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Why God Created Eternity...Pt 1 of 2

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

9 Minutes

Let’s take this hard hit and then ease into our discussion. Let us declare the love of God to be so as to passionately delight Him to create an eternity for us to live in. And to show the brillance of this love consider the alternative. Eternity is for those who sacredly find life in Christ. What of others? God’s love is so unconditionally infinite that even those who reject Him is subject to His extreme care. How so? God could have also created an eternal hell. Those who reject God’s goodness will suffer the second death and its accompanying pain yet their pain will come to an end. Thank God that we who will reside in the eternity with God will never have a thought of any continuance of suffering for the wicked. Now let’s rejoice in God’s eternalness.

Eternity is not an inherent part of human existence, and it is a uniquely everlastingly theologically gifted relational event of God through which all demise is forever ended. Eternity is the event that God sets in our heart so that our confidence in what God determined in counsel from the afore beginning to the not ever end, will be infinitely diversified truth. Revealed to us will be the many-colored wisdoms of God overshadowing all that has been displayed to thrones and dominions. God has entrusted, under the Spirit’s leading, a people to teach the spiritual things hidden from the world’s beginning, which are now to be sounded universally to those who will be worthy of a seat in the heavenlies to share fully and forever all that Christ is. We can begin to see our life in eternity through heavenly eyes when we reap the harvest of truth that God seeks to fill our hearts with. It is truth that moves us beyond the past and for life with him in eternity. Eternity will be the unveiling of treasures of wisdom, of love, of togetherness, that we will find contemplation and wonderment in coming to understand how there can be no future, no past in eternity. Think on this life we move at the remarkable rate of speed of one moment per one moment. In eternity events do not follow a sequential pattern. Think about a destination with no end. Everything in scripture points to eternity, and everything within us cries out for it. We are magnificently designed for life on earth, right now, with all its pressures and problems, its joys and tears. But there is yet more for us to experience. God has prepared something incomprehensibly beautiful for those who love Him and trust Him - something that is beyond time, something so beautiful and vast and breathtaking that only God is big enough to contain it.

Eternity isn't the place where God lives. God is where eternity lives. When we reason with every revealed truth of God, we become a bit claustrophobic because of the tiny speck of time that you and I inhabit on earth. The only millisecond of time that we actually have access to is this very millisecond we’re living in right now. The past is closed off behind us; there’s no way back to get back there. The future is always beyond our reach, because as soon as we do reach the future, it instantly gets locked up in the present for a moment and then is vaulted as the past. The time that you and I can actually live in is about as wide as a planck – the smallest possible size of anything in this universe. This is why God has His appointed to write. They wrote the bible. The spirit of prophecy is written word. Testimonies are written. Reasoned and revealed truths are written. Why? Because God gives His people the spiritual sense to move backwards and forwards through time and are able to slow it down or speed it up at His will, that we might come to the highest understanding of His Word. This is a truth illusion because we know that time moves on, yet in the gift of writing we can step outside of time to reason with truth, even before day one of creation and beyond the seventh millennium. Think on this...even our current bodies will be changed to accomdate our life in eternity for eternity. Eternity means immediate and always accessibility to God. Eternal life will be nothing like this one. First, it will be never ending. This life is a kind of confinement, and it’s the reason we yearn to transcend it. When we have the mind of Christ, we are programmed with an inner GPS rerouting us to the mansions prepared. This may or may not be a place. It may be a scene, a setting, a situation...God’s thoughts and ways are higher. Christ stepped into time from eternity that we may follow him.

Consider how overwhelming is the concept of eternity. Yet, we have no fear, only joy in desiring to be there even though it is unknown. The reason? Eternity is one of the most beautiful attributes of the God we worship. Where God is known, there is no fear. Every treasured biblical doctrine taught, and every truth learned would collapse without the reality of an everlasting eternal God who gives us eternal purpose. There is this fully comprehended truth – those who reason with God have faith that in no way puts any limit whatsoever on His Being. A God who is small enough to be understood isn’t big enough to be worshiped. God, by definition, must be infinitely great. If we have a God we can grasp, He ceases to be God. By definition, God must be incomprehensible. If we could unravel the mysteries of His Person, we would elevate ourselves to His level, which we cannot. So, we depend on what God reveals in His Word. His qualities and attributes are infinite. His character is unchanging, yet His mind is unfathomable, and yet He wants us to think about it, to consider it, to ponder it, and to rejoice in it. He filled His Word with information and knowledge about it that we may come to wisdom through understanding.

Everything which happens to us in this life is directly related to what is coming. In fact, is getting us ready for it. Nothing, then, is purposeless or futile in our present experience. It is all necessary to the ultimate end of time for some and the entering eternity for others. Are you experiencing a daily inner renewal? Are you increasing in wisdom and love which mark the coming into oneness with Christ? Is your spirit broadening and growing serene as you grow from faith to faith? Reach out for light...the new covenant is glorious...the day is at hand. The mystery of God’s chosen is how in Christ they transmute each trial into a corresponding glory. By means of the Spirit, the trials are for our preparation. Something tremendous is ahead. Our present affliction is preparing it, and the very nature of faith itself guarantees it.

II Corinthians 5:1, 2

Our heavenly dwelling place will be eternity. We groan because we long to be in heaven. Earth is temporary. This present time is temporary. Eternity is not a continuation on a larger and perfect scale of life as it was on earth. We will not be locked in space or time. Eternity is always now. Within that now all events happen. One may experience sequence, but only in relationship to him or herself, and events will occur on the basis of spiritual readiness. No two individuals need, therefore, experience the same event just because they happen to be together. Yes, there are many elements of speculation concerning eternity. But think of the wonderful experience of being with the Lord without the slightest consciousness of anything less than perfect. God’s way of thinking and our way of thinking are very different. God is focused on our eternity. There is too much fixation we have on things here that consumes our lives. Let’s be seriously clear - we are to have concern about the here to some degree, because that is the way of our occupation, but God clearly tells us if we will focus on Him, and the things that He desires, He will take care of the here and in addition He will secure for us a rich inheritance in eternity. The knowledge was really not in the tree, the tree was a test of obedience. Adam and Eve had access to all knowledge in God. That mistake can never be made again by God’s people. The Sabbath is the greatest test that man will face. The final test of man's loyalty to God will center around the authority of God's law. But the more considerable criterion is who blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. With all the beauty and wonder that we have here even after the affect of sin, what think we of the things in the eternities of glory with God. God took six days to create this home for us. For how long has Christ being preparing eternity for us? We are to have a mind made ready for life in eternity.

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