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What Love...

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

Updated: Oct 16, 2024

What Love

With grace and compassion we are coming to love one another. We are

coming to step outside ourselves and clearly see our loved ones and their

needs. We can shed layers of selfishness, resentment, anxiety, pettiness,

and entitlement. Most of all, we can rise above our human imperfections and

step into transcendent love. There is an immensity of space for our love to

always continue to grow for one another. Love opens doors to share our

faith. We will love to exalt God. To love is to obey Him. They are inseparable,

love and obedience. Because this is how God calls us to live, our love will

always protect, always trust, always hope, always persevere. Our love will

be consistent. It will never give up. Our love is to be rooted in a spiritual

connection that helps us find meaning and purpose in our lives and the lives

of others. This spiritual love will walk us through life and teach us lessons

that will grow our characters. We ought to choose to have love be the motive

behind our every choice. Love affirms the words of truth as it creates the

spiritual touch between hearts and minds. Love is that pure gift from God to

be received and shared. This spiritual gift of love is the only type of love that

fulfills the deepest longings of our hearts. It must be cherished. We are to

practice love in our every action and we are to reflect love in our very attitude

that an atmosphere of kindness, acceptance, and unity is created in

ourselves and in those around us. Love is that conviction that comes from

God preparing us to be perfect. Our love must be unwavering, unbreakable,

having an unparalleled fondness and devotion for the word of God. It must

be defined by our emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual connection

with Him. True love runs immeasurably deep and has life that is so significant

that it is unthinkable to be without all that God blesses us with. Love

empowers us to be free in our whole selves. We experience "true

individuation and self-discovery". Love is that substance of faith that hopes

for eternal life with God and those whom He knows are His. Love is that

which moved God to create, and He created us with the capacity to love in

imitation of Himself. Because God is complete all by Himself and has no

needs, His creating us shows His wanting us to share His life as He has all

life in Himself. His love is so for us that we have infinite worth to Him. God

proved that in His Son Jesus, the most precious Person of Himself. He gave

him to us that we may be with them for all eternity. God is the creator God

and our love brings joy to Him.

Love is light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity,

because it draws us to God and it makes some people feel attracted to

others. Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows us

not to be extinguished in blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals the glory of God.

Love is to show what God is like. Not to make us like God, but to

make us godly. Being like Jesus is loving like Jesus loved. It is easy to love

those who are like us. But Jesus wants us to love even our enemies. We

must work to rid our hearts of racial prejudice, socio-economic arrogance,

and religious superiority. None of that belongs in the life of someone who

wants to love like Jesus loves. He loved people selflessly. Godly love gives

sacrificially. Loving like Jesus means we hold everything we own with loose

hands. We are willing to part with things in order to serve other people. We

recognize that all we have is on loan to us from our Father in heaven and we

are responsible for what we do with it.

We must not equate love with complete acceptance of everything someone

does. Jesus did not tolerate sin, deception, or false followers. Loving like

Jesus means we care enough about the souls of others to tell them the truth.

We do not love people by watering down the truth of the word of God that

could save them. Jesus never changed the truth to satisfy the “itching ears”

of his listeners. We must love them enough to warn them, challenge them,

teach them. Our purpose is to propagate sons and daughters of the Most

High God, born of faith just as we are. Our goal is not just to get as much

God as possible for ourselves, it is to share as much of God’s love as

possible with others. But most of us have this problem…we just don’t have

enough God and that means we don’t have enough love. Self serving love is

self satisfying only. Let’s ask God for the power to love. We need not only to

know about the love of God, but we must have faith in the power of love that

God has for us that we may have that love for others. God is greater than

our hearts, and we must have faith that God has actually put His love in us

through His Spirit. God’s love is all sufficient, and the more we allow God’s

love to flow through us, the more perfect our attempts to love will become.

Why would we consider love to be measurable. Whatever degree of love we

pour out, God will quickly replace with more of His own. Only by pouring out

the love God has poured into us is His love perfected in us.

