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  • Sojourners Pt 2 of 2...

    What are our expectations as sojourners here? Imprisonment, torture, persecution. We are headed for the most oppressive government ever determined to control its citizens, restricting religious freedoms, and discriminating against believers simply because of their allegiance to Jesus. How are we to endure such suffering in this world and remain faithful witnesses to our country? Faithful endurance in the face of hostility, by reminding us to rest in the salvation God has accomplished for us. Remaining faithful to fulfill the mission God has called us to. Trace Jesus’ steps marked with suffering, and stand in the grace that God has given us. God “chose” us out of this world to be a people for His own possession. We are secure in the hand of the triune God, no matter what we may face in this world. It was planned from eternity past by His foreknowledge and His forelove. Believe that God marked you out! We will ratify the covenant. And even if we die, we will yet live again. And because of this living hope, we don’t have to fear death. In Christ, we already claim our eternal inheritance. We must see that each trial we endure, strengthens and purifies our faith. As we rest in God’s salvation for us in Christ, as sojourners, we are also humbled by the reality that we live in the privileged time of the promised fulfillments of Jesus. And we think on the subsequent glories that are to be ours. Though we have hope for the better times, this is the privileged time of testimony. So, let us humble ourselves, and no matter what we face in this world, rest in the purpose that what God is accomplishing, is us. He is preparing our minds to encounter the events determined to finish His work. And we, being sober-minded, are to set our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Oh, that we see his face in every hardship, every trial, because we know there is no difficulty, no test, no pain, no sorrow, no affliction, no disease, no loss, that can separate us from the love God has for us in His own Son, Jesus. The Father planned it; the Son accomplished it; the Spirit applied it, as it was determined by the Triune God in counsel. To fulfill His purpose, God gave us laws that would distinguish us from our worldly neighbors in their worship, in their government, in their sexual ethic, even in their clothing and diet. It is this relationship between God and His people, where we promise to be God’s display nation on this earth. Not even the angels could be this. We are exiles throughout the world, being led by Jesus on a second exodus to our eternal, imperishable inheritance in the new heavens and new earth. We are to call all peoples everywhere to consider Christ, that they be caught up to meet the Lord in the air lest when he returns in wrath to judge the world, they be caught up in his judgment. Our sojourn here is not to be in isolation. We need each other. We are to practice loving one another, forgiving one another, encouraging one another and exhorting one another. The time is soon coming whereby each will have to stand alone. Our standing must be so firmly planted in the life of Jesus, that entrusting our souls to the faithful creator means that we also must trust Him when He saves our enemies and makes them our brothers. This too is standing firm in the grace of God. Thankfully, we will face difficult situations and decisions in this hostile world, and Christ has given us his learned shepherds made available to us. Seek their counsel in the reasoning for truth in every word of God. They are a grace from God, and we are to stand firm in such grace. As sojourners, our suffering is not unique. It’s not unique to our time in history, and it’s not unique to our geographical location. All that the enemy can do, is only briefly. After just a little while, it is over. Nothing compares to the eternal weight of glory that awaits us. As long as we have breath, brothers and sisters…we proclaim who our God is! Sojourners have a test of faith that outweighs sin. Christ sojourned here in the fulness of faith. He was burdened with the weight of the world’s sin, yet he trusted God to the cross. Abraham sojourned by faith going to that far country, while trusting God in offering his son as a sacrifice. The hebrew men thinking it not careful to speak truth for God by faith entering the fiery furnace, trusting God. And Daniel, while beholding the trial of his friends trusting to his faith, in knowing that God was with them. Sojourners have no conflict with cultural demands regardless of the consequences. We are in a country that is associated with strong nationalistic tendencies. We are to offer a word that speaks to the disordered relationship between God and country. We are called to love God. The opponents of God seek to entrap us by obligation to the word, to serve those God set as masters. We have no betrayal of faith in affirming the authority of God when man violates the basic principles of God’s truth. In such circumstances, they are no longer servants for good, and we no longer owe them our loyalty or service. God placed us in this nation as a symbol to be a sign. This nation is nothing more and nothing less than the way man organizes our common life together. Sojourners commend what we can accomplish together, but we are serious about the commitments we have to our God. Far too often, the nation of men becomes an idol that asks for our complete devotion. We have an obligation to remind people of this danger, but this can be a hard message to offer in today’s hyper-patriotic world. This is not a challenge from which we can or should run. We are now in a season of dismaying darkness that awaits a lamp of guidance and assurance. The world is at a failed end. The word of God meets us in awesome inscrutability. We must have a daily rendezvous with God. We need to understand our identity. I am one of the people of God, elect from every nation, yet one in all the earth having a mystic, sweet communion with those whom God has taken to Himself. Our clarity will be unmistakable. Either we are the servants of God, or we are servants of ourselves. Either we listen to and hear God’s Word, or we are deaf to God’s Word. Either we are gathering to God, or we will be scurrying from the falling mountains. That distinction runs throughout the whole of the bible and throughout the whole of the world. There are all kinds of divisions in this world. But the great division is the division that exists between those who by grace are members of God’s family, and those who remain outside of God’s family. But God is such a seeking God and a gracious God, that He makes overtures to people who find Him even when they’re not looking for Him! Remember the Edomites, our brothers, and the Egyptians, who hosted us. These can be added to the final generation. Sojourners don’t put down deep roots in the places where they reside because they know they will soon move on. True believers don’t pour their hearts and passions into things that won’t last. The wise of the elect are the ones who live every day with the word packed in mind, ready to move on when God directs, and eager to guide others to prepare to vacate this world when our Father calls. Sojourners will be those who are in continual separation from any faction that is not fully found in the truth. Not quite belonging will be their understanding to embrace with greater zeal the truth of every word of God. Sojourners for Christ will so reason with the word of God, as to attain knowledge concerning the mystery of humanity and becoming sons and daughters of God, as did Jesus as we were once flawed vessels. It is Jesus in the life that mediates the conflict between being human and becoming like him. Our faith will be extended through every encounter with conflict. Our desert will be in the ultimate purpose of suffering for Christ. We know that God is love; means that He will do everything to help us love Him. Everything to change us into His likeness. He knows well how infinitely longing is our heart to be with Him. He suffers more in love than we do, suffers all the heartache of seeing those whom He called not come. Scripture speaks to us as strangers and sojourners, by means of signs and wonders that foretell and bring the coming of Christ. Unusual phenomenon will happen in many places on a daily basis. The people of this country will become the most virulent terrorist group ever in history. America will be the scene of constant conflict. And the inserting factor that will drive the constant tension, will be from those who were once familiar with us. Is it not reasonable to think that any separation that God allows now, is a sign that our destination is nearing its end. As sojourners, our view of the kingdom does not warrant our disregard for the signs among us. We must recognize the purpose of every event as bringing Christ to gathering his chosen elect. We are to reason every event with its causative connection to the word of God. It was by reading every event that Christ was able to discern the coming consequences that he would encounter. We are to build up righteousness and justice and peace. That is the blessedness of our purpose, and that is our striving. And we are to attempt to accomplish this by impressing upon the minds of others that present truth about the coming bitterness in the world, while encouraging them in the complete victory of Christ. We as sojourners, are to be the clearest sign in the last time to make others aware of the calling of God. We will be of God’s service to call others out of the world even while the greatest apostacy will take place in the sphere of the church. God must distinguish sharply those who rejected truth, from those who are His. All will have to face this question…when truth was brought to you, where did you stand? The sojourners intensity of bible study will cause them to hear Christ’s footsteps in these signs. Hear prayerfully, be watchful, be faithful and strong in the Lord. God’s view of the sojourners’ journey closely aligns with how God’s relationship with Abraham was guarded. Our faith also must prompt us to live as strangers in this foreign country. The status of God’s people as sojourners and strangers, is built into the very fabric of our relationship with God. This is reasoned in the depth of the counsel to the final of the seven churches. Many who have professed Christ, have reached a degree of comfort and prosperity and fail to empathize with the people of God who will suffer the affliction, rather than enjoy the pleasures of the world. As people of faith, we inherit the same faith as the people listed in Hebrews. We are in a country neither by origin nor by rule, conquest or economics. Current events line us with 1st Peter, chapter 2. We are here as ambassadors, assigned for a short term, representing our Savior. We have infinite needs; we have needs that are impossible for the world to fill. As God’s chosen people our souls crave spiritual, eternal and heavenly things. We belong to Christ. And though we will be “forced” to the wilderness in the very short future, we will have the peace of solitude that comes through faith. Jesus has the sword that severs families, nations, communities, even churches. It is inevitable. We should not want it any other way. And because of this, there are some important duties laid upon us. Since salvation, by its very nature is a separation, we need to maintain a sense of that separation. Because our Savior is holy, so are we to be. God expects us to be witnesses of His grace, and that means leaving a door open for communication with the inhabitants of the land. But be not consumed by this world. We will abide in obedience as far as it is right. But our lives should conform to the laws of the country where we are not sojourners and strangers. And by this many will be converted. Esther 3:8; 8:8,17 God’s sojourners are drawing closer and closer like stones hewed for the building of His temple in heaven...fellow saints, fellow citizens, and fellow heirs.

