28 Minutes
God is the ultimate cause, the ultimate source of what truth is. Our ultimate
truth is our abiding confidence in God our Father that can never be shaken.
It is when we come to God unitedly to reason with His word that we go from
strength to greater strength, from faith to increased assurance and
confidence in the truth to know the righteousness of His cause and purpose
for us. The ultimate truth is that rock upon which we firmly stand in the
principles of the word of God. Because ignorance is a miserable dark
bottomless ocean, knowledge is the float with a light on it. At the end there
is the dawn of right knowledge, that which is essential to understand the word
of God, to raise the mind to the best possible order - the knowledge of the
ultimate truth. And similarly, the resultant right attitude of the person desiring
to learn, willing to reason is the attitude of the ultimate truth itself. As Jesus
is the way, the truth, the life, so he becomes our being. On our way to this
truth, through reasoning, we are shown the hard realities of the word of God.
We are being transformed by every step. In fact, the passage has only just
begun. Let us pause and check ourselves, whether we are qualified enough
to be here in a passage that few, very few will traverse. Bring the vastness
of the universe to your mind. God’s truth is infinite and love for the word is
the power that widens the corridors of our mind. Our aim is to know the
ultimate truth that we may come to the ultimate reason of our ultimate
purpose. And the ultimate truth is that our ultimate purpose is that God’s
glory is clearly displayed in the faithful obedience of His last day people to
show the same love He offers us, to others so they can come to know
him. This is done in God’s over-arching purpose for all true believers: to
conform us to the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ. God’s glory must be
uppermost in His purpose. If God would put anything else before Himself, He
would be guilty of idolatry. He sovereignly chose to make His glory and grace
known to and through His Son and His chosen few.
Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14
What may we conclude from this reasoning of redemptive history? We may
conclude that the chief end of God is to glorify God and to so enjoy our
salvation in Himself forever. He stands supreme at the center of His own
affections. This is His ultimate truth.
I John 5:20
If you read this verse you know that God is the true God. But if you hear what
the word says then you know the truth of truthfulness says that in the fulness
of His being, God is the ultimate truth of power that brings life from the
beginning. In the person of Jesus Christ is the evidence that we should run
after it with all our hearts. And it’s even the more reasonable to search for
ultimate truth in God. We are in the throes of compassion orienting the
mindful heart to understand the basis and the appeal of the ultimate truth.
God is the truth. He is truth absolute, ultimate, eternal, in contradistinction
from all that is relative, derived, partial, and temporal. And when we know
this, the foregoing comments show that it is of the triune God in the mystery
of unity in triunness and triunness in unity that we make this affirmation. Only
triune unity can explain such terms as “the Word was with God, and the Word
was God,” together with the correlative teaching of scripture respecting the
Holy Spirit. For the Spirit also is the truth.
John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13
When we speak, therefore, of the sanctity of truth, we must recognize that
what underlies this concept is the sanctity of the being of God as the living
and true God. He is the God of truth and all truth derives its sanctity from
Him. This is why all untruth, all error, all willing ignorance, all unwillingness
to reason is wrong, all misapprehension, every deviation from what is true in
thought, feeling, word, or action is a contradiction of that which God is. This
is why He asks us to come now to the bar of right reason and let us talk the
matter over. God welcomes us into covenant and communion with Himself.
It is His perfection to be consistent with Himself. God’s word reasoned is
expressed in His faithfulness and is exemplified in the certainty and
immutability of His promise that He cannot lie. God’s reasoning is of
faithfulness to such an extent that what His word reveals is the fulfillment of
the essential features of the covenant concept. And there can be no doubt
that the specifically redemptive name of God, “I am that I am,” points
distinctly to the immutability of His covenant grace and promise.
There is a huge mound of evidence of ultimate truth for God, Jesus, and
those who are emptied of self. And based on this evidence, it’s reasonable
to believe that God reveals truth through revelation. Where can we find
revelation today? And what do we learn from it? The best source of revelation
is God’s word—every experienced event in the bible. Here is where and
when the relevance of precept is contained. When we are of the truth and
know the truth, we discern in the inscripturated word of truth the living voice
of Him who is the truth, and there is no tension between our acceptance of
the living God as “the only true God” and of His Word as the truth.
I John 2:21
Be not uninformed of how God voices His truth. It is the certitude which is
the only appropriate response to confrontation with God Himself that His
Word, the Word of Scripture, must bring forth. God’s Word is truth because
He is truth. And the truth must be informed in us ultimately. Discount no
witness of scripture because of the imagination of the thought, of the heart.
