20 Minutes
Please, please let us hear, let us speak the word. Not just as simply sounds,
but as real power. Our words may not manifest reality to bring forth worlds,
but they can manifest the faith in the uniqueness and power of God to give
us wisdom that the words we speak are actually the overflow of our hearts in
communion with all our brothers, sisters, and strangers. God gives us such
blessings in the seriousness of the word that when spoken to give an answer
to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope that we have in all
readiness, they hear why and how we love the Lord. Our words should
demonstrate the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
When the word is serious to us it causes our thoughts to line up with God’s
patterns to teach, correct, rebuke, encourage, direct, guide, comfort, and
confront. God’s word is never contradictory when we have the mindset to
effectively relate to the scripture. We should always evaluate our perception
of the word to see if there’s anything holding us back from hearing God speak
through the Word. Do we not understand that the word empowers us to
intentionally interact with God. When we stall God’s word as though we know
all that it has to say, we need to adjust our attitude. We should with deep
sorrow and celebratory joy have the attitude of expectancy that with every
word studied we learn something new about who God is. The word, when
believed in seriously, will deposit revelation and understanding, reason and
wisdom of the truth that we never come to the end of all there is to learn
about God. With His character is revealed the reasoning of His interactions,
His involvements with His people. The word is a testament to God’s
movement designed to confirm His promises toward us. He wants us
personally involved in His experience. That’s why it is so important that we
know the word is serious as it is presented in every event of the bible. The
problem is that too many cannot discern the difference between their words
and God’s words. God speaks from the posture of truth and love. There are
too many of us who speak from the stance of judgment and self-importance.
Remember, there is another name for the One who guides us into all truth.
It is “The Comforter”. Words should be filled with peace in reasoning by faith
with what is written...it is God! And negative word without reasoning is just
self-talk because of unfamiliarity with the word. There are to be no human
add-ons. We will only hear God’s word when the Holy Spirit nurtures the
mind. It is the word that gives us evidence of God’s character and His mind.
In this God wants us to see, to hear how He relates in the various situations,
circumstances, and events that are brought forth for our learning, for our
knowledge of the scriptures and laws and in the midst of the most violently
oppressive times ever known. He wants us to be filled with an absolute
certainty as to the real and different path to peace, love and truth. Where
else would such clarity and certainty come from other than the very God
whose word is serious.
The Word is expressed as a radical and essential message from God. It is a
sword. This two-edged sword is the word spoken by one and heard by the
other that convicts, convinces, and transforms by the word, both the speaker
and the hearer. It is a dialogue. It forms an unbreakable bond with God. It is
His will, and our purpose in life. It is manifested in the flesh. God’s Word is a
Person and His name is Jesus Christ, our perfect Savior. The whole bible is
about Him. The whole bible testifies of Him. Knowing the word is knowing
more about the Son’s Father, the Father’s Son, and the Spirit that is Them.
It is God with us in the beginning and in His coming quickly. Please see the
evidence of the power of the word. Study the, “And God saids”, in Genesis
chapter one. And when you get to the second chapter and hear the very
climax expressed in the resting, the blessing, the sanctifying, pray. Is there
a lesson here? The sabbath was made for man that we may by the word rest
in God as we are being blessed by Jesus as we are being sanctified by the
Holy Spirit in our communing with the Godhead. God created by resting. The
Sabbath was of a different form than was the other days. Everything brought
forth on the six days was outwardly visible. But the Sabbath symbolizes to
God's children the fact that God is still creating by the word. It is the Sabbath
that is producing in us the eternal and everlasting life. The Sabbath is that
spiritual dimension of life that the physical alone cannot supply. Toward this
end, the Sabbath is no mere afterthought of a tremendous creation. It is the
deliberate word of God saying, “I am not yet finished creating. I am
reproducing Myself, and you are to be the pleasure of My spiritual creation."