Deuteronomy 7:6-9

God loves His people because of His own eternal, sovereign, and good

pleasure. And we are not always lovely, but His love is “uncaused,

unpurchased and unconditional.” His love is “uninfluenced.” He loves us

because He loves us. So, we are to love God’s people simply because God

loves them. We can grow in loveliness. Our loveliness blossoms out of the

love of God for us and in us, and it is affirmed and magnified and publicly

displayed in the love we have for one another. It stands before the watching

world as a spoken invitation: come and see God’s love displayed.

Love is act, not talk; it shows itself in the deed done, not simply in words

spoken. Second, love works itself out in mutual sharing. Loving begins by

asking the Lord God to let us become aware of ourself in the divine presence,

and we offer ourself to God. We learn to love by letting our heart go out to

God. Think on the splendors of the created world. Wonder about the stars

and planets, and then delve into the tiniest atom with its elegant particles and

forces. Remember that God has created and continues to create. And

remember how much God gives us in all this. Consider this, and ponder it.

The Lord bestows on us life, light, understanding, desiring, free choice, and

the summons to love and to be loved. Most astonishing of all, God plainly

wants to and does communicate God's Self to us. Now think about our own

case, about our own life history and our own self. We are being created by

this great God to live and function according to gifts coming from God's Self.

How are we to love in return? What makes sense except to do as God does,

to give as God gives? What would be right except to offer all that we are?

Love is participation with God. Love is rejoicing in the truth.

And with the throes of sorrow that carried Jesus to the cross and the violent

struggle that will accompany us, the deeper we are to understand that love

that is sacrificial and unconditional will not tolerate sin. We have seen God

through Christ, for He is God, and what Christ has done, and is doing for us to

save us from our sins, is that love that will mark the redeemed lives forever.

Faith works by love. When faith and love exist together, it is proof that we

have truly been born again.

The fullness of the spiritual path is the understanding that love, that

compassion, is the expression of one’s values that bear truth for the moral

qualities we have achieved in our character and person. The highest

expression of love is the experience and realization of more…more of who

we are and what we believe. God is the source of love, Jesus is the proof of

love, and we, as true believers, must be the instruments of love in this world.

We must show love to the lost, in order to influence them with the truth of the

word of God. And we must also share love with each other, in order to

encourage one another to keep the faith. The love expression moves what's

in our hearts and minds to how we speak, how we hear, serve, and suffer,

both for the good of others and to the glory of God. Love will never let us just

do nothing. Our concern must manifest itself in selfless behaviors that prove

love amidst difficulty. We are today in the time that is darkening, where godly

compassion, authentic devotion, and real love are best demonstrated. If we

think to go to the kingdom together, we have to be prepared to love one another

as times get hard. Even in our absence are we to be mindful of one

another. The strong among us will break our silence, blow our cover and let

loose our concern that our love shows to be transparent. It is our

vulnerableness that proves the power of love. The cross was not a joyful

experience. Love hurt Jesus. Honest affection is what we have received, and

honest affection is what we must reciprocate. Love is the mature faith to

encourage someone to teach the word. If our faith is not stable in our love,

then the daily situations, the difficult issues, and the stressful crises of life

will move us back and forth between belief and unbelief. This is why we need

God and each other to remain centered, focused, and encouraged, because

trouble is guaranteed to all. We must find ways to sacrifice in order to minister

to the faith of others. Love will not allow us to edit out suffering from the

itinerary for our life. God set us in His love knowing that suffering is one of

the destinations along the road to perfect obedience. This is the covenant

we have with Jesus.

Because love is the power, and grace is amazing, and mercy is necessary,

and suffering is inevitable, we must quickly move the minds from milk to

meat. God only had one child without sin; He will have no children without

suffering. Love is what causes our suffering to be turned into a ministry. In

our teaching is not heard the hurting. As we express love in the midst of

difficulty, we have to keep on encouraging, keep on believing. We can't afford

to give up on anyone. We have got to hold onto our faith. We have got to

express love, because we experience it!

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