  • Mazzaroth...Part 1 of 2

    Genesis 1 [14] And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: [15] And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. [16] And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. [17] And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, [18] And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. [19] And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night ; and let them be for signs , and for seasons , and for days , and years ”. Here, we see that the Lord separated the day from the night, creating two different lights in the sky. The one was called a “greater light” while the other, “lesser light”. Today, we call them the sun and the moon. He also divided light from darkness. Why? God sees the end to the beginning. He cannot be caught by surprise. He is God and there is no one else like Him. SOP – The Desire of Ages - The plan for our redemption was not an afterthought, a plan formulated after the fall of Adam. It was a revelation of "the mystery which hath been kept in silence through times eternal." Romans 16:25, R. V. It was an unfolding of the principles that from eternal ages have been the foundation of God's throne. From the beginning, God and Christ knew of the apostasy of Satan, and of the fall of man through the deceptive power of the apostate. God did not ordain that sin should exist, but He foresaw its existence, and made provision to meet the terrible emergency. So great was His love for the world, that He covenanted to give His only- begotten Son, "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. {The Desire of Ages, Page 23} At the creation of this earth, satan was already cast down, darkness was already here, representing satan's refusal to continue in the light in which he was created. Man was created on the sixth day, after all things were created, after the sun, moon, stars, fowls of the air, water beasts, and land beasts. Man was the final crowning act and to him was given an assignment to name all the living creatures of land and air (Genesis 2:19), but Man was to recognize the signs, the seasons, the days, the years, but especially the signs in the sky. Psalms 147 [4] He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names. In this study, we will find that, century after century, epoch after epoch, the names and the meaning of the stars have evolved based upon the nation which ruled and the philosophies that governed their education system. The stars were arranged by the Lord. When Christ Jesus created the heavens, the stars were set forth in a certain order that would provide us of not only a glimpse of His glory, but the story of man’s redemption. Job 38 [6] Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; [7] When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? That cornerstone was laid at the very dawn of this earth. The stars were called morning stars because they signaled the coming of daylight and were situated in such a way for a man to look higher, directing them to seek, to enquire, and to consider. The Antediluvians read the constellations which, during that time, was bright and vivid. Science describes the sky in the evening before the flood as of a golden magenta hue. It was composed of golden sheets called the “rikiah”. Each star in the universe is of a different color and every color of every star emits a different sound. Stars are prophetic melodies that accentuate the majesty of God. When we could hear them, they sounded like an heavenly orchestra. They were created on the fourth day of creation and witnessed God’s glory in their rejoicing. The Wise Men sought meaning for the stars and they diligently searched the sky, mapping them out to determine if there were any changes. This is how the Wise Men understood the Star as a sign. Matthew 2 [9] When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. [10] When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. The brightest light in the deepest darkness is what led the Wise Men to Christ. As they followed the light, so are we to follow Christ in the time of deepest darkness. Daniel says that in the last days “the wise shall understand”. So, in these last days, we are to be wise as a serpent, harmless as doves. "Those who would not fall a prey to satan's devices, must guard well the avenues of the soul, they must avoid reading, seeing, or hearing that which will suggest impure thoughts", Acts of the Apostles, Page 519. You see, God spoke satan into being. Satan was created with the fullest of wisdom, not for growth. Adam was formed, not created, by the Hand of God. As long as Adam lived, he would continually grow spiritually, morally, mentally, and physically. God named the stars, but the holy pair were to be educated by Christ Himself and the angels, to learn about the meaning and import of them. SOP – Patriarchs and Prophets - The holy pair were not only children under the fatherly care of God but students receiving instruction from the all-wise Creator. They were visited by angels, and were granted communion with their Maker, with no obscuring veil between. They were full of the vigor imparted by the tree of life, and their intellectual power was but little less than that of the angels. The mysteries of the visible universe-- "the wondrous works of Him which is perfect in knowledge" (Job 37:16)-- afforded them an exhaustless source of instruction and delight. The laws and operations of nature, which have engaged men's study for six thousand years, were opened to their minds by the infinite Framer and Upholder of all. They held converse with leaf and flower and tree, gathering from each the secrets of its life. With every living creature, from the mighty leviathan that playeth among the waters to the insect mote that floats in the sunbeam, Adam was familiar. He had given to each its name, and he was acquainted with the nature and habits of all. God's glory in the heavens, the innumerable worlds in their orderly revolutions, "the balancings of the clouds," the mysteries of light and sound, of day and night--all were open to the study of our first parents. On every leaf of the forest or stone of the mountains, in every shining star, in earth and air and sky, God's name was written. The order and harmony of creation spoke to them of infinite wisdom and power. They were ever discovering some attraction that filled their hearts with deeper love and called forth fresh expressions of gratitude. {Patriarchs and Prophets, Page 50.3} Yes, Man was perfect in physical form. Yes, he had the image of Christ. Yes, he was increasing in learning, in understanding, and wisdom, but all of this was elemental at its core. There was heart work to attain. His character must be developed. He had to encounter test and trial which would mature him. We must remember that, at creation, everything was beautiful and perfect in their eyes. At this time, they were called "the holy pair", Man and Woman. They had not known the experience of pain or distress, sadness or heartache. They had no concept of what evil was and its consequences. That was a foreign, strange thing that would never have entered into their minds had they not disobeyed. It is not in surface reading that secret things are revealed. We must educate our minds; we must dig deeper within knowledge to discover hidden truths. But, above all, we must believe God. We must believe His truth. The Man and the Woman did not embrace as life what God had said. They did not believe the consequences of disobedience. So, when the serpent said, "yea shall not surely die", she believed the serpent's words over the Lord's words, and the Woman was deceived. Then, when Man, knowingly, willingly, acquiesced, that brought sin to both. They both lost faith in God at that moment. And now, with a lack of faith, sin enters, and their eyes were opened to know good and evil, and the light of the stars dimmed. Now, the meaning of the stars dissipated. The sun and the moon mark the passage of time, just as do days and months. The stars reside in their relative celestial family consisting of the sun and the moon. These three manifestations are for our appreciation and understanding, just as Adam and Eve were to learn. We must spiritually recognize their object and purpose. The moon, the sun, the stars offer a most wonderful message to God’s people. At night, we see the sky illuminated by the moon and the stars. But the moon and stars become invisible at the coming of the sun. The darkness of sin may overcome the world, even as God’s people are in the world, but when the Son comes, darkness will be blotted out. Did you notice how that we faded as the splendor of the Son shown? He must increase, we decrease. Yet, we remain gloriously reflective of His light. Matthew 24 [29] Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: This verse tells us prophetically, the condition of the world and its inhabitants, when we will see the Word of God obliterated from the minds of all those who reject Christ. He tells us that, even those who faithfully serve him, will no longer be able to offer the invitation to come to Christ. The words of the Son are obscured. The moon, which reasoned with the tide of the waters, the flow of the people, will no longer provide encouragement. The stars, whose voices spoke from God’s mind, no longer receive His response to the faithless prayer of the wicked. The former sources of light: the sun, the moon, the stars, no longer represent the principal sources of guidance. Job 38 [31] Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? [32] Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? [33] Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth? The word “Mazzaroth” is a Hebrew word meaning “zodiac” and each month, on an elliptical traverse, the seasons, star pictures, repeat and echo; each month, they uphold and undergird prophecy, from the birth of the church to the final harvest. Pleiades, Orion, Arcturus, these are all constellations, stars in the heavens. Focus on that part where it asks “canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?”. The Lord here, is connecting the stars with seasons, the passage of changing times. Now, don't think of the word "zodiac" and imagine the horoscope in the daily newspaper; the one where people turn to find out if they are going to have a good day tomorrow, or check to see if they are going to have bad luck the next day. No, no! The constellations were made for our good, but what God made for our good, satan tries to use for evil purposes. The horoscopes are a device of satan, and man, being used of satan, has perverted the meaning of the constellations. The constellations tell the Story of Christ and His people. “I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven”, “the eleven stars made obeisance to me”, “turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever”. The stars are literal AND physical AND symbolic AND spiritual. Returning to Job 38:31, we see the constellations Pleiades and Orion. And the Lord asks us if we can bind them together as he has knit them together, for they cannot stray from there proscribed position. It is similar in human families; there is a binding together that “binds the sweet influences” and unites the family members. Note the familial terms of Arcturus and his seven sons? In the sight of God, this constellation is one, living family that is fixed, never to be separated until the voice of God shakes them. SOP - The time is not far distant when the test will come to every soul. The observance of the false sabbath will be urged upon us. The contest will be between the commandments of God and the commandments of men. Those who have yielded step by step to worldly demands and conformed to worldly customs will then yield to the powers that be, rather than subject themselves to derision, insult, threatened imprisonment, and death. At that time the gold will be separated from the dross. True godliness will be clearly distinguished from the appearance and tinsel of it. Many a star that we have admired for its brilliance will then go out in darkness. Those who have assumed the ornaments of the sanctuary, but are not clothed with Christ's righteousness, will then appear in the shame of their own nakedness. {Patriarchs and Kings, Page 188.1} Job 9 [6] Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble. [7] Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars. [8] Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea. [9] Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. Stars are the pillars of heaven; they support the universe as God’s people are the pillars of truth that support the gospel. Here, we find the same three constellations mentioned together and there is a reference to the chambers of the south. When the Lord repeats, it is for emphasis, he wants us to pay attention. He wants us to study it out. Sanctuarially speaking, it points us to the south side where the candlestick of witness stands, pouring forth golden oil. Exodus 27 20 And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring thee pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always . In the earthly sanctuary, the only light within the tent was from the candlestick, and the candlestick was without measure, fed by the oil olive beaten, indicative of persecutions, tribulations, or chastisement, and in close proximity: light upon the shewbread, the Word of God. Arcturus is the Harvester, Orion “coming forth as light” also called the “Coming Prince”, and Pleiades alternatively called Ursa Major, the Big Dipper, the Great Bear, and the Greater flock, all of which points to the grand finale, the true harvest of the world. How is the zodiac connected with seasons? Well, in rotation, the months pass through each season, from spring to summer to autumn to winter. And God asks us, can we change the seasons? Do we, in our finite mind, have the power to modify one iota of the Lord’s plans? No! the resounding response bellows throughout the earth, we cannot change one iota, we cannot retard one tuber from growing in the autumn, nor can we force one flower from blooming in the springtime. Praise the Lord! God designated the constellations to indicate the beginning of the seasons and the years. We know that if we see a certain constellation in a certain position, that this is the beginning of the year. God set the beginning of the year in April, Abib, the Hebrew meaning "to be green, tender", in the springtime, when the flowers are just beginning to sprout, peeking out after a cold winter. To signal the coming end, God permissioned satan to have a minor effect upon the climate, which prompts man to disregard God’s beckoning signs for salvation. Exodus 13 [4] This day came ye out in the month Abib. Abib is a month of beginnings. God’s church was born in the month of Abib, Jesus was born in the month of Abib. Remember it was a star that heralded the advent of Jesus. It is a time of birth. The antediluvians timed the months based on the cycle of the moon, from full moon to full moon, a thirty-day cycle, and they knew the particular order of the months by the position and appearing of particular stars until the flood ruptured earth and its axis tilted, thus disrupting the harmony of the relationship between earth and the stars, rendering the months shorter or longer than thirty days. That is why we plant according to the moon, when there is a gravitational push and pull, planting based on root vegetables or fruits, called waxing or waning. "For the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon," Deuteronomy 33:14. January, February, March etc., are man-made pagan names. Julius Caesar modified the calendar after a civil war victory in 46 BC, setting the beginning of the year in January, in the dead of winter when all things are lifeless and barren. After his assassination, he was given a month, named "July" for Julius. The number twelve: twelve tribes of Israel, twelve gemstones on the breastplate, twelve disciples, twelve foundations of the New Jerusalem city, twelve months in the year, and twelve zodiac signs, or Mazzaroth – the number twelve pertains to God’s perfect government, God’s ultimate authority, the cyclical path of the earth for twelve months positions the stars in certain locations. In the night sky are star pictures, the zodiac, the bible calls it Mazzaroth, and these star pictures reveal prophecy, the coming season, the coming month, the coming events. The opening up of the Constellation Orion signals the soon return of Jesus from the East. This earth has been enveloped in spiritual darkness for 6000 years, "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings" "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever". That is the Three Angels Message. That is our proclamation to “Cry Aloud”. There is no reason, no excuse to despair, just look up to the night sky and read what it reveals. Jude [14] And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, [15] To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. Enoch looked back to Adam, then looked forward to the last days. It would be only four generations later when Noah and his sons entered the ark and in the three sons, there was blood memory, a knowledge of the gospel, a preservation of everything that their father had taught them and from what he was taught and learned. SOP - If Adam had not transgressed the law of God, the ceremonial law would never have been instituted. The gospel of good news was first given to Adam in the declaration made to him that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head; and it was handed down through successive generations to Noah, Abraham, and Moses. The knowledge of God's law, and the plan of salvation were imparted to Adam and Eve by Christ Himself. They carefully treasured the important lesson, and transmitted it by word of mouth, to their children, and children's children. Thus the knowledge of God's law was preserved. {1 Selected Messages, Page 230} The antediluvians had minds that were so brilliant, so intellectually astute, so gifted that they did not need to recall or record anything. They had before their eyes, an image of the constellations which, if rightly understood, would give them hope of a Redeemer to come and an Enemy to vanquish. For roughly two thousand years the world was without a written revelation from God. Their revelation was in the stars. Good and Evil were portrayed in the stars in the sky. It was through the sons that the knowledge of Genesis 3:15 was transmitted and their first attempt to preserve that knowledge was in pictorial form. When Noah’s sons evacuated the ark, they endeavored to remain in close connection, which became sin as the population increased. They built a city and a tower in the land of Egypt, which became one of the repositories of knowledge. In the Temple of Esneh in Egypt, there is a great sky painting in the portico on the ceiling which shows the whole picture of the zodiac beginning with the Virgo, the virgin birth, and ending with Leo, or the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Note the circle on her head? That is the zodiac. The problem with hieroglyphics is that most geologists do not see through a spiritual lens and view things through their carnal eyes. The pictorial shows a woman's head and ends with a lion's behind. This does not mean that the antediluvians were cutting and pasting, splicing and unraveling DNA sequences (though they likely did, according to Genesis 6:5), but this image shows a passage of time, from a woman to a lion. These were not merged biologically, but indicates the beginning of Genesis 3:15 and ending with the triumph of Revelation 5:5, as in the zodiac. The woman begins with Virgo in Genesis, the virgin and ends with Leo, or the Lion of the Tribe of Judah in the book of Revelation. As God told Abraham “I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven”, he was directing Abraham to look up to when the world is completely dark and record that there will be individual lights in that darkness who will stand up and out, here and there. Those stars are children of the light, not of darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5 [5] Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Matthew 5 [14] Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. [15] Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. [16] Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. We are light bearers. We are to BE light and emanate light and share light with others, while walking on the earth, but living in a higher sphere, in an heavenly atmosphere, we are already there, in heaven, by faith. We are the stars that shine in the midnight darkness. And our Lord, in His infinite wisdom, and manifold mercy, left for us a message in the constellations, surprisingly, in the zodiac. Romans 1 [17] For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. [18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; [19] Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. [20] For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: [21] Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