By God's own word, He is memorialized and therefore honored by our
observance of the Sabbath. God ceased what He was doing in the role of
Christ as our Sabbath rest. There is coming a permanent rest for the people
of God for the Sabbath is the foreshadowing of Christ in whom we rest and
are blessed and are sanctified and are made holy. Jesus is the Word to
whom we come, and he is our Sabbath rest in the flesh.
Colossians 1:16, 17
Matthew 11:28
God’s Word is so powerful because it gives us all the answers we need for
living a godly life. The bible itself is that word which gives us the
understanding of the importance of the Word of God. The word is serious.
The word is that truth that confirms our being made in the image, the likeness
of God as it is His spirit that was breathed into us. Mere humans need food
and water to sustain them physically. But our spirit doesn’t need food and
water. It needs God’s word because God is Spirit. We are enduring by His
word in this world. It is that pillar of truth that supports every teaching for the
sum of God’s word is truth. And there is no way we will feed on the Word of
God and not grow spiritually. And in that growth our faith progresses in
building a deeper relationship with God.
The word is serious. I first learned how serious it was when my momma told
me as a child that every word in it was truth. That was an important moment
for me. That is when I challenged God. I told Him that I would not accept His
every word unless I was taught it under a tree. It was a stamp for good. That’s
where Jesus saw Nathanael and it was “a” Nathaniel that God first used to
teach me.
John 1:48, 50
All things that happen to us along the way are determined. The word is
serious. Our ultimate belief in the word of God comes when God allows us
to come see.
John 4:29
The word is determined by God, defined by God, and so are we. And
therefore, we cannot know who we are without God. We can’t know who we
are individually until we are saturated with His Word telling us. It is the word
that moves us from the bible to the truth. Many read and study the bible but
fail to understand the truth. Why? Their spirit does not resonate with the
Word. They don’t come to see Jesus. Too many people believe what seems
right to them. Why can’t they come to the truth of the word of God? They
forget they are children. God says “ask”. We ask questions for answers. To
come to the truth, you should ask What and Why and When and How and
Where and Who. Asking questions is the key to understanding. God wants
us to learn how to ask the right questions and reason with Him to reveal the
right answers. Reasoning with God through the word is bible study.
If anyone is so indifferent to the word as to just deny it without reasoning
what can the Holy Spirit teach you. Do you remember that question put to
Jesus – what is truth. The powerful aspect of truth is that it is the word in all
seriousness. It is the individualization of the word that corresponds to our
being. Truth is God’s mind, thought, word. Christ is the truth. And truth is not
just saying anything you feel like saying. Study the word of God as they are
what God means. When you realize it is He who speaks the word, you will
know that you have truth. God is ultimate reality, and truth is what conforms
to Him. The place that this reality and its representation in truth become most
profoundly One is Jesus Himself...in the beginning was the Word, the reason
and the revelation of all things real. And the Word is serious. And the truth of
the bible says that the word became us. How serious are we to be about the
We believe that when we go to the book all of it is true, and it has a centered
foundation, a gathering place. And He is the Word, and all these words are
meant to make Him plain. All these words are meant to highlight Him. This
is a book about Jesus from beginning to end, as it leads to Him and flows
from Him. God’s intentions revealed in the bible are the supreme and the
final authority in testing all claims about what is truth and what is right. In
matters not addressed by the bible, what is true and right is assessed by
criteria consistent with the teachings of scripture that do nothing to abort the
life giving word. Reasoning with the word presents trajectories and principles
and transformative views of our life and heart and society and world, that if
we’re confident with this Book, we can discern all kinds of moral issues that
may confront us. We with integrity and authenticity, come to know the word
as the truth. The worth of the truth of the word is found in the reason, and
Christ is the reason we credit the word as truth. Unless we come to a
reasonable, solid persuasion and conviction of the truth of the gospel by the
internal evidences of it, by a sight of its glory, it is impossible that we should
have any thorough and effectual conviction of it at all. The Word is serious.