In the bible, God gives us history lessons, unfolds His plan of salvation, and
gives us guidelines for how to live our lives. The word holds the truth for all
kinds of circumstances, and we can trust it for answers to all kinds of
questions. It is the ultimate truth of revelation that gives the best account of
the true God and administers the best eye-salve for our discerning the living
and true God. The Son leads us to the Father, and we are in both, in the love
and favor of both, in covenant alliance with both, in spiritual conjunction with
both by the inhabitation and operation of their Spirit: and, that we may know
how great a dignity and blessedness this is, we must remember that this true
one is the true God and eternal life or rather this same Son of God is himself
also the true God and eternal life so that in union with either, much more with
both, we are united to the true God and eternal life. Then we have, as is the
ultimate truth, an incomprehensible Spirit that has begotten us to God. We
are brought to cleave to Him in faith, and love, and constant obedience, and
in opposition to all things that would alienate our mind and heart from God.
Knowing the truth is being the truth. And beingness in Christ will go on
forever. Coming to ultimate truth is the realization that the unique
phenomenon of choice sounds the expression of an Almighty
I Corinthians 1:30
Christ in us is our righteousness. We are to be his expression of perfection.
And with that and beyond, it means that we are an expression of God’s
righteousness.This means we make the right decision the first time. It means
we think the right thoughts. We choose the right words. We go to the right
places. We do the right things. We are righteous in and to and for and with
Him. And our consciousness of that reality is what enables us to do life right.
The groaning of the Holy Spirit is that crying out for the manifestation of
God’s people to display the life of Jesus here on earth.
I Peter 2:9
We are not yet perfect family, but the reasoning with the word of God has
been given to us to attain exactly that.
And the precisification, the countable and uncountable aspects of ultimate
truth, as our knowledge grows, distinguishes that which resembles truth from
that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory, and being of
Christ. Ultimate truth is the way things really are because God declared it so
and made it so. Therefore, God is the author, source, determiner, governor,
arbiter, ultimate standard, and final judge of all truth. It is Christ’s rightful
declaration of his deity. Jesus makes it clear that ultimate truth is defined in
terms of God and His eternal glory. Jesus also said that the written Word of
God is truth. It does not merely contain nuggets of truth; it is pure,
unchangeable, and inviolable truth. It is ultimate truth that scripture cannot
be broken. Truth means nothing apart from God. Truth cannot be adequately
explained, recognized, understood, or defined without God as the source.
Try defining truth without reference to God. The whole pursuit of ultimate
truth is to have the thought of God in the mind. When any abandon reasoning
with every expressed biblical truth, unrighteousness is the inescapable
result. Just watch and you will see the widespread acceptance of
homosexuality, rebellion, and all forms of iniquity. Truth and knowledge are
coherent significant parts from a fixed source, namely, God. Embody every
aspect of every truth of God and you will construct ultimate truth. You will
come to the revelation of Jesus Christ. How one responds to this truth is
conditionally crucial.
Ultimate truth adds divine measures to an infinitely divine God. His realms of
omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience are accompanied by His
omnibenevolence. And in wisdom’s growth other omniproperties are to be
learned. Ultimate truth is eternal. And in God’s plenitude of Being, the highest
holiness of existence, in the richness of the diversity of beings, all related, all
communotheistically equal, will show the principle of the continuity of
ultimate truth. Everything will be possible. Every creature-being will share the
attributes of every creation. The redeemed will seek for nothing, possess
nothing, has need of nothing, yet have everything that overflows to all others.
Ultimate truth unites and provokes a divine experience. And in its search
through reasoning with God is achieved the most fundamental highest and
deepest source of fulfillment.
The image and likeness of God had no intention of simplicity. All possibilities
were to be determined. Ultimate truth is discovering truths that engage the
relational mystery of how God created in its entirety that which He
determined was necessary to be between Nothing and Something. How
God’s creation of the world through and for Jesus was to meet its ultimate
purpose in Jesus' sacrifice for "the sins of the whole world" is the mystery of
ages. There is an ultimate truth to be revealed in the mysterious group who
will sing the song. The mystery of God’s exhortative approach to this group
is the ultimate truth of prophecy to bring the likeness of Christ to the
behavioral conduct of these assigned to be sealed. The ultimate truth reveals
the deliverance of this approach. As these understand the written mysteries,
only after that will the unwritten mysteries happen in some mysterious way.
What the seven thunders spoke must be in agreement with the ultimate truth
of God. Our contentment is in our reasoning with God who will give
revelation. God's concealed mystery is being revealed to us that we may
come to a more clear understanding of it. The advent of the new creation, its
mysterious and ultimate reality existing for absolutely all eternity, in a
spaceless, timeless environment tells us more of the transcendent, infinite
judgment of God.
I Timothy 3:16
It is that glory that is the mystery to be ever sought in the ultimate truth. It
centers and sources in God who is Truth Himself. Mysteriously known
wonder will create new wonder through divine disclosure of ultimate truth.
God has brought us to Himself, and our hearts are content as we find our
rest in Him. Ultimate truth is knowledge of the Father, The Son and The Holy
Spirit — the One Three-Personned God.
This will be God’s testimony of His Truth...when man comes to perfectness,
God, who is over the truth, will crown us with an amaranthine love.