  • Mazzaroth...Part 2 of 2

    Stars were learned for seasons, for travel, for conveying location, and messages the limitlessness of God. Throughout the ages, satan has inspired man to pervert and misconstrue the constellations, and today we have Bernice’s hair and the Dog, all distortions of the truth because their foolish hearts were darkened. Satan offered astrology to replace the true meaning of the stars, which is the salvation message, and by this seemingly harmless little distraction, has led many away from the truth. There are many who view astrology as seemingly harmless entertainment...that is because they have become lazy and numb and ignorant of the ways of the enemy. The truth is as simple as a clear night sky. Within every zodiac sign there are actually four images, forty-eight images in total, that expand our learning and further instruction. We begin with Virgo, the first sign of the Mazzaroth, and the Head, Christ Jesus as the Savior of His church; the Woman. Virgo means “virgin” in Greek, which depicts Jesus, who was born of a virgin. Matthew 1 [23] Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. A virgin, literally, means that this woman is not bound to an husband, that she has not entered into a carnal, earthly relationship. A virgin, spiritually, means that she is bound to her Father in heaven, that she careth for the things of the Lord that she may be holy, both in body and spirit (1 Corinthians 7:34). Revelation 14 [4] These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. Virgo Here are manifold applications: both the beginning of the prophecy, with Virgo, the virgin, and also those whose body, mind, and soul are dedicated to their Lord and Savior, the 144,000. The woman in the image is holding a branch and a shuck of corn. The brightest star in the shuck of corn is called “spica”, which means “seed”. This refers to the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 that the woman would bring forth the Seed, Jesus. Genesis 3 [15] And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. On Virgo’s right is a woman carrying a baby called “Coma”. The baby has a star called “the desired one”. Haggai 2 [7] And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. Virgo has a man on his side, called Arcturus who is holding a shepherd’s rod and a sickle. This is a picture of Jesus, who harvests souls and then shepherds them. The star at the tip of his rod is called THE BRANCH. Zechariah 6 [12] And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD: We follow the prophetic circle, to Libra, the scales, where Jesus is seen equal to His God and worthy to redeem His people from sin. Christ the God, balanced against Jesus the Savior, and the balance is even. Philippians 2 [6] Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: Libra is represented by a pair of scales, a picture of justice and equity. This constellation contains three bright stars in the Hebrew called “mozan” which means “to weigh”. Psalms 62 [9] Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity. When God put man on the scales, man was completely sinful. Right below the scales, there is a cluster of stars which forms a picture of a slain animal. That animal is a lamb, which represents Jesus as the lamb of God. Next to the lamb is the cluster of stars called the Southern Cross. What balances the scales of justice, is Jesus on the Cross. Philippians 2 [8] And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Scorpio consists of a mighty man holding a snake and stepping directly on a large scorpion. The Hebrew word for scorpion is “aqrab” which means “the conflict” or “war”. The brightest star is stepping directly on the heart of the scorpion, and it ominously glows red. Both snake and scorpion are depictions of the devil and demons. How is it that we see both at the same time? Deuteronomy 8 [15] Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint; These are outward manifestations of the inner character, revealing that they are servants to sin, servants to satan, members of the synagogue of satan and in the context, we see an aspect of a deadly enemy. Then we move onto Sagittarius, the one with two natures, Man and Horse, set on war. For horses represent war in the bible and this man is carrying a bow and arrow to enter upon a spiritual battle. Psalms 45 [3] Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty. [4] And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. [5] Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies; whereby the people fall under thee. In Capricorn we have a half-goat and a half-fish. In the Goat we have the Atoning Sacrifice, in the Fish we have the people for whom the atonement is made. Leviticus 16 [21] And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness: Aquarius represents the pouring forth of the Holy Spirit and the living waters of blessing poured forth for the Redeemed. Isaiah 35 [4] Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you. [5] Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. [6] Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. [7] And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes. The star in the right shoulder means “the record of the pouring forth” and the star in the other shoulder is called “who goeth and returneth”, or “the pourer out”. Numbers 24 [7] He shall pour the water out of his buckets, and his seed shall be in many waters, and his king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted. Pisces represents a catch of fishes, souls that Jesus brought to the heavenly shore. Romans 8 [17] And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Aries represents the Ram or Lamb slain, head bowed for sacrifice, bruised, yet living for evermore. Revelation 5 [6] And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. Taurus is a picture of a bull. In the gospel of Mark, Jesus is depicted as an ox, which represents a tireless, powerful servant who never ceases in serving us. Pleiades and Orion are in the cluster of Taurus. Pleiades means “seven stars”, and they are found on the neck of the bull. In the book of Revelation, Jesus holds the seven stars, representing the seven churches, in His hand. Jesus carries us. Taurus, The Bull, the highest sacrifice, represents the Messiah come to rule. Acts 2 [30] Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; [36] Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ. In the constellation Gemini we have the twins which represent divinity and humanity, His two-fold nature as God and Man, His twofold work of suffering and glory, His twofold coming in humiliation and in triumph, and Christ’s image reflected fully in His people. John 1 [1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] The same was in the beginning with God. SOP – It is not possible for the heart in which Christ abides to be destitute of love. If we love God because He first loved us, we shall love all for whom Christ died. We cannot come in touch with divinity without coming in touch with humanity; for in Him who sits upon the throne of the universe, divinity and humanity are combined. {Christ Object Lessons, Page 385 excerpt} In Gemini we see Castor and Pollux, named for a ship in Acts 28:11. Both stars are located parallel on the head: the name of one is called Apollo, which means “ruler, or judge”; while the other is called Hercules, “who cometh to labour, or suffer”. However, one appears to be a man while the other appears to be a female. The Greeks called them twin sons, but the root word for Pollux is “maiden, damsel, girl”, indicating that this star formation represents masculine and feminine attributes. Together they are referred to as “united” or “peace”. Together they exemplify love and the law, the image and character of God. They complement each other, for love requires another. Genesis 2 [21] And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; [22] And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. [23] And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. [24] Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh . Psalms 85 [10] Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Over the century’s astronomers have focused on the Crab and her pincers which hold her people tight in her arms with the millions of eggs that she carries, which represents souls. But they have omitted the weightier matters in that constellation. In the constellation Cancer there is also Argo, that ship which carries the precious cargo of souls; also, the Little Bear and the Great Bear (Ursa Minor and Ursa Major), which is a clipped version of the Big Dipper and Little Dipper, and which is actually a Lesser Flock and a Greater Flock. Luke 12 [30] For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. [31] But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. [32] Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. The Lord here, is referring to those who hear and follow Him. It is a prophetic sky picture representing two different flocks: a large flock and a smaller flock, the smaller flock, or sheepfold, is representative of the 144000, the Little Dipper or Ursa Minor. The constellation Argo is the largest of all the constellations containing sixty-four stars spreading out like a canopy in the sky. And for good reason, for it represents “a great multitude which no man could number”. Isaiah 60 [4] Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side. [5] Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee. [8] Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows? [9] Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, unto the name of the LORD thy God, and to the Holy One of Israel, because he hath glorified thee. And finally, Leo. Leo is the last sign of the Mazzaroth and reveals God's wrath against iniquity and transgression and sin. It is expressed as a lion, which is Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Whose voice shakes the earth and those therein, who thunders and the people like grass withers, who roars like a lion and the seven thunders peal across the sky. The brightest star in this constellation is found on the lion’s foot called “Regulus”, which means “the foot that crushes”. Romans 16 [20] And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. The constellation Leo not only envelopes the Lion of the tribe of Judah as ruler, but also the divine Cup of wrath, the Raven to devour up all filthiness, and the wonderful finale: The Serpent destroyed. Ezekiel 39 [17] And, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD; Speak unto every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field, Assemble yourselves, and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you, even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel, that ye may eat flesh, and drink blood. [18] Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bullocks, all of them fatlings of Bashan. [19] And ye shall eat fat till ye be full, and drink blood till ye be drunken, of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you. [20] Thus ye shall be filled at my table with horses and chariots, with mighty men, and with all men of war, saith the Lord GOD. [21] And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them. [22] So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward. The star pictures are in constant, slow motion and correlate with the angels of heaven, God’s people on earth, the twelve tribes, the twelve apostles, the events that transpire, the gospel, and all by the working of God’s invisible hand. Isaiah 40 [21] Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? [22] It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: [25] To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One. [26] Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

  • Sojourners Pt 1 of 2...

