It is important for us to provide a biblical response to the questions asked
because we live in a world where, increasingly, revealed divine truth is
vehemently rejected. Truth is the ultimate determinant of reality. And the
reality is that in the end, all truth is God’s truth, and the reason why anything
is objectively, universally, immutably, and authoritatively true, is because it
flows from the source of all truth: God Himself. Truth in thought and speech
is predicated upon the uprightness in understanding the word of God. Hence,
truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, and being of
God, whose very nature is truth. It thus comes as no surprise that the bible
speaks of truth as that which is revealed from God to man. Furthermore,
because God is eternal and immutable, the truth is true everywhere, all the
time, and under all considerations. Yet, let us never confuse perfect, divine
and unchanging truth with the speculations claimed to be truth in the minds
of some. This is one reason why God, through reasoning and special
revelation, self-discloses His Word of truth so we can always refer back to
what God said, His every word, and therefore know what is really the truth.
God’s people are to be wise and informative enough to know the difference
between what is fact and what is truth. I like this illustration because it
highlights the faith of a person in the word of God. Faith assents to the truth
of something precisely and only because it is revealed by God as first, truth.
And truth of faith parallels the moral and spiritual effects it has in the true
believer. Faith removes condemnation and judgement completely and
leaves us with a deep rooted unshakeable belief that God’s truth is
progressing…it will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has
penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and
sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and His
work is done.
Here’s the illustration; it is a fact that God said “I change not”,
and that is true because God said so. But it’s a factual truth, not the ultimate
truth. Truth is the broader concept of fact. Truth qualifies a fact. Truth is the
higher standard by which facts are judged. Fact tells us that we are human,
having red blood cells. Truth tells us that we were made in the image of God,
having the spirit of God, and have a specific purpose. So, although there may
be a distinction between fact and truth, there is not a separation. Else, how
would a Spirit become flesh, or how would the Holy Spirit be made like unto
the Son of God. That’s truth and we know that God’s character, as in both
Christ and Melchisedec, cannot change as His covenant of promise stands
in truth. God’s truth is a Person, Jesus, who is divine truth in the flesh. Christ
is heavenly, spiritual truth taking earthly, material form. To know the truth
means more than knowing measured facts; it means knowing something
superior. To be precise, it means knowing Someone who is supreme: Jesus
Christ. Know all the facts you desire; they will never save you. God’s truth is
coherent and singular. No part of it will oppose another part.
God’s ultimate truth can only be known by revelation from a divine mind to a
creature who has the ability to reason; that communication is not merely an
opinion, because a sovereign God reveals truth that is absolute. This is why,
by logical necessity, absolute truth requires God. Without Him, there cannot
be an absolute anything. Absolute truth also means that anything that
contradicts it is an absolute lie. Absolute truth is never partial and never
subjective; where real truth exists, I cannot have my truth and you cannot
have yours. Truth has to be God’s. Not based on personal opinion nor is it
formalized over time by tradition. And it is certainly not discovered by
personal feelings or intuition. This is how it is truth that brings unity or
division. Jesus is one complete God-Man; He doesn’t come to us in separate
parts. There is never a truth somewhere out there disconnected from the
whole. Truth divides because some listen to the deception of the enemy. But
truth is the only thing that brings true unity. Truth is not meant to promote
some type of spirit of tolerance. Truth impacts a person’s hope with the savor
of life unto life or death unto death. Be very leery of seeking unity for the sake
of unity. Why the messages to the seven churches…for each church certain
truths were lost as the people turned to the beliefs of their own souls.
Division is the result of believers not fully embracing truth. Whenever one
rejects a certain truth, he cannot advance any further on the path of truth.
Rejection of truth comes when a person follows their own will, thoughts, and
beliefs over God’s word. We can't just know the truth. Jesus says that we
must first abide in his word. We study, meditate, and accept his word;
whether we like it or not. Once we accept his word over our own will, it will
become apart of us. When the word has become apart of us, we are abiding
in it. When we are abiding in his word, we maintain a union with him. If any
choose not to believe in certain aspects of his word for whatever reason, they
have not abided in his word. If they have not abided in his word, they are not
his. And if they are not his, they will not know the full truth. Much of the people
are in a place of knowing some truth, but no longer advancing in truth;
because of their unwillingness to abide in the word. Because of this, there is
division in the body of Christ. There is a false unity coming.
Jesus made hard sayings that he clearly made to divide those who were not
sincere in their following him. These were not able to accept the truth,
because they had blinded themselves from the truth. It is not okay for us to
be divided over doctrine. We must wait for the Lord's unity, for it will surely
come. These will be the Lamb's remnant who loves truth more than
themselves. We were brought forth as the people of God to maintain unity in
the truth for the cause of God. What the truth gives in matters of faith, unity;
in matters of opinion, division; but in all things, love. We have a moral and
spiritual obligation to have “the same mind” and “the same judgment” in
matters of faith. Though opinion is a liberty, it means that one is not bound
by moral obligation, rules of evidence, or principles.
I Corinthians 1:10
God’s chosen will hold to the concept of sound doctrine. Heaven is the proof
of the high value that God places on harmony as opposed to contrariness.
SOP – (excerpt) If our church members cannot live in harmony here, how
can they live in harmony in heaven? {17MR 294.5}
SOP – (excerpt) So long as all created beings acknowledged the allegiance
of love, there was perfect harmony throughout the universe of God. It was
the joy of the heavenly host to fulfill the purpose of their Creator. They
delighted in reflecting His glory and showing forth His praise. And while love
to God was supreme, love for one another was confiding and unselfish.
There was no note of discord to mar the celestial harmonies. {CTr 9.2}
We seek the truth to know the truth to believe the truth to love the truth to
teach the truth unitedly - the truth about every subject taught in the Word of
God. There is to be no division. This is necessary to conclude the whole