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Why the Word Why...

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

Updated: Oct 16, 2024

7 Minutes

Why the Word Why

There will be no questioning our physical courage, but the questions will

center around our spiritual strength. Pray that you are granted spiritual

courage to not let any person impede your spiritual strength. This is not about

exertion, it is about thoughts and beliefs. We will be questioned as to the

cause, the reason, and the purpose why we believe in every word of God.

God’s people will be asked “why” questions presumptuously, as though we

have no right to understand truth as it opposes what man says. The

presumptive is a statement or question that gives the illusion that those of

the world know more than they actually know. So, they will ask “yes” or “no”

questions. This they will do, attempting to place us in a dilemma having us

pick one of only two options. They do not want the people to witness our

knowledge of the word of God. The presumptive statement or question,

places the people of God in a position to either confirm or deny the

presumption. Why questions force the people to hear reasons, explanations

to provide additional information to correct the presumption. Remove the

word “why” in the following questions, and they become “yes” or “no”


Why do you believe the seventh day is the sabbath?

Why do you believe that Jesus is God?

Why do you believe the bible is the only source of truth?

Why do you believe you are saved?

Why do you believe you are one chosen by God?

Why do you oppose the laws of man?

Why questions switch the control of the conversation from the person asking the question, to the person being asked the question. The world abhors the following words: why, how, what, describe, tell me about, or what do you think about. When we are brought before courts, conduct ourselves decently, but afflict not ourselves with care how we shall come off. We are to have prudent thoughts, rather than anxious, perplexing, disquieting thoughts. We

do not study to make fine speeches. It says a quietness of our cause, to be attentive in this matter, as if it were not sufficient to speak for itself. We know upon what grounds we go. We be not careful to answer in this matter.

The best answer is a question when confronted by those who contest God’s word. Answering a question with a question often silences the ones attempting to make an example of someone. God will have a wise remnant people made up of all faithful believers who hold fast to the "word of God" and the "testimony of Jesus" as revealed to John and passed on by him to the churches. This designation is not referring only to Seventh-day Adventist, but has strong inclusivist connotations inasmuch as it encompasses all faithful believers, which make up the entire body of Christ. Adventists would do well to broaden their view of the true "remnant" in the light of a careful study of the biblical text. The remnant is not equivalent to an institutional structure, church organization, or denominational entity. If we don’t act like the remnant, then we are not of the remnant.

Many will turn away from the faith in the final days and become of the world because they can’t answer the question, “why are they opposing the church”. And some will question the faith leading into the last days and become accusers of the brethren because they can’t answer the question,“why do you not believe every word of God”. If we are not overcomers now, it will be increasingly difficult to stand for God in this collapsing, lawless world. Let’s face the facts; to answer the questions in truth, which christianity will claim to have answers, will set us on the distancing road to Golgotha. Why must we be like Jesus in the last day? Because our greatest persecutors will be those with whom we sat down to eat. The price that is paid in confronting the world is always worth paying, because then God can do His work through us. God ordained this to happen. So, we don’t fight back. God will be glorified as they ask, “by what power do you teach?” This power of the Holy Spirit is God’s preparation of His people. We are not fearful to displease others with the truth. Our message is offensive, else it is worthless. Our answers are bold, else they are impotent. Never accommodate the gospel by deleting things that offend others. We need to speak boldly even about the things that offend unbelievers. Why? We will not downgrade Jesus.

Do you fear taking a straightup stand for truth? Examine yourself and find out why. Do you trust that God is in control of your circumstances when you are confronted with adversity? Why? Why will not be the question of our concern, for the Spirit of God will give us what we are to say, and the likeness of Christ will give us how we are to respond in truth. Our concern will be the recognition of our faith in God as seen in our very deportment. As we deal

with the struggles and trials put to us by the opposers of God’s word, familiar passages of truth viewed from the heart will strengthen our minds that we contain spiritual thoughts. And so it is with much prayer that our testimony will tone the heart of the hearers through the word of truth by receiving its message of God’s goodness and grace. Our being approved unto God has trained us for godliness and we value it in every way that we might evidence the hope for those to lean in closely, to be touched with conviction. But we

know that much of what we face will be disappointing. And so, instead of showing despair for the encountered trials, we will glory as the power of Christ rests upon us. Why? We have the confidence that God will not allow anythingto happen to us without His permission, and He will not let any “bad thing” happen that will not ultimately bring us more good than destruction. When we experience trial, we must choose by faith to trust fully in God. This choice will help us be more alert to the reasons why God allowed the trial to occur.

And the why: we gain an even more intimate relation with Christ, we develop stronger characters, we demonstrate self-control, and we prove the eternal treasure laid up in heaven far outvalues earthly things. In every trial God alone must become our source of strength, provision, protection, and direction. Why? That we love our enemies, bless those who curse us, hope good for those who show hate toward us, and pray for those who despitefully

use us and persecute us. We are to persevere.

This is why the book of Hebrews is so important to the Hebrew Israelite messengers. We were set out first by God, to bring again those that are and will be His to perfection. From Hebrew to Israelite to Jew to Christian to Adventist to Hebrew Israelite…that is the path of appointment. The word in Hebrews is the door that opens to the house of wisdom…and in wisdom we know that our faithfulness is not in the words, but in the One Who is the Word.

The book of Hebrews declares powerfully who Jesus is. The book of Hebrews shows us how to understand the Old Testament that reveals who are the true people of God and why. It teaches us that the whole bible declares the same message. It is all about Jesus. The book of Hebrews teaches the importance of faith as the active belief and trust in God. And

especially in Hebrews are we warned severely about the attitude of unbelief. The book of Hebrews explains clearly the reasons for Jesus’ death. It teaches that God can forgive us only because of Jesus’ death. It tells us the role that Jesus’ death played in our salvation and the importance of his death and resurrection to our being made sons and daughters. The book of Hebrews shows us where and explains what Jesus is doing for us in heaven

now. It tells us that he sits in the place of greatest honor in heaven, at God the Father’s right side. The book of Hebrews explains many of the reasons why we as God’s people suffer in this world. And Hebrews shows what our attitudes should be during our troubles. The book of Hebrews shows us God’s plan for His people’s lives. Why? He wants us to have the closest

possible relationship with Him. He is making His people perfect for the completion of His work. So, He wants us to develop and to become mature in our relationship with Him. Hebrews unlock the glorious tapestry of God’s progressive revelation through reasoning with His people for their last day assignment.


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