    God has a people on earth that He is making His own forever and ever, whose hope is in the grace of God. These move farther and farther away from the temperament of this socially conflicted, confused, spiritually impoverished, and tragically paradoxical world. These are not to be anxious about materialism, knowing that God will meet all their needs. These will be given a divine calling. They will move with tender humility and quiet patience. They will be faithful to guard the sweet harmony of the Holy Spirit. All immaturity will end! These will not be easily shaken by trouble, nor led astray by novel teachings, or by the false doctrines of deceivers. They will remain strong and always sincere in their love to acknowledge and express the truth. Unlike the world, God’s sojourning elect will not let the passion of their feelings lead them to sin! They will have no anger controlling them or to be fuel for revenge, not for even a moment. They will not give the slanderous accuser any opportunity to manipulate them! Ugly or hateful words will never come from their mouths. Instead, their words will be as beautiful gifts that encourage others; this done, by speaking words of grace to help them. The Holy Spirit of God has sealed us in Jesus Christ until we experience our full salvation. We will never grieve the Spirit of God or take for granted his holy influence in our life. Laid aside will be bitter words, temper tantrums, revenge, profanity, and insults. God has graciously forgiven us, and we will graciously forgive others in the depths of Christ’s love. God’s true people must abandon feelings, and seek God’s comfort to sacrifice, allowing reactions to rule their decisions. Psalms 142:1-5 Proverbs 4:23 Feelings are self-contained expressions that live on selfish desires and selfish will, that cannot obey God, nor does it want to. Feelings can be long lasting. It is, however, about denying self. It is attempting to save yourself in your own strength. Feelings don’t trust God. Feelings respond to thoughts that lack confidence in reasoning. Thoughts are mental processes. Our brains associate one bit of information with another and create frameworks such as beliefs, perspectives, opinions, judgments, and ideas. A feeling is an automatic and temporary reaction to a stressor in a part of the brain not connected to thinking and reasoning. Thoughts trigger our conscious processing of an emotion, where we assign the emotion meaning. God’s people will have manifested emotion for discerning judgment toward the mindfulness of purpose. The world will walk in their empty delusions. Their corrupted logic has been clouded because their hearts are far from God. Their blinded understanding and deep-seated moral darkness keeps them from the true knowledge of God. Christ was only here for a little while. Our time together in these final days will be very different from what they used to be. We will have to follow Christ all the way home, or we will be lost. Every day is as we are in a different world. Greetings, hanging out with friends, dining out, and shopping are not safe and don’t work any longer in this world anymore. The world we knew, seems to suddenly have turned into a strange place in which invisible danger lurks everywhere. So, we feel that we are standing in a strange wilderness. Earth is not our home. God is using this situation to illuminate ignored or forgotten truths. No matter how much you think you have achieved in this world, and no matter how familiar you’ve become with it, if Christ is working in your life the days here are but a shadow. We own no property in this world. We have had certain things lent to us for use while we are here, and we have to give an account of how we use them. And what of our character. It is not to be as that of worldlings. We are born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God. No longer a mere natural man, for we have a higher and spiritual nature imparted to us. Our ways and manners and customs are not as those of the people of the world who have their portion in this life. Our speech is to have a peculiar sound. Expect to be treated as though you do not belong here. Our motives will be misconstrued, and our words wrested and twisted as we are slandered and abused. For certain, we have various interests and occupations here, and we seek to be a blessing in the land where we are, but our hearts are with Christ in heaven and we can never be fully satisfied until we are there. We are here in our mortal spirits with hearts full of anticipation of the time when we shall be at home with the Lord, and find in Him, all that our capacious souls can desire. We are very cautious where we go. That arch-rogue, the devil, petitions to plot against us every day, and all his legions are constantly seeking to rob us of our sacredness or of our peace of mind or in some way or another to lead us astray. We are in enemy country. We must keep our sword unsheathed, ever have ready for use that two-edged “sword of the Spirit which is the word of God,” and hold as with a death-grip the great “shield of faith. What is said to one of us, is said to all of us…watch. We should always have our graces in active exercise. If we do not, we will bitterly regret the folly and sin that besets us. We will find that we have no sufficiencies here of material worth. Our adequacies must be our spiritual dependency upon God for everything. In this waste howling wilderness, our bread must drop from heaven day by day. Thank God, there is a short duration to our sojourn here. Though the days of our pilgrimage should be seventy, or eighty, or even ninety years, how swiftly they come to an end. There will be some who will enter their chambers sooner because God will have them finish their service earlier. There are those who are here as strangers to God and there are some who are here as strangers with God. What is the difference? Psalms 39:12 Being with God is being under His constant eye and care. We enjoy peculiar fellowship with God. We walk with God in hallowed and intimate union and communion. He has told us some of His greatest secrets. He has given us the high privilege of dwelling in the secret place of the Most High and abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. In this world that God created, He too is treated as a stranger. Here is His handiwork all around us, most fair and beautiful, yet the fool says in his heart, “there is no God,” and proves himself to be a fool by saying it. Here are signs on every hand of the working of God’s gracious providence, mysterious but wondrously wise, yet worldlings cannot see any traces of the finger or mind or heart of God, for He is a stranger to them. And as God is a stranger here, we need not marvel that we, who are His children, are also strangers on the earth. He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief—spit upon, scourged, hounded out from among men, and at last crucified. I Timothy 3:16 This God, who is a Spirit, manifested Himself in the flesh. This is that determined change that even the more enhances the honor, the praise, the glory due God. And look what mystery is given us as sojourners here…our life is hid with Christ in God. What can there be here for us? Nothing that need trouble us. God wants us to be so dissatisfied with this world that we long for a better one. This being the case, we long to get home. But we ought not to long for home from any work-shy motives. We are to be as good laborers for God, that we may be worn with carrying His ministry, that we eagerly look forward to the joy of His Sabbath rest to renew our strength for service on the morrow. Our rest here for God is to be a rest that shall know no end…a rest in untiring service. What a wonder that we who are all sojourning here, too often treat one another as strangers. There is an essential unity to holy discipline. Quick ears are so ready to misinterpret and misrepresent words seeking to find one word awry, dwelling over it. Let us muzzle the mouth, open the heart, and reason with the mind of Christ, that we may be nearer to going home. Ill words make texts for sinners, and thus God is blasphemed out of the mouths of His own beloved children. Let it not be so with any of us, beloved. Weep, if need be, tears have ever had great prevalence with God. But do not restrain your grief; find espression in reasoning. Only before the wicked, are we to have nothing to say, we hold our peace. If we are God’s chosen people, how should we relate to the world around us, and, in particular, how should we respond to the world’s animosity and rejection? In a habitable practice we are truly sojourners and exiles in the moral and ethical sense. The lives of those who long for heaven are to be nourished by and are to reflect, the principles and practices of that place to which they are heading. And there is such a difference between this world and that place that it is inevitable that each scene should produce a very different way of life, a difference so fundamental that it ought to be distinctly visible and impressive to unbelievers. This is one of the reasons why unbeleivers feel such contempt against God’s people on many occasions. While here, we must give life a different appearance. It is to show love, purity, self-denial, kindness, and generosity, humility, courage, honesty, patience, and integrity. These are the facets of a character dominated by the love of Christ and a commitment to his kingdom. It is a life of bearing witness in word and deed, to the love and holiness of that God who has called us out of darkness into His wonderful light. We have a faith response to the grace of God. We live now as though already saved. All that we do, should be in the interest of our Father. Do we think about other people the way we are taught to think about them here, or the way we are taught to think about them there? It will make a difference whether our sense of heaven is fitful and weak or clear and powerful, powerful enough to produce a living expectation to others who wonder at a life of peace without hate, love without prejudice. Too much of the time for many who say they are believers, the sense of the heaven is vague, and so incapable of producing a powerful effect. Task yourself to ponder what it means to be a sojourner here on earth. Is it truly a conviction that you have to be in heaven? It is the great honor of Jesus Christ, and it is the immense privilege of human beings and of sojourners especially, that such a place exists, and that there is a way to it from this world. How will we want to have lived and loved here when we are there? We should be daily feeling our spirit leaving this place.

  • In the World of the World…

    Adam and Eve are the only humans who have ever lived in such a marvelous world as was created in the beginning. They lived when and where to whom ‘the glory in the grass and splendor in the flower’ continually revealed the diviner miracle of a Heavenly Father's munificent love and care. How would the Savior, our Jesus, have seen the world through the lens of sinless human experience? With a heart full of delight at the manifestation of the glory of God in the intricately created plants, trees, animals, fish, sunsets, oceans, seasons, minerals, gems, rocks, scents, food, and drink, it was the sinless Son of God incarnate who knew the beauty that was intended. And yet, there was another world that the Savior viewed from the side of sinless humanity. These two worlds collided when the Son of God entered the world in order to redeem men. The mystery of the incarnation is that “He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him” for he was not of the world. Jesus declared the essence of what He had come into the world to do. In addition to coming to atone for the sins of His people, and in addition to conquering the evil one, Jesus came to overcome the world. He told us that in the world we will have tribulation. We must reason with truth to know that there was nothing inherently evil about creation. We will learn that there are two worlds – a world that God’s true people are in and a world that God’s true people are not of. Allow me to be very emphatic with the following statement…God’s people do not love the world or the things in the world! It is the world   under the sway of the evil one to which Jesus referred when he spoke of overcoming it. He had come to conquer the prince of the power of the air, the (little r) ruler of this world, and to overthrow the dreadful results of the rebellion into which the evil one had led mankind. It is in the world where its power and might, its knowledge and wisdom, its commerce and industry, its culture and civilization, without God and in opposition to Him, is the abode of Satan. The world with its pride and self- exaltation, its trust in man and in the power and wisdom of man, its hatred for God and of one another, its covetousness and lust for power, and for the glory of man; the world with its lust of the flesh, its idolatry and adultery, its profanity and deceit, its striving after pleasures and treasures, its vanities; it is this world, with its strife and debate, its unrest and revolutions, its wars and destruction that is “crossed” out of the heart of God’s people by what transpired from Gethsemane to Golgatha. This world is fallen. How then is the judgment of this world already come? John 12:31 The answer is found in the already, but not yet, of His finished work on the cross. In the death of Jesus, the world was put on trial. When the Son of God was being condemned before human judges, the Judge of all the earth was condemning this fallen, evil world. When Jesus God hung on the cross, He was tearing away the facade of goodness with which the world masks its idolatry, pride, foolishness, self-righteousness, and lawlessness. When we see Christ crucified, we see the world as it really is, in all of its rebellion and deceit. We, who are in the world, are in the day in which the verdict, which was rendered at the cross, is being fully and openly manifested. In our day, all of the world’s deceit and hypocrisy, falsehood and wickedness is being laid bare and viewed in light of the righteous judgment of the Son of God. As the sabbath is our sign, the cross is that post upon which it hangs. As we are in the world, the cross is our meeting place. All who are drawn out of the world must come to the cross. The implications are magnormous for those who have been united to Christ by faith alone. In the first place, the true believer, not any who refuse to reason with every word to come to truth, must learn to live his or her faith in light of the relationship that he or she now sustains to the world that is overcome. And this done by “overcoming”. If anything of the spirit of this world is found in individual believers, or the church, then, to the same extent, they will be incapable of seeing things in the light of God. They will judge spiritual truth with a heart that is prejudiced by the spirit of the world that is in them. A twice finished crucifixion must be envisioned here. I pray that you hear this with the ear of the mind. Here stands the world, and here stand we. And between the world and us stands the cross. The world views us as crossed out, because of their sin they hate the cross and have no care, concern, nor time for us. Viewed from our side, the world is crossed out, for through our faith in all that is Christ, we have also died to the world; so that we and the world are agreed on one thing, and one only; that through Christ we have equally and mutually no time for each other. Galatians 6:14 There is a promise to true faithful believers that no matter how much the world may persecute, oppose, oppress, scoff at, and deride us, Christ is the victory for those he has chosen out of the world and for whom He gave himself on the cross. So, in Christ the victory is ours…already won. There is nothing that the world can do in all of its persecuting malice to separate us from the love of God in Christ. If we only really reasoned to come to know the fullness of the dimensions of the cross, the mightiest of spiritual weapons. It is the way we continually overcome. The people of the world function apart from God. These who are of the world are bound to sin in some degree. If they were to rightly consider the depth of the defining sin they know nothing of, they would wonder at the opportunity for repentance. God’s people are in this world physically. We must not have either a social or a spiritual presence here…no part of its values…set apart, separated unto the gospel. Let us not retain the insipid, corrupt mind that being of the world creates. Rather, let us be conformed in our minds, to that of Jesus Christ. Deuteronomy 14:2 I Peter 2:9, 10 We must also understand that being in the world, but not of it, is necessary if we are to be a light to those who are in spiritual darkness. We are to do life in such a way that those who do not know how, to measure the God-given faith, see the good He works in us and our receptive manner of all He does and know that there is something “different” about us. We witness that being “in” the world means we can enjoy the things of the world, such as the beautiful creation God has given us, but we are not to immerse ourselves in what the world values, nor are we to chase after worldly pleasures. Pleasure is no longer our calling in this time, but rather the true worship of God, for we know that God so loved the world… This is the place of intrigue and opportunity. For it shows the redeeming love of God in the darkest of places; an orb set for occupation by the rebellious of heaven, a place where light was brought to disrupt darkness in the mind of God’s crowning jewel of creation. It is here that God would send the unexpected gift of His Son. It was this act that plumbed the depths of God’s love to show that His love is infinitely extensive. When Jesus used the terms “in the world”, and “of the world”, he was making exception between peoples. This is the essence of the truth he was saying. God loves the world, and that means He loves every person, head for head. The logic goes something like this: God loves every person; Christ died for every person; therefore, salvation is possible for every person. However, it’s not that God’s love is impotent, and Christ’s death is ineffectual, it is the choice made based on which “world” one’s mind is in. God loves every person, and Christ died for every person, and God’s love is not impotent, and Christ’s death is not ineffectual, salvation has been secured for every person who chooses Jesus over this world. So we come to understand that it is not the extension of God’s love, but the intensity of how we accept His Son. For it is God the Son who manifest God the Father and God is love. No person, no matter how honest his intentions are, no matter how earnest his thoughts are, no matter how much intellectual power he has, can understand and receive God's truth any farther than the Spirit of Christ and the Cross has expelled, or is truly sought after, to expel the spirit of the world in him. The Holy Spirit, when He is carefully waited on and yielded to, is the only Light that can open the eyes of the heart to see and to know what is of the world and what is of God. What is happening in our world today is beginning to make sense to me. The world, unrepentant sinners, causes havoc in their pretense to worship. How are we to interact with these who are influenced and influence others by disbelief? As followers of Christ, we are to actively engage our principles, having good intentions, without allowing the culture’s ungodly morals, values, attitudes, and behaviors to infiltrate our lives. Not even to the point of straddling the fence. If even one word of God’s truth is maligned by a misguided attempt to be relevant, it is sin. We are commissioned to go into the world, not be of the world. The truth, the full truth of God’s word known, will keep us from the schemes of the world...from becoming worldly minded. The world is such a great danger to our souls that this danger caused Christ, the Son of God, to go to the cross to deliver us from it. If you are an unbeliever in any of God’s word, you will hate the truth when brought to you. But if you are a child of God and you hear the evidence of reason, then you identify with Christ. Many of the elect will be deceived when they fail to distinguish between that which is spiritual and that which is worldly. Friendship diversions, entertainment diversions, spiritual diversions…these are the powerful regards that defraud your relationship with truth. Matthew 24:24 We will come in contact with the world, yet we are to retain our distinctive character and refuse to let the world press us into its mold. We should not hold the world in contempt. The many who know not God are ignorant of His redemptive grace. They know not the lines being drawn for joy or for woe. We are to help these come to know the course of this world. They are in the undertow to the will and way of God. We are to let them know they are involved in a spiritual conflict. This is a battle between the forces of God and the forces of Satan, and we and they are involved in it. All are asked to choose sides. Our relationship with the world is to be redemptive, not social. We are not of the world, but we are sent unto the world. As we embrace Jesus, we embrace the souls he died for. We are summoned to advance his cause.

