be discounted
because the path of its assignment is apparently human. Many of our
brethren have minds which accept the theory of God, while they spiritually fail
to realize the presence of God. And that is just the reason why Jesus so often
taught us that understanding can best be realized by acquiring the spiritual
attitude of a sincere child. It is not the mental immaturity of the child that he
commended to us but rather the spiritual simplicity of a fully trusting, all
believing, reasoning mind. This is the spirit of God breathed in us becoming
the spirit of man. And the mind of man accordingly becomes the mediator
between material things and spiritual realities. And by this, our concepts of
the eternity and infinity of God are not disturbed.

This spirit is the divine breath of God that brought life to dust. And the dust
became a living soul. Christ was given life by the Holy Spirit and he is that
quickening spirit to construct our resurrected life. The Holy Spirit is not the
image of God. We were made in the image of God by the breath of God in
us. That is why we can create. God gave us a spirit that we began with a bit
of God’s character.
Job 32:8
It is the living essence that connects us with God and will return to God when
man dies. God’s spirit is perfect and unchanging. God did not breathe the
Holy Spirit in us and so our spirit can be influenced by sin, by struggles, by
pain, and by situations. We need Christ to dwell in our hearts by faith. We
need the mind of Christ to do the will of God.