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Will We Hear?...Part 1 of 3

Writer's picture: White StoneWhite Stone

15 Minutes

God’s word is designed to be distinguished from all other words. Many have chosen to prefer the diluted version because we make the conscience decision to remain in our current state rather than to walk in Christ. We are too comfortable to take the time to prepare to hear what those words, specifically designed for us, entail. Whether we choose to hearken to the smooth teachings of some of our so-called brothers and sisters or the soft words coming from the pulpit, we know that God’s words have been spoken to us since the beginning and they are directly in front of us, if we would only make the choice to hear them.

SOP - I saw that since the second angel proclaimed the fall of the churches, they have been growing more and more corrupt. They bear the name of being Christ’s followers; yet it is impossible to distinguish them from the world. Ministers take their texts from the Word of God, but preach smooth things. To this the natural heart feels no objection. It is only the spirit and power of the truth and the salvation of Christ that are hateful to the carnal heart. There is nothing in the popular ministry that stirs the wrath of Satan, makes the sinner tremble, or applies to the heart and conscience the fearful realities of a judgment soon to come. Wicked men are generally pleased with a form of piety without true godliness, and they will aid and support such a religion. {EW 273.1}

What is a soldier without his shield? A soldier without his helmet? A soldier without his breast plate? A vulnerable individual, a lost soul hoping to sneak in through the gates, a non-peculiar individual that is of this world. God’s word tells us to put on the whole armor, not just what we think we need for that given moment.

SOP - Said the angel, “Nothing less than the whole armor of righteousness can enable man to overcome the powers of darkness and retain the victory over them. Satan has taken full possession of the churches as a body. The sayings and doings of men are dwelt upon instead of the plain, cutting truths of the Word of God. The spirit and friendship of the world are at enmity with God. When the truth in its simplicity and strength, as it is in Jesus, is brought to bear against the spirit of the world, it at once awakens the spirit of persecution. Very many who profess to be Christians have not known God. The natural heart has not been changed, and the carnal mind remains at enmity with God. They are Satan’s faithful servants, notwithstanding they have assumed another name.” {EW 273.2}

SOP - We are in the world, but we are not to be of the world. Jesus entreats that those for whom he died, may not lose their eternal reward by lavishing their affections on the things of this perishing earth, and so cheat themselves out of unending happiness. An enlightened judgment compels us to acknowledge that heavenly things are superior to the things of earth, and yet the depraved heart of man leads him to give precedence to the things of the world. The opinions of great men, the theories of science, falsely so-called, are blended with the truths of Holy Writ. {CE 79.1}

But the heart that is surrendered to God, loves the truth of God’s word; for through the truth the soul is regenerated. The carnal mind finds no pleasure in contemplating the word of God, but he who is renewed in the spirit of his mind, sees new charms in the living oracles; for divine beauty and celestial light seem to shine in every passage. That which was to the carnal mind a desolate wilderness, to the spiritual mind becomes a land of living streams. That which to the unrenewed heart appeared a barren waste, to the converted soul becomes the garden of God, covered with fragrant buds and blooming flowers. {CE 79.2)

What is the difference between a fleshly Christian and a spiritual Christian? There is a reason that the judgement will begin with the church. If the word of God offends us in any way, we must take a deeper look at what our true desires are. A self-proclaimed group of peculiar people - but it is how we respond to His voice that designates us as a peculiar, distinguished, chosen people. Our Father is the one and only that has the power to place the title of His chosen upon any individual or any group of people and it is based solely on truth, not temporary emotions, feelings, or things that sway with the wind. Many today are flocking to be coddled when we should despise all words that are not to the edifying of our spirits.

(Isaiah 8:20)

Romans 8:1, 4-6

The chosen cannot walk after the flesh. It is our choice to walk after the flesh and when we choose to do so, we choose to listen to the lusts of the flesh and of our carnal minds. The action of disobedience is not one that occurs whilst walking after the Spirit of the Lord and when we chose to disobey, every single righteous act or thought that we have had will not be mentioned.

SOP - In the night, the Lord appeared to Balaam and said, “If the men come to call thee, rise up, and go with them; but yet the word which I shall say unto thee, that shalt thou do.” Thus far the Lord would permit Balaam to follow his own will, because he was determined upon it. He chose his own course and then endeavored to secure the sanction of the Lord. {EP 311.3} Thousands at the present day are pursuing a similar course. Their duty is plainly set before them in the Bible or clearly indicated by circumstances and reason. But because these evidences are contrary to their inclinations, they set them aside and presume to go to God to learn their duty. They pray long and earnestly for light. But God will not be trifled with. He often permits such persons to follow their own desires and suffer the result. “My people would not hearken to My voice... . So I gave them up unto their own hearts’ lust: and they walked in their own counsels.” Psalm 81:11, 12. When one clearly sees a duty, let him not go to God with the prayer that he may be excused from performing it. {EP 311.4}

Does anybody question whether or not it is our duty to hearken unto the voice of the Lord? Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14

Daily we search for things to occupy our time, to divert our attention from serving our Lord, all whilst placing our candle under a bushel.

Are we so simple as to believe that God disregards it when we choose to ignore His words while “behaving” like Christians and not being Christ like? God’s chosen don’t go through the motions. I Samuel 15:22, 23

Sacrificial acts became meaningless, one of show, of routine, of culture, when all God has ever asked of us, is to hearken unto His words that He has placed in front of us and made readily available to all that have an ear and give it unto Him.

SOP - Against these practices Christ had spoken through the prophets. Samuel had said, “Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.” And Isaiah, seeing in prophetic vision the apostasy of the Jews, addressed them as rulers ofSodom and Gomorrah: “Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah. To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto Me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he-goats. When ye come to appear before Me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread My courts?” “Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes; cease to do evil; learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.” 1 Samuel 15:22; Isaiah 1:10-12, 16, 17. {DA 590.2}

John 8:23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 38, 43, 47

We are not of God if we walk after the flesh. Being of God is death of the flesh and walking in the spirit. Often times we speak of walking with Jesus, but we carry on about our lives not behaving as though we have Jesus walking with us. Did God predetermine that the group of Jews that He was speaking to would be servants of sin, or did they choose to shut up their ears and be servants of sin? Brothers and sisters, Jesus was very plain here when He describes those individuals that cannot, not will not, but cannot hear His word. Hear His words now.

We must not limit the awesomeness of God or in any way question who is the only one that knows all things. God sees the past, present, and the future at the same time. He sees the present before it is, the past before it was and the future, fully. We as humans have a tendency to lean on our carnal minds, even as professed Christians.

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