  • The Spirit of God Made Us...

    God breathed in us the breath of life, His spirit. It was the image of God coming into us. In the beginning we had flesh, but we were born of the spirit. And it is through our breath, that our words take form. Our life is to be God speaking. Our God is ever close with us, for us, and to us. He is the air we breathe, His holy Presence in us. We can literally breathe in the Presence of God and be filled with His Spirit, with our every breath. This is not a one event. Have this thought with you…if you are breathing, what moments are you not filled with the Spirit? Read the very last verse of the Psalms. Do we not understand why God says, “that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures”? I Corinthians 2:11 Though the fingerprints of human cooperation are throughout the scripture, all scripture is given by inspiration of God, divinely breathed in. This was breathed into us from the beginning. The scripture, the Word of God is our life as we take it in. When you breathe it out and it does not return, you are dead. When we are being taught the truth of the word and the word does not return to you in truth…you are dead. Locked within our life, locked within the black and white and red of the written word of God, is the very heart and thought of the purposeful God. And even greater love is given us… John 6:63 We derive from that word, strength and comfort in our approaches to God, in our oppositions to sin and in our preparations for an eternity with Christ. Please do not mistake God’s word for the sake of satisfying what you think. The literal sense of the word does us no good, unless it is reasoned with God. We are the wiser for it, and the spiritual meaning when received, is instructive, it is powerful, it is the intimate knowledge of God made real. Spiritual minds relish every word of God…it is to the sensual mind that spiritual things are senseless. The mind is being parched when you hear not His reason. You are short of the empowering water of life…dry bones. When you fail to hear or choose not to hear, the experience and enjoyment of God, you reject the spirit of wisdom and understanding. Be leary of sinking into a cesspool of dispair. There is this part within man, inclined toward and that seeks after, God. It is the innate longing for truth within man’s human spirit. Fallen nature tries to hold it down, to suppress it. Spiritual reasoning with truth gives us insight into the unseen and spiritual matters of God. Exercise the mind…we take in deeper breaths. Use the faculty of understanding to look past the affliction of our environment to see the eternal weight of glory that is being added to us according to God’s purpose, when we reason through the spirit. When we exhale, speaking the word, giving of ourselves, we fan the flames of truth to burn brighter. Christ gave up the ghost that all of God became available to man. Our breaths are measured in moments, even moment-by-moment living. And in His essence and element, in union with His life and nature, God is now within us and progressively, as much as allowed, unites more and more with us. He is uplifting, sanctifying, and transforming the faculties. This is possible because of the joining together of the two spirits, the spirit breathed into us by God and the divine Holy Spirit, who intercedes for us, given unto us by Christ. An exceedingly profitable transaction! By these, we are empowered and equipped to live a life that glorifies Jesus. Think about life without the Holy Spirit…void, without form, darkness. This is that Comforter that without, we would not have the illumination of the written text whereby God’s will and His truth are demonstrated. John 6:53, 54 This is the “one blood” that unites all believers with God and Jesus as members of a family. It is the partaking of the Holy Spirit. Without this spiritual nourishment you have no life in you. It is of Adam that we share of the natural blood, and of Jesus that we have life through his spiritual blood. Natural blood cannot sustain spiritual life. Understand this – it was not the blood that gave man life, it was the spirit of God. Since it is the spirit that gives life, the “blood” that sustains eternal life must be spiritual. That “blood” is the Holy Spirit. The feast of Tabernacles is the last day feast of God’s people. John 7:37, 38, 39 Why did the people not understand? No reasoning with scripture. Genesis 9:4 Leviticus 17:10 And the results… John 6:66 There is a causal nature of understanding as it relates to the truth. Truth must be the primary goal. Proper appreciation for its importance must exact an obsession with faith. That is why God beckons us to come to Him to reason. Reasoning is the power to recover true beliefs from false or partially inaccurate inputs. Some inquirers, even if they happen to be unaware of the falsity of the view they have, may overcome error by having their position challenged with scripture alone…if they willingly reason. A natural starting point for investigating is to unrestrict attitudes while practicing patience. Accept points that are true enough to endeavor discussion. Presupposing the truth does not allow for preceptual explanation to refer to relevant texts. Had those spoken to by Jesus considered the relevant texts they would have gained understanding. There is this cause for astonishment for what seems strange…the aspect of God’s adoration providing new life, that together we might embrace this intimate oneness more fully by faith and experience. There is no joy in this world like union with Christ! And the confidence, power, and soul-satisfying joy of the presence of our exalted Redeemer develops a deeper grasp of what it means to be born again. This work of God is our spirits being composed into a very reverent and serious frame, our thoughts gathered in, and all that is within us charged in the name of the great God carefully to attend the solemn and awful service that lies before us, and to keep close to it, we must, with a fixed attention and application of mind and an active lively faith, always set the Lord before us, seeing his eye upon us, and setting ourselves in his special presence, presenting ourselves to him as living sacrifices, which we desire may be holy and acceptable to God. It is in this spirit, because God is the Lord, that we must bind this sacrifice with cords up to the horns of the altar, while calling to remembrance our faith, love, and hope, being assured of our election having received a favorble report, waiting for the advent of our Jesus. This is God making us that new seed, setting a new principle of life within us: the hatred of sin is the spirit of God residing within us. We are drawn into the parallel with God’s grace. In this, God’s eternal purpose toward us surpasses our limited human understanding. And now our walking in love, forbearance, humility of mind and heart, is more important than visible exploits. We become more teachable, having the controlled strength of the spirit. As believers we are to exert this strength to maintain the unity which binds us to Christ and to one another. This unity is worked out among us by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit. If we belong to Christ, our unity in the bond of peace is familial, spiritual, and eternal. God is not the Father of everyone. We must learn how to deal with turmoil we often find in the life. We must learn to focus on the strength of God moreso than the evils in this world. We must be reborn crucified to stay in death to our natural man. This is the reason we can understand the deep things of God. We are brought to the divine life in Christ, while in the spirit of humanity. We are to let go the things of the natural man, as we should turn to our spirit and live a life in the spirit of God. Christ as our faith is also our genuine righteousness. Therefore, we have the freedom to not go on sinning and we will not sin with deliberate intention, because we are born of God with His divine nature. Just as God is three in one, so made He us. God made us body, soul, and spirit. Our body is the part other people see. Our soul is the way we feel and act and think. Our spirit is the part of us that can love God and worship Him. The spirit of God that dwells in us is not personal. It is prepersonal. And it exudes a flavor of divinity, which is personal in the highest and infinite sense. It is this spirit that aids us in adjusting our thoughts. We need the Spirit of God to understand His Word, His truth, and all things that pertain to Him. We need the Spirit of God to give us wisdom for the moment because life is so often about the gray and not just the black-and-white, about the choice between two upright opportunities, not between the good and the bad options. It is the Holy Spirit that bears witness of this spirit, that we are truly sons and daughters of God. And if we are children of God we have the power to overcome all doubt, and this is the victory that overcomes all uncertainty, even our faith. This is that which is imparted from God. The spirit of God in us accords us discernment in the word of God regardless of where it appears to take origin. Divine truth must not be discounted because the path of its assignment is apparently human. Many of our brethren have minds which accept the theory of God, while they spiritually fail to realize the presence of God. And that is just the reason why Jesus so often taught us that understanding can best be realized by acquiring the spiritual attitude of a sincere child. It is not the mental immaturity of the child that he commended to us but rather the spiritual simplicity of a fully trusting, all believing, reasoning mind. This is the spirit of God breathed in us becoming the spirit of man. And the mind of man accordingly becomes the mediator between material things and spiritual realities. And by this, our concepts of the eternity and infinity of God are not disturbed. This spirit is the divine breath of God that brought life to dust. And the dust became a living soul. Christ was given life by the Holy Spirit and he is that quickening spirit to construct our resurrected life. The Holy Spirit is not the image of God. We were made in the image of God by the breath of God in us. That is why we can create. God gave us a spirit that we began with a bit of God’s character. Job 32:8 It is the living essence that connects us with God and will return to God when man dies. God’s spirit is perfect and unchanging. God did not breathe the Holy Spirit in us and so our spirit can be influenced by sin, by struggles, by pain, and by situations. We need Christ to dwell in our hearts by faith. We need the mind of Christ to do the will of God.

  • Thyatira...

