6 Minutes

We need to come to the full knowledge of the truth and have the faith of the truth. As those who are saved by believing into Christ, we need to have a full knowledge of the truth; we need to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth, having a full acknowledgement and appreciation of the reality of all the spiritual and divine things that we have received through faith. Amen! There is a great emphasis in the word of God on the matter of truth; being constituted with the truth, knowing the truth, speaking the truth, coming to the full knowledge of the truth, and walking in the truth. Truth is more than life as it is in Christ. He loved in truthfulness for the sake of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever. Today we are in a warfare, in a battle over the truth; in the cultural systems there are many things infused into the minds of the people that are not the truth, and society is permeated with lies and denying the truth. We are in warfare over the truth both for ourselves and for others; we must be armed with the truth and come to the full knowledge of the knowledge of it. This doesn’t mean that we need to promote a certain doctrine or fight for a doctrine; the truth is more than doctrine, it is the divine reality whose essence is the Triune God Himself conveyed by His Word. We need to fight for the truth, coming to the full knowledge of the truth and speaking the truth, seeking to bring all. For even some of the most basic principles in the scriptures are being denied. We stand firm, solidly, like a pillar; we will not compromise the truth anymore but rather, our living will be in the light and our walk will be in the truth, having the truth constituted into our being to protect God’s interests. If the truth is wrought into us and constituted into our being, we will be made able to safeguard the interests of the riches of God’s divinity and the attainments of His consummation. The world wants to usurp us and misuse us, deceive us and misinform us concerning the truth. We need the great and high wall with the strong gates of truth to keep out that which attempts to violate and to allow in, that which magnifies. We must keep coming to God’s word that we be imbued with His truth. God offers us the complete revelation of the truth if we but come to Him to reason. We need to know the truth in a full way, having a thorough apprehension of the truth having received it through faith. God chose us from the beginning unto salvation in sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth. On one hand, God selected us in the sanctification of the Spirit, and on the other, in the belief of the truth. For us to be sanctified in the belief of the truth, the faith of the truth, is something very subjective. Faith is the substantiation of the things unseen; faith is our reaction to the unseen scenery. When we see the truth, we are to react by believing it. When we hear the truth and reason the truth, we learn the truth having the hearing
of faith. We don’t just come to the truth in a mental way. The spirit works to transform us into the image of Christ by exercising our spiritual experiences. There is a dawning in God’s people where they represent themselves as bearers of the real truth, not leaning to what favors our personal interests and preferences. Believers with the bible in hand do not number themselves among the surprised. Half-truths, subtle deception, and disinformation from the beginning, is still the fruit of the tree.
As believers, our concern for truth, in times of shameless deception, is not just principled; it’s personal. We care about truth, and resolve to speak truth, despite its costs. It demands our highest and deepest allegiance. Our concern “for truth” is a derivative of reason. It is not secondary. We have come to know the higher truth, the deeper truth, the personal truth who gives meaning and value to all other truths, and makes some claims true, and others false. Apart from Jesus, the seemingly dignified plea for truth soon devolves into another language game. Faith in the word of God is particularly insistent on Christ, as divine Son, not only being true, but the truth. In Christ, we will never be done marveling that God chose to make Himself known, finally and ultimately, in a real, historical man. Jesus is the truth, because he embodies the supreme revelation of God. He himself “narrates” God, says and does exclusively what the Father gives him to say and do, indeed he is properly called “God.” He is God’s gracious self-disclosure, His “Word,” made flesh. So rich is faith to be in truth that we find that not only is Christ himself “the Truth,” but the message about him and how he saves is the truth. God has a new-covenant people He refers to as the household of God. These are a pillar and buttress of the truth which God Himself builds. We are to do more than preserve truth, we are to advance truth with the defining message of the One who is the Truth. The pursuit and telling and upholding of truth is no mere matter-of-fact concern.
It is the primary conviction of faith. It is a worship concern, stemming from our ultimate allegiance. This faithing the truth gives us right standing with God. Truth is our pursuit not because it serves our own interests, but because Jesus is our God. He makes all truth to be true. We are to never allow anyone to turn our pursuit of truth upside down by rallying us to their focus while we keep quiet about what the bible says. Our professing of truth is not speculative or secondhanded. We know the man Jesus. And without complexity, confusion, or spin, these other things we do know...we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth... we know the truth, and the truth shall make you free... we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him...and hereby know we the spirit of truth. We are not just professors of truth, but witnesses, personal witnesses, to him and his work in us. It must be our personal testimony that neither is there neglect in the cause of truth, which at once inspires both a courage and contrition in our contending for the faith and may help us discern which causes to take up and which ones to let pass. We have an almighty Ally for the truth, the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit is dedicated utterly to the Truth, with omnipotent resources. However alone you might feel in a moment of personal controversy, or however small the circle of believing friends, you have a people. Far, far more than seven thousand who have not bowed the knee. None of us stand alone as testifiers of the truth.
By faith we are not to become so familiar with God as to think we truly know Him in all knowledge. Our faith depends on God, on His knowledge because we cannot trust someone we do not know. We believe His every word, His every truth. Taken further, our speech mirrors our faith and knowledge of His word, His truth. It is by faith that God brings us to deeper truths. Faith gives us hope, gives us the strength and courage to dive into something the Holy Spirit has continuously put on our hearts. Faith speaks life into situations and people...opening the ears, the eyes, the heart and the mind. When we witness concerning our faith, we are telling someone the truth we know of God. It is not the determined extent of faith but the object of the faith that matters. Faith is genuine and lasting when it is placed in the most trustworthy object of all: Jesus Christ, the divine Word of truth. And earnest faith is persistent, persevering.