    There is this key point received from this study…we should not trust our own judgment, but trust that God will reveal His judgment to us. The mystery for this church is that the messengers must have an enlightened viewpoint about the vast difference between being God’s people, or belonging to the world. Each letter is a personal message from Christ. As we study them, we should evaluate our own spiritual condition today, both as individual believers and as a last day people. We must reason with this message with the spiritual intensity to determine its content and conclusion, as related to the dignity of our destiny. This is the middle message to the churches...the heart of the messages. The text denotes that the very nature of God is present in the Son of God, but with a distinct and subordinate manner of subsistence. The title Son of God differs from Christ’s title in his previous exalted appearance to John, in which he was identified as the “Son of Man”. Though both titles underscore the deity of Christ, they emphasize something different. “Son of Man” emphasizes the humiliation of God in becoming a man – the perfect man who sympathizes with us in our human suffering and weakness. “Son of God” emphasizes the deity of Christ – the divine man who comes with the full authority and power of God. With this title, Christ suggests a strong and less sympathetic message to come. He has a penetrating, perfect knowledge, a thorough insight into the message delivered. Christ knows and sees the true, innermost thoughts, and spiritual condition of every person in a church. The implication is that Jesus makes a dire judgment on unrepentant sinners and he will make no mistakes. This promise of judgment has three parts, two of which are intended for her, and one that’s intended for those she has influenced to sin and haven’t repented. The bed of her immorality will become the bed of her suffering. This punishment implied great suffering in the last day. And his goings are providential concerning the commendation Christ gives of this church, ministry, and people. This imagery portrays Christ’s work of purging out immoral, ungodly teaching and influencers from the church, and contrasts sharply with the feet of clay in Daniel’s vision that portray the weak miry nature of the future world nations. Here Jesus refers to individuals in the church are never to allow for any spiritual compromise. If ever we’ve witnessed someone being led from the truth and were too stymied to respond, we have sinned. It is one thing to dispute doctrine, but a very different matter to establish one’s own views. The first works concerns the internal grace of the Holy Spirit that was working in the hearts of the believers in this church. Jesus sees the genuine love and faith operating. These people also had faith - they were trusting in God irrespective of their circumstances and that was evident in how they lived their lives. We see that explicitly in the second category of the “works” of this church - the external fruit they expressed. They were actually growing in their zeal. Jesus mentions both their “service and patient endurance.” This was a church active in ministry that arose from their love and faith. Thyatira was suffering opposition from the enemy, but they were not complaining. And if our last works are not greater than our first works, they are only dead works. And if our works are dead, so then is our faith. No spirit in them. This is that falling away. Thyatira was a strange mix of very strong elements and some very weak elements. How can that be?   It sounds impossible…until we look into our own hearts! The church at Thyatira illustrates that even living as a believer, we have encounters with the nature of sin so deep and pervasive in us that, even in a comparatively strong individual believer, serious sin is often present alongside healthy elements. We must understand that our sin is so evil and so tenacious that it can strongly manifest itself even in comparatively healthy individuals. On an individual level, this is why we should never be surprised when we see ourselves or other believers do and say things that seem completely out of character, with what we’ve seen in the past. Sin is so stubborn and tenacious that if we aren’t actively warring against our sin, it can bubble up in our souls at any time and reveal this kind of inconsistency in a believer. Notice the similar condemnation as given to Pergamos. Why? In the last days God’s people will experience a mighty struggle with idolatry and sexual immorality. Yet, even though they have similar afflictions, Jesus counsels them individually. We must not forget that each of the letters to the seven churches in the Revelation was read to ALL the seven churches. These letters in chapters two and three were part of a larger letter, the book of Revelation. And this larger letter was circulated to each of these individual churches. That means that, for Thyatira to read what Christ said to Pergamum would have encouraged them to know that they were not uniquely evil - other churches were struggling as well, and they could learn from how Jesus responded to them as well. Likewise, when the loving believers of Thyatira reads the letter to the loveless church in Ephesus, it would have put them on notice that, the love you have now and that is even growing, it can grow cold in a very short time. Learn from what happened in Ephesus. We think Balaam was a corrupt collaborator, why do we suffer the woman Jezebel…idolatry and sexual immorality is a big deal. As a holy people, we should hate this sin and seek to kill it. We are not to tolerate or peacefully cohabit with sin - our own or other believers in the church. The amazing truth is - in spite of its clear strengths, the church in Thyatira was tolerating gross, unholy living in some of her people. They were somewhat indifferent to this. When we become silent about things that must matter, we begin to loose life. We are afraid we will lose our relations, so we sit idly by and allow ignorance and even error to infiltrate the body. Faith, hope and love didn’t insulate them from this weakness. Truth was the lacking strength needed. This woman was that manipulative power behind the throne that influenced professing believers to refuse to reason with the word of God. They swayed from the word of truth. Jezebel is that church, that group of protestant organizations that deliver counterfeit truths to the people. Rome is a church. It is the beast. America will form an image to this church, this beast. America is a Jezebel. Jesus indicates that those who sinned with her as a result of her teaching are still given some time to repent. Israel was given 40 years to repent from crucifying Jesus, to stoning Stephen, to the destruction of Jerusalem. God is far more patient with those who have been lied to, than He is to the people that are lying. But Jesus will eventually give the ultimate punishment to Jezebel’s “children” or, her followers. Jesus not only gives the consequences of his judgment, he also gives his motivation for making this judgment so outwardly manifest: all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts. What he does, not only demonstrates his justice, but is for the good of the other churches. But do we understand the implication of completely adhering to truth. Jesus says he will put upon us none other burden and we will have power over the nations. Brothers and sisters, that truth says our greatest test is coming from those who say they worship, they study with us. And if we do not give way to the influence of those who fail to reason with, disregard or discard any of the word, and we persevere in genuine faith, we have a place of authority in God’s purpose. We must deeply grieve over sin. Are we failing in our obligation to address the errors among us? Hearing the Spirit and the word, must convict and convince us in all things pertaining to life, pertaining to God.

  • Chosen...Created out of a Desire or for a Reason

    We are at the end of time. And the event between time and eternity, is the cross. What Jesus did for us, was the beginning of what we are doing, and the end of what was done. We are moving forward, one moment, by one moment. Everything in scripture for us points to eternity. And everything within us cries out for it. God has set eternity in our hearts yet we cannot fathom what He has done from beginning to end. He made us to live in eternity and His work with us is not finished. Bible study must take priority in the life. It is how we maintain our connection with God through His written Word. It reminds us of His character, promises, our dependence on Him, and His workings to bring us to be with Him, forever. Study also deepens and expands our understanding of specific bible passages, so that we may sort through hard concepts and receive insight into the context of the truth, not just by the letter, but as guided by the Spirit. It keeps us from twisting the truth for our own purposes. That is why everything presented must be linked truth with truth. If there can be any concept inserted that does not conform to the pattern of truth, then something is out of order. Every time the word of God is studied, there will be new instruction found, a further penetration into truth. The word of God offers us a perspective that most human voices are afraid to advance. Where the bible gives us trouble that we must struggle with until the breaking of the day, a consort of the enemy, clothed as a friend, wants to give us smooth ground to walk. I would ask that we take a serious moment and reason with the following statement. God promised to give to us a blessing out of all proportion to the little that is required of us. If we would obey, we would have everlasting life; we would never die. And we had the full assurance of everlasting life because we did not know evil. We had knowledge and we had a holy character. Now consider the fact that we still do not obey, yet God’s promise still holds true. Now , with that unbelievable negotiation remaining in force for us, I ask that we understand why we are, where we are today, by answering some questions. Did God want to save all? Did Jesus die on the cross for all? Do God and Jesus know all things? Did God have a way to do what He wanted? God alone made arrangement. Man had no part in the making of the arrangement. The arrangement was called the “covenant of grace”. The word “covenant” means a disposition or an arrangement. The word “grace” means favored power not to sin. The grace of God is divine favor, manifested to sinners who choose obedience to God’s word. Psalms 89:2-4 Man must either accept the arrangement God has made or receive no covenant at all. The “covenant of grace,” then, is that arrangement whereby God planned to save man from the just consequences of his sin, and it is by His mercy that man’s life is prolonged to come to repentance. Did God purpose to save all mankind? Did God know that without force He could not save all? Did Jesus know that not all would accept the cost he paid? God's purpose, then, in devising the covenant of grace, was not for the purpose of saving all of mankind, but rather a portion of mankind. In eternity God chose from among fallen mankind, those whom he purposed to save. Ephesians 1:4, 5 Romans 8:30 If God purposed to save all mankind and failed in His purpose, God ceases to be God and Satan wins. God has an elect people, and there are others who are not elect. God did not make any man to be non-elect. That is man’s choice. Any rejection of God’s way puts you in opposition to God’s love, and opposition to God’s love, is hate. Man fits himself. If, then, we try to give the same reason for election and non-election, we make sad work of it. If we will just pause and take one thing at a time, and look to God's Word, we will not go wrong. Romans 9:22 This plan as conceived in eternity and revealed in time, contained three elements. God’s promises, God’s grace, and God’s Son are the elements of the covenant. Promised forgiveness and life eternal. Included in this promise to be our God, are all the more specific blessings of the covenant of grace such as justification, adoption, sanctification, and glorification. The one requirement that God in this covenant made of man was faith – we must believe. God’s purpose for us is that our lives become an expression of His Son lived in and through us. Our calling and election made sure - destined for everlasting, all-satisfying praise of the infinitely beautiful God. Your choice, as it was known by God from before all things, is not God’s choosing but God confirming, based on God’s foreknowledge, which preceded predestination of what you would choose, based upon that necessary faith given you, which is your responsibility. With this is the truth made clear…both the sovereignty of God, and the responsibility of each individual, are evident in his or her being so greatly blessed to be chosen by God. God’s determination was completed in counsel. So today, this day, what is your determination seeing that you have the ultimate power of choice. We are not common in God’s hand. Are you today favored? Are you graven upon his hand in blood? We do not know what to wonder at most; the faithfulness of God or our unbelief. For if we truly believed, we’d live as being chosen. Truth must stir our admiration. We have a theme for marveling. All in heaven and on earth may well be astonished, that such as us, should obtain aforesaid closeness to the heart of infinite love, as to be written on the palms of His hands. The Word does not say he has graven “your name” …it says he has graven “you”. Consider the depth of this! “He has engraved your person, your image, your circumstances, everything about you, all that concerns you; He has put all of this together whereby He has chosen you.

  • Unitedly Divided Pt 2 of 2...

    It is important for us to provide a biblical response to the questions asked because we live in a world where, increasingly, revealed divine truth is vehemently rejected. Truth is the ultimate determinant of reality. And the reality is that in the end, all truth is God’s truth, and the reason why anything is objectively, universally, immutably, and authoritatively true, is because it flows from the source of all truth: God Himself. Truth in thought and speech is predicated upon the uprightness in understanding the word of God. Hence, truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, and being of God, whose very nature is truth. It thus comes as no surprise that the bible speaks of truth as that which is revealed from God to man. Furthermore, because God is eternal and immutable, the truth is true everywhere, all the time, and under all considerations. Yet, let us never confuse perfect, divine and unchanging truth with the speculations claimed to be truth in the minds of some. This is one reason why God, through reasoning and special revelation, self-discloses His Word of truth so we can always refer back to what God said, His every word, and therefore know what is really the truth. God’s people are to be wise and informative enough to know the difference between what is fact and what is truth. I like this illustration because it highlights the faith of a person in the word of God. Faith assents to the truth of something precisely and only because it is revealed by God as first, truth. And truth of faith parallels the moral and spiritual effects it has in the true believer. Faith removes condemnation and judgement completely and leaves us with a deep rooted unshakeable belief that God’s truth is progressing…it will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and His work is done. Here’s the illustration; it is a fact that God said “I change not”, and that is true because God said so. But it’s a factual truth, not the ultimate truth. Truth is the broader concept of fact. Truth qualifies a fact. Truth is the higher standard by which facts are judged. Fact tells us that we are human, having red blood cells. Truth tells us that we were made in the image of God, having the spirit of God, and have a specific purpose. So, although there may be a distinction between fact and truth, there is not a separation. Else, how would a Spirit become flesh, or how would the Holy Spirit be made like unto the Son of God. That’s truth and we know that God’s character, as in both Christ and Melchisedec, cannot change as His covenant of promise stands in truth. God’s truth is a Person, Jesus, who is divine truth in the flesh. Christ is heavenly, spiritual truth taking earthly, material form. To know the truth means more than knowing measured facts; it means knowing something superior. To be precise, it means knowing Someone who is supreme: Jesus Christ. Know all the facts you desire; they will never save you. God’s truth is coherent and singular. No part of it will oppose another part. God’s ultimate truth can only be known by revelation from a divine mind to a creature who has the ability to reason; that communication is not merely an opinion, because a sovereign God reveals truth that is absolute. This is why, by logical necessity, absolute truth requires God. Without Him, there cannot be an absolute anything. Absolute truth also means that anything that contradicts it is an absolute lie. Absolute truth is never partial and never subjective; where real truth exists, I cannot have my truth and you cannot have yours. Truth has to be God’s. Not based on personal opinion nor is it formalized over time by tradition. And it is certainly not discovered by personal feelings or intuition. This is how it is truth that brings unity or division. Jesus is one complete God-Man; He doesn’t come to us in separate parts. There is never a truth somewhere out there disconnected from the whole. Truth divides because some listen to the deception of the enemy. But truth is the only thing that brings true unity. Truth is not meant to promote some type of spirit of tolerance. Truth impacts a person’s hope with the savor of life unto life or death unto death. Be very leery of seeking unity for the sake of unity. Why the messages to the seven churches…for each church certain truths were lost as the people turned to the beliefs of their own souls. Division is the result of believers not fully embracing truth.   Whenever one rejects a certain truth, he cannot advance any further on the path of truth. Rejection of truth comes when a person follows their own will, thoughts, and beliefs over God’s word. We can't just know the truth. Jesus says that we must first abide in his word. We study, meditate, and accept his word; whether we like it or not. Once we accept his word over our own will, it will become apart of us. When the word has become apart of us, we are abiding in it. When we are abiding in his word, we maintain a union with him. If any choose not to believe in certain aspects of his word for whatever reason, they have not abided in his word. If they have not abided in his word, they are not his. And if they are not his, they will not know the full truth. Much of the people are in a place of knowing some truth, but no longer advancing in truth; because of their unwillingness to abide in the word. Because of this, there is division in the body of Christ. There is a false unity coming. Jesus made hard sayings that he clearly made to divide those who were not sincere in their following him. These were not able to accept the truth, because they had blinded themselves from the truth. It is not okay for us to be divided over doctrine. We must wait for the Lord's unity, for it will surely come. These will be the Lamb's remnant who loves truth more than themselves. We were brought forth as the people of God to maintain unity in the truth for the cause of God. What the truth gives in matters of faith, unity; in matters of opinion, division; but in all things, love. We have a moral and spiritual obligation to have “the same mind” and “the same judgment” in matters of faith. Though opinion is a liberty, it means that one is not bound by moral obligation, rules of evidence, or principles. I Corinthians 1:10 God’s chosen will hold to the concept of sound doctrine. Heaven is the proof of the high value that God places on harmony as opposed to contrariness. SOP – (excerpt) If our church members cannot live in harmony here, how can they live in harmony in heaven? {17MR 294.5} SOP – (excerpt) So long as all created beings acknowledged the allegiance of love, there was perfect harmony throughout the universe of God. It was the joy of the heavenly host to fulfill the purpose of their Creator. They delighted in reflecting His glory and showing forth His praise. And while love to God was supreme, love for one another was confiding and unselfish. There was no note of discord to mar the celestial harmonies. {CTr 9.2} We seek the truth to know the truth to believe the truth to love the truth to teach the truth unitedly - the truth about every subject taught in the Word of God. There is to be no division. This is necessary to conclude the whole matter.

  • Unitedly Divided Pt 1 of 2...

    Is the whole bible, the truth? Please allow me to answer that question and why it is so. The bible is not just a book. It is a unique library that has recorded historical propheticness. And its comprehensive exactness proves that God sets no man to pronounce judgment of His word. What speaks of the destiny of nations: past, present, and future? What details events hundreds, thousands of years before they occurred? What is written that validates history? What described the plight of a whole people and the horrendous circumstances of their lives in a distant land? What speaks to the conflicts of human whims or the outcome of human ambition? Dare I say that it is the truth of the word of God that bears witness to God? Let our inquiry be ‘what does the scripture say.’ It is our faith that has this reality of the bible’s referent power. This reality is a divine mystery. It is the gift of God’s self to humanity, the invitation to encounter the Triune. The bible is the entirety of our treasure on earth, and we are to be aware of the distinct coins of principle. These are truths of pre-vision of future events and inspired insight into the trend of history as a development of a single great purpose. SOP - The Bible is written by inspired men, but it is not God's mode of thought and expression. It is that of humanity. God, as a writer, is not represented. Men will often say such an expression is not like God. But God has not put Himself in words, in logic, in rhetoric, on trial in the Bible. The writers of the Bible were God's penmen, not His pen. Look at the different writers. {1SM 21.1} It is not the words of the Bible that are inspired, but the men that were inspired. Inspiration acts not on the man's words or his expressions but on the man himself, who, under the influence of the Holy Ghost, is imbued with thoughts. But the words receive the impress of the individual mind. The divine mind is diffused. The divine mind and will is combined with the human mind and will; thus the utterances of the man are the word of God.-- Manuscript 24, 1886 (written in Europe in 1886). {1SM 21.2} SOP – The Lord speaks to human beings in imperfect speech, in order that the degenerate senses, the dull, earthly perception, of earthly beings may comprehend His words. Thus is shown God's condescension. He meets fallen human beings where they are. The Bible, perfect as it is in its simplicity, does not answer to the great ideas of God; for infinite ideas cannot be perfectly embodied in finite vehicles of thought. Instead of the expressions of the Bible being exaggerated, as many people suppose, the strong expressions break down before the magnificence of the thought, though the penman selected the most expressive language through which to convey the truths of higher education. Sinful beings can only bear to look upon a shadow of the brightness of heaven's glory.--Letter 121, 1901. Have you ever been presenting the truth of the Word to someone, and suddenly they deny it. Are we to compromise truth for the sake of unity or is truth to be the source of our unity? Should we be divided by truth, or united in error? How do we test everything to see if it is truth or not. Be Berean in word, deed, and power. There are few things that so effectively undermine the testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world today, as division among those who call themselves Christ's ones... Would you sacrifice truth for unity? Why would we refuse to listen to the plea of the Holy Spirit? Why refuse to reason with God to come to the same mind in the same judgement? This evolves out of a heart that is in a right attitude toward Christ first and foremost, and also in a right attitude to brethren and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus says he came to bring division…why. Luke 12:51 Most study the bible seeking to gain an outward possession of peace on earth. That is a supposition embraced by those who do not reason with the word of God. They fail to understand diverse passages of truth that unite the old testament’s concealments, with the new testament’s revelations. But Christ’s words show them to be mistaken, the events declare the contrary. Because of sin, the effect of the teaching of the whole truth of the bible will be division .  The design of the gospel and its proper tendency are to unite the people of God to one another, to knit them together in holy love, and, if all would receive it, this would be the effect of it; but there being multitudes that not only will not receive it, but oppose it, and have their corruptions exasperated by it, and are enraged at those that do receive it, it proves, though not the cause, yet the occasion of division. But when the power of truth is taught, many are enlightened by it, and turn from the power of Satan to God, then there is a disturbance, a noise and a shaking ,  for good. Ezekiel 37:7 Some will distinguish themselves for God by embracing the truth through reasoning, and others grow angry that they do so. There will be different sentiments in the things of God, which will occasion division ;  and Christ permits it for holy ends. This division will reach into private families, and the teaching of the word will give occasion for discord among the nearest relations. Luke 12:52, 53 The one that continues in unbelief will be provoked, and will avoid, hate, and persecute the one, that by faith and obedience, studies and hears the word. Unbelief and disobedience is self condemnation. A spirit of narrow mindedness will break through the strongest bonds of relation and natural affection. You want to see anger stirred…teach the truth! When you stand for the truth, no care about how much love you show, your enemy will be revealed. Do not let the revelation of these surprise you. Keep your self worthy of Jesus. Seek his truth in his word. It must be our utmost priority regardless of the cost. Matthew 10:34 What is this sword…the word of God. All of Christ’s teachings. Truth draws a line…a line of choice that builds in the unity of faith, the body of Christ. Truth is never obscure. It is Jesus and the One whom he sent. I John 5:6 And who is this Spirit? II Corinthians 3:17 To even reason with God for the truth we must go through Jesus. And our striving is for unity…unity of the Spirit. John 14:6 Ephesians 4:3 If unity is not in truth, then it is in error. Babel was unity, that’s fact. But was its unity based in truth? The truth divides and unifies. The people called by God have the courage to always inquire further by asking the right questions to get to the right source of what is said. We are not to let our assumptions about what God says guide us, we are to let His truth determine our spiritual journey. We sometimes place more emphasis on what we want to be true rather than the truth that God has provided for us in His Word. Are we guilty of, at times, wanting to bend God to our will rather than having Him conform us to His? Sometimes we approach God’s Word with our fingers in our ears shouting "no" when He wants us to learn of Him. There is an abundance of misunderstandings about God out there. The bible is inspired by God, and authoritative for faith and practice. To deny any of the word of God is to deny faith and without faith, all doings are unpleasurable to God. This is how and why God’s people are separate from the world. It is certainly crucially consequentially ceaselessly detemined that we discern and distinguish truth from error, to enter into the kingdom. We must avoid mishandling the word of God. We must learn how to hold the truth with certainty and persuasion while affirming the clarity of scripture, for not every doctrine is equally clear. Therefore, it always is right to speak slowly, hear fully, and to engage entirely all discussions with instruction to show thyself approved unto God at the forefront of our minds. That said, there are some secondary truths which are not to be eclipsed or denied. For they are necessary to the commitment of the primary truth. Truth is not based upon an independent silo of thought, it must be recognized in its connection to alltruth. By God’s grace, when truth is found in one place, it will be carried in another place. This is why as a principle of reasoning God’s thoughts after Him, it must be recognized that the views we hold that are arrived at through study, do interpenetrate one another. One truth is to inform us of other truths…and rightly understood; God will preserve us from a world of errors. No truth is minimized and all truth reminds us that we first and foremost stand united for God, in Christ, by his word, and the eternal realities of heaven. By this we are better equipped to discuss differences with people and to share the gospel. God grants us wisdom to rightly divide His Word, and separate ourselves from those who abide in error, even as we prayerfully and compassionately attempt to draw them to truth as it is in Jesus Christ, regardless of their current doctrinal convictions. None are above the spiritual knowledge or the spiritual experiences of Christ as written in the word. The spiritual's spirituality will be evidenced in humility and in unity; and carnality will be evidenced in pride and divisiveness. Christ is not divided. Bible believers who are born-again by the Spirit of God are able to come together in community. Biblical balance is found in the sanctuarial truth. We must stand and be divided, but also be united with those in Christ.

  • Spiritual Weariness Pt 2 of 2...

    11 minutes John 8:12 It’s the last day of the feast. It is concluded with much solemnity. There was much sacred teaching on the foregoing days, much intenseness of mind. All had ears concerned to hear the oracles of gospel truth. Lingering in the minds and hearts was the expectation that God would establish His peace on earth. Souls were wearied and desired refreshing. John 7:37-39 Jesus called the Spirit “living water”. Sometimes spiritual reservoirs are wearied and need replenishing. One of the insidious things about this world…it will burden you. I must stay yoked up to Christ. I find studying the whole of scripture is like drinking from the fountain of life and this keeps my soul satisfied and uplifted. God’s call to the believer is perseverance and finishing strong. I will battle spiritual weariness and indifference, but I must continue to reap while there is time. I am to take care that my heart motivations are right, that my thoughts are pure, and that the fruit of the Spirit is evident in my life. I am also to be active in serving others by bearing their burdens and showing them good will, such that they will see Jesus’ good works in me and glorify my Father in heaven. I strive to never allow my works to become mere form and function rather than the outworking of love and the abundant life in Christ. God wants a heart of devotion, love, passion, and commitment. Enduring isn’t simply continuing in doing “right things,” but it is a matter of being determined and well ordered by the love of God. Many rejections and more suffering than I can conceive of will bring much weariness to my heart. I know this. But Christ is my hope. He never grows tired or weary, and he promises to renew the strength of those who wait upon him. Jesus knows and understands that relying on willpower alone to sustain me spiritually is not going to suffice. He has made preparation for me. II Corinthians 12:9, 10 When I am sensing a spiritual weariness, I acknowledge it is a condition of sin. It is a time when the human flesh grows weary and spiritual fatigue sets in. I repent of it and call to God. I know that strength will soon follow after. Weary seasons are coming, are here now. Sin’s seed is bearing much fruit. A world wide change will see many lost as they enter the paths of iniquity. God’s people will finish everyday with a sigh, a cry. My heart pleads – no more. It hurts to take account of the sorrows of the soul as I witness the many who are missing God’s voice calling. Lament has its place, and this act of bringing my worst pains before God’s presence, is a vulnerable and sacred act whereby I desire to give hope of abundant life I know His promises. Jesus came into the weary world. And because of Jesus, I’m not alone in weariness. My every burden is shouldered by him. This close relationship becomes a way of learning, growing, and knowing God deeper. I have this relational invitation from God to align my heart with the life of His Son. Spiritual weariness is a lifelessness that worms its way into the soul. It can wear upon the heart and the mind - in a way that gives pause to establishing thoughts that strengthen the spiritual core. It’s more than something physical. It’s spiritual. Where does deep soul weariness come from? It surpasses understanding. That’s why Jesus says, “come unto me". The burdens of God’s people are not simple. And only the word of God is strong enough to relieve this heaviness. Into this weariness steps the most complex power in existence, speaking a promise as simple, hopeful, and refreshing as I could possibly want. Jesus simply offers himself as the solution to all that burdens his people. Matthew 11:28-30 This is the uniqueness of Jesus as who he claims to be: the eternal Word made flesh, the Creator. His simple promise implies a power behind it, more than sufficient to lift every weight that bears upon me. And here is where the faith of the burdened soul is tested. In just believing his promise. This is the evidence and the substance wherein I find rest and assurance, that in these last days, my God is for me. Jesus does not want my soul resting on the how and when of things. Rather he wants my faith, my trust, resting in the surety that he will keep his promise to me in the best way, and at the best time. This is the hope that I rest in. And the distraction of weariness is made non- existent. And the only work for me to do is to yoke up and abide in him. However, please hear this about spiritual weariness…it’s a reminder that to be poured out in God’s service is not a bad thing. I was reminded that I’m not on this earth for comfort. Comfort is not a biblical principle. The time is short and if I am doing the work of Christ I do not have the choice of comfort…I am on wartime footing. I choose to seek strength from the Lord, rest in the grace of Christ, and set my heart on the rest to come. The world today is fallen. And spiritual weariness is a hard thing, not necessarily a bad thing, when it brings you to seek God. When I am weary, I am weary for a cause. I have no strength to save. To do the things God has called me to do, may bring weariness at times, but it is a sign that work has been done. If I be spent, let me be spent for God’s glory. I accept it as a season of life responding to the calling of God. God uses this to discipline me and to cultivate true rest. I must be willing to follow Jesus into the little discomforts. Spiritual weariness is part of my living sacrifice to the Lord as I am found in the center of His will. It is for my perseverance that I am to press on through the weariness for the prize .  Not of earthly satisfaction, but an upward call to lasting rest in Jesus Christ, the everlasting God. It is a sign of being called by God to be weary in the Lord’s work and not be weary of the Lord’s work. Faith will heal all weariness. It is in the hour of spiritual weariness that I wait on God’s timing. And it is in the waiting that I may extend hope to other fainthearted souls. Because I choose to not murmur, I benefit from the silent effect in the same way that the Holy Spirit, as the wind, lifts those who are waiting in hope. This is not a blessing that I will forfeit. It is in the most uncomfortable situations in these last days that God will produce in me, the complement to help others see the goodness and sovereignty of God in all of life. I must allow my spiritual weariness to identify with Jesus. John 4:6

  • Spiritual Weariness Pt 1 of 2...

    12minutes God humbly put Himself on this earth and on the cross for the sake of humanity. Matthew 11:28-30 Lord please help me in my discomfort as I confess my weariness to you. Please strengthen me that I may continue to push forward. This is part of the process of growing in deep relationship with Jesus. Cause me to press into Jesus, that I come through stronger, closer to God, and more mature in my faith. I know there will be inevitable seasons and trials in my life. And in Christ there is hope for what troubles my mind, body, or soul. Jesus doesn’t promise to take despair away, but he does promise to carry me until I see sights of his love and hope once again. My condition sometimes drains me. When I see the things that I am not doing for the sake of Christ, a sense of exasperation hits me. Oh, that I might run to the sanctuary. I am experiencing the loss of souls. And my sorrowfulness is tugging at my faith. My nights are long and weary with prayer. I toss till dawn. My days fly faster than a weaver’s shuttle. This human life is a struggle. Thank God it is only but a breath. I know I am being commissioned by God and He is changing the direction of my life. I ask that my God strengthen me to face danger, betrayal, conflict, rejection, and lack of enthusiasm. That I stay on purpose and be used mightily to spread Christ’s message of redemption to others. Joshua 1:6-9 It is by the word of God that I open my heart to receive the immeasurable joy that washes away weariness. Studying the word always changes my circumstances. The word gives me comfort of a supernatural peace that forges a surer faith in the word of God. The word restores my soul. The words of truth are powerful to keep me separated from the encroachments of the world. I know that I am in the time that God is giving me more grace. For it is necessary for my doing holiness and becoming like Jesus. This grace is not only the source of my salvation, it is the source right now, of my sanctification. To be sure, holiness does not come easily. There is no holiness without effort. And this effort requires a growing discipline to every word of God as shown in the life of Jesus Christ. There are times in my life where I should be mourning. That is the time when I fail to have thoughts of righteousness, time when I fail to convey thoughts of truth through the words I speak, time where laughter is inappropriate and a more serious posture is demanded. My principle must always be to echo the Lord’s teachings and this done in humility. The condition of the world today is no laughing matter. In these final days even our appearance is to be captured in lowliness. As I come closer to God I should be deeply sorry, I should be grieved, I should even be in tears. My laughter will have to become mourning, my high spirits will have to become heartfelt dejection. I will have to feel very small in the sight of God that He can, and will, set me on my feet once more to stand. I must be more aware of what things I allow myself to become entangled. I am to be whole in my faith if I am to walk with Jesus. I am to be fully formed with integrity if I am to teach his word. I must be an in-the-face kind of writer if I am to press upon the minds of others the themes about the goodness of created things in and of themselves. I am to have such compassion for all, as to love them in their lostness and seek to win them to Christ. I am to sorrow for others being deceived. I am to have a disturbing pain excited by others rejecting the word of God. I am to have a consuming desire to have everybody to come to Christ. I ask God to settle my heart with those passages of truth that really require my self-examination to be reasoned in terms of wisdom that comes from above. This wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. The bible itself calls me to do many things beside read the bible. To obey the bible, I leave the bible on the desk. I leave the bible for the sake of the bible, that I remember always to do the things that don’t undermine my capacity to delight in what I find in the bible. Let me say that again. When I leave the bible for the sake of the bible, I must not do things that have effect on my heart and mind which unfit me for deeper, sweeter reveling in the glories of what I find in the bible. It is that knowing the word is always on the table that leaves me refined and intensified in my capacity to delight in the unsearchable riches of Christ in the scriptures. This, that I might by the grace of the Holy Spirit, ward off being mentally and spiritually spent. The bible encourages me to touch God by looking to the sky, seeing the trees, walking the fields, listening to the birds and animals, sighing in the wind, these things give grace to my soul. Weariness and wasted leisure are left off when these things are pursued in God, rather than instead of God. God is allowing me to watch the things of the world as a sober warning to myself, that any friendship with the world is not only dangerous, but it can ultimately be damning. Therefore, I do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and I do not lose heart when He rebukes me, because the bible says, and I know the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastens the one He accepts as His Son. Scripture means so much to me, and I understand God’s committed love for me, and as I comprehend the depths of God’s love, the more I am filled with the fullness of God. This is that which compels me to want all to know of the truth, that the word of God is, that they too may come to know God’s love more, by reading and studying His Word. The bible speaks the Word of God and love is often confirmed through the spokenword. God does the same with us. His love and His loving acts are continually confirmed to me through His written Word. The more I read and study it, the more I comprehend it and am changed by it. I know that if ever I neglect God’s Word, I will begin to doubt God’s love and be drawn to the world. I ask for honesty. Can any admit to at some time being spiritually wearied? Just simply tired of all the sin that is, and that is being made, more foreseeable. I ask God to teach me to respond to weariness in a godly way. I know that Job, Noah, Elijah, Peter, Paul grew weary in their trials, in people refusing to heed their warnings, in thinking no one else had the courage to speak up for God, weary of their failures, weary of travels, of persecution. The believers’ life is not easy. Enough tribulation will eventually lead to weariness. The counsel is to wait on the Lord. Spiritual weariness is to be expected but it is not to be accepted. As long as I have the power of the risen Lord Jesus available, I don’t have to give in to weariness. There is a power called God…that power is explained in the word of scripture; sought in prayer; made available by the death of Jesus; and applied to my life by the Holy Spirit. I thank God there is a time for rest, the holy sabbath day. At the end of day six, I am simply languished. The mind consumes vastly more energy than other organs in the body. Think of this dramatic moment recorded in the life of Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles. It was the “season of rejoicing”. The Feast of Tabernacles marked the end of the religious calendar year that started in the spring with Passover. God’s grand work, which began with Passover, and its redemption story, culminated with the Feast of Tabernacles and its theme of restoration. It was the seventh and final God-ordained observance as recorded in Leviticus 23. It was also the third and final annual feast that required the people to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The people resided in temporary booths. They were to gather at the sanctuary for a jubilant, seven-day celebration. The first day and the eighth, which was added at the end of the week, were considered Sabbaths. At the temple, priests hurried around the altar, offering special sacrifices. Hearts yearned for spiritual understanding of the meaning of this ceremony as men of piety taught from dawn to sunset and into the night. There were two great temple lamps symbolizing two realities; the “Light of all Lights”, the Shekinah Glory, the visible presence of God that filled the very first temple, and the Great Light, the Messianic prophecy of the one who would soon come and bring light to those who were spiritually dead and dwelling in darkness. Isaiah 9:2 